Want To Hire SEO Expert

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Dec 2, 2014
Can you build a site from scratch and rank it nicely for even very competitive keywords?

Then I want to hire you to do just that for me.

I give you a keyword/set of keywords. You build a site that ranks for them while I pay you monthly. If things are going well and you are achieving and maintaining good ranking you get paid more and more.

My funnel can covert traffic very nicely and we buy lots of traffic very profitably to do just that. This is an experiment in "buying" incrementally more traffic in a different kind of way.
Why not offer to partner with someone on this?

If they have the skill set to rank for competitive terms, I'd imagine that they would want to work for themselves.

I get that your selling point is a converting funnel, but that's a tough sell to an SEO with skills.
I get that your selling point is a converting funnel, but that's a tough sell to an SEO with skills.
SEOs I've come across are not business owners nor do they want to be entrepreneurs. This industry has somewhat gotten SEO confused with being your own boss simply because they can rank a website. I find that people that do have the skills have no ideas on what to rank let alone run a successful growing business. They would rather waste months trying to rank for Disney video game walkthroughs versus competing in an industry that makes them retirement money. This generation is stuck wasting time with video games versus focusing on being a business owner. Some people are just meant for the job life.
but that's a tough sell to an SEO with skills.

Totally. That was also my first thought.

rather waste months trying to rank for Disney video game walkthroughs

I don't know where you're looking for SEO's, and while you do have a point, there are plenty of even shitty SEO's that rank for profitable terms. The SERP's are full of them.
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SEOs I've come across are not business owners nor do they want to be entrepreneurs.

Hi, nice to meet you. Business owner, entrepreneur, SEO.
SEOs I've come across are not business owners nor do they want to be entrepreneurs. This industry has somewhat gotten SEO confused with being your own boss simply because they can rank a website. I find that people that do have the skills have no ideas on what to rank let alone run a successful growing business. They would rather waste months trying to rank for Disney video game walkthroughs versus competing in an industry that makes them retirement money. This generation is stuck wasting time with video games versus focusing on being a business owner. Some people are just meant for the job life.

The only thing I can say to this is that you've probably been exposed to a lot of newbies in the SEO world. The broad circle of SEO professionals that I've dealt with are pretty damn sharp and have had no problem turning their ranking skills into $xxx,xxx per year.

You're right, though. Not everyone is a business owner. Everyone has a different personality, and some people just enjoy working a job.
The only thing I can say to this is that you've probably been exposed to a lot of newbies in the SEO world. The broad circle of SEO professionals that I've dealt with are pretty damn sharp and have had no problem turning their ranking skills into $xxx,xxx per year.

You're right, though. Not everyone is a business owner. Everyone has a different personality, and some people just enjoy working a job.

I am walking proof of that statement. I technically don't own anything yet still have my "own business". If you are good at SEO and produce results, there should be no prob finding a 6 figure job or contract.
Why not offer to partner with someone on this?

If they have the skill set to rank for competitive terms, I'd imagine that they would want to work for themselves.

I get that your selling point is a converting funnel, but that's a tough sell to an SEO with skills.

Oh that's me just communicating bad here I guess. By "partner" do you mean instead of paying upfront do a lifetime revshare on the earnings of the site? I'm certainly open to that too.

I'm not looking for a single person to come work for me in an office at some tiny wage. I'm looking for an independent contractor either a freelancer or someone with a team. The more they can handle the more we can do.

Someone that can deliver I can be paying them 6-7 figures a month easy. And that's not hypothetical pie in the sky money, we already spend that on paid traffic.

If you know how to rank sites and like to do it for money, you really won't find a more profitable project than working with me on this. Someone is going to make millions over the next few years with me on this.
If you are still searching for someone let me know. I have worked in competitive industries such as insurance,finance etc, and was ranking just fine. If you got a budget we can do it.
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