Goals for October 2018

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BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Sep 3, 2014

What the heck happened to September? I blinked and it was over. I hope you guys were productive.

Let me share this: Productivity Tips From SERPWoo

I listened to that at the start of September and went back to Pomodoro's and Time Boxing. I had failed with them in the past due to lack of discipline but @eliquid got me back on the ball with that podcast episode. It's been a game changer for me. Check that out if you're not getting enough done in your days.

It's the start of October. A perfect time to get your work schedule together. Watch out though, we're leading right into the holiday season. It's so easy to get distracted at a time we should be buckling down. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve... there's even more squeezed in there depending on your culture. Guess what people do during these times? They spend GOBS of money.

Let's not forget to mention Black Friday till Cyber Monday, which has become an all weekend event at this point.

What's it gonna be, builders? It's time to get positioned and be ready to get your own holiday bonus.
My wife has quit her job and has become a full-time student, so I need to double down on increasing my earnings online.
My main site got slapped with the latest Google update, so I will be looking to do the following in October:
  1. Review/purge/prune/merge existing content to make the posts/site more relevant.
  2. Add more content (have a writer producing content for me now too, but will double-down on adding more myself).
  3. Add some links (paid niche placements).
I've transitioned away from marketing mainly ( articles, promotion of articles, the podcast, checklists, onboarding emails and flow ) to coding and programming as my focus for now.

I find myself doing this back and forth generally ( not 100% though ) every 3 to 6 months.

It's a nice change when it does happen. The ability to be able to make such a change is rewarding mentally at times. The back and forth helps with any burnout that might creep up when you focus on 1 area for too long.

My main goals are to fix anything that "seems" broken. Not that anything is broke, but how can it be improved? What doesn't have safeguards? What have we touched more than twice? How can we improve scale before scale happens again?

Past that, its also to bring some new ideas online I have. Some new ideas are already coming online from Carter, but I have my own little basket full of them that I would like to push out too for SERPWoo.

It's going to be an exciting Q4 and Q1-Q2 for SERPWoo to say the least.

Some people will be butthurt, some will moan and pound their fist on their desk, many more will plot and scheme on how to overtake us, but all of them will be fearful and running scared in the streets.

One word will be the focus for the next 6 months: Pandemonium

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I remembered to get in here halfway through the month. Whenever I start the thread, I forget to post my goals. :(

Main Project
I've been talking about these 25 money posts for months now and how I was getting them on a conveyer belt system. Well I took on a huge project from another member here and ultimately put those 25 posts on hold while I slammed out this other work. I was still dripping other content, albeit slowly. Well, I quit using that as an excuse and got back to it and have 7 of them (I think) completely done and published. I want to get the rest published this month. If you count all the other work I have going, it takes about a day per post to finish up and get published. Should be doable.

Site Build
I finished! There will likely be some on-going finishing touches or minor changes, of course. But for the most part I'm done with that and get back to the regularly scheduled program.

Incoming Service
I'm going to pause for the first part of the month on this, but I want to take a lot of the site build time I was spending and use it on this service. Like I mentioned before, there's a lot of front-loaded work that'll make the rest of it much smoother. I need to get that done so I can get launched. I can't be too hasty or it'll be done wrong, and I won't "finish" this until the service is launched and I begin to see what else I need to add too.

Builder Society
I've got some stuff that I'll be writing this month that'll be of benefit to the community at large. Be on the lookout!

Main Project - 14/25 done! 11 to go. I couldn't get them all done but I made huge progress. I see zero reason to not finish them this next month. I also invested a large chunk of cash into the project to try to maintain, recover, and grow. These last Google updates have been a ridiculous shuffling of rankings.

Site Build - I did have to do some fixes and I'm sure it'll keep going, but this seems to be 99% done.

Incoming Service - Same deal. Everything I'm doing is leading to me focusing 90% on this very soon. Tying up every other loose end I can first. But I may change that and start pecking at this again.

Builder Society - Written & coming soon!

Time to think about November!
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