What was the last movie you watched? How was it?

Oh no, Ganon has collected the triforce pieces.
Someone recommend a series to take up.

I just finished Rick and Morty which was a lot of fun.
what's BigFoot's role in all of this?

Finally out of the shadows. The goverment has released 1500 pages of their UFO docs and interesting enough BigFoot makes an appearance!

One fascinating document included in an Acquisition Threat Support report, sets out how to categorise "anomalous behaviour" - with encounters with "ghosts, yetis, spirits, elves and other mythical/ legendary entities" classed as "AN3".

Seeing a UFO with aliens on board would be "CE3".

Source: X-FILES Pentagon releases 1,500 pages of secret documents about shadowy UFO programme after four year battle

Here is the rating system:

AN Rating
Classifies any anomalous behavior

AN1: Anomalies which have no lasting physical effects. i.e. amorphous lights, unexplained explosions.

AN2: Anomalies which do have lasting physical effects. i.e. poltergeists, materialized objects, areas of flattened grass, corn circles.

AN3: Anomalies with associated entities. i.e. ghosts, yetis, spirits, elves and other mythical/legendary entities.

AN4: Witness interaction with the AN3 entities. ie. near-death experiences, religious miracles and visions, OBEs (out-of-body experiences).

AN5: Anomalous reports of injuries or death. i.e. SHC(spontaneous human combustion), unexplained wounds as well as permanent healing that results from a paranormal experience.

Source: SPACE INVADERS UFO encounters left witnesses with radiation burns, brain problems & damaged nerves, claims Pentagon docs


So what I have come to the conclusion of BigFoot being an alien or the pet of aliens seems to fall in line with what the government's been researching.

The only problem is they aren't at Jacques Vallée's theory of inter-dimensional beings.

Notice how these "mythical creatures" always "appear from nowhere" and the "disappear without a trace".

Angels, elves, bigfoot, aliens... I'm still on the inter-dimensional being theory, that they can enter and leave this dimension at will.

But SOME are talking to to a a blackbox algorithm level, "control system". I'm still not there yet, but I'm arriving.

Either way, things are about to get more interesting... What a time to be alive.

The Conjuring 3 which was a very pleasent, but scary surprise.

I'm a fan of well made suspenseful horror of the Exorcist variant, that builds the drama and makes you fear what you don't see and The Conjuring series is just great at this.

They take place in the 70s and have this nice aesthetic with analog tech and legacy americano. I think it's the perfect setting for a horror film, because you have this time of upheaval, but also still some moral naivety.

The first two were incredibly scary to me, guaranteed nightmares, but the third one wasn't that bad. They even had a bonafide happy ending. I think they made it a little more mainstream, but it was still very good.

They did some things very well though, like adding in several fakeouts that are sort of meta and one very clever play on woke, but it's so subtle people will register it in the back of their mind, but its yet another fakeout.

7.5/10 recommended.
The last movie I saw was a Sci-fi:

It has all the elements I like in a movie, unpredictability, plot twists, good CGI. CGI is better than it's time, they obviously didn't have all those Ryzen, GTX firepower like they do now.
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.

Loved it.
Scratched that quirky sci-fi itch that I usually have to go to Douglas Adams for.
Not a movie but LOVED Black Summer Season 2.
Black Winter!

I didn't enjoy it as much as season one, which was a masterpiece, especially that last episode where they barely cut the camera. Pretty amazing. But I did enjoy season 2 enough to warrant finishing it. Had some fun scenes, especially them trying to drag that pile of goods up the hill.
Black Winter!

I didn't enjoy it as much as season one, which was a masterpiece, especially that last episode where they barely cut the camera. Pretty amazing. But I did enjoy season 2 enough to warrant finishing it. Had some fun scenes, especially them trying to drag that pile of goods up the hill.
Yep so good. I wish they’d make it a long term series like the walking dead which is laughably bad at this point.

there’s talk that Netflix won’t renew though as it didn’t do massive numbers.
Slightly unrelated:
Any of u guys watched youtube channels like Daniel Movie CC or Story Recapped? There's LIKE TONS of channels like this where they literally summarize the whole movie. This way you watch movies much faster and you have to sit through entire movie if it's a shit movie. These type of channels blew up like crazy, I used to watch many of their videos.
Slightly unrelated:
Any of u guys watched youtube channels like Daniel Movie CC or Story Recapped? There's LIKE TONS of channels like this where they literally summarize the whole movie. This way you watch movies much faster and you have to sit through entire movie if it's a shit movie. These type of channels blew up like crazy, I used to watch many of their videos.
No but if I'm watching a movie and it ends up sucking or being artsy fartsy and wasting a lot of time, I'll put it at 2x or even 3x (I use VLC at the computer). I'm not wasting my life on crap movies. The problem is I encounter a lot of them because I'm willing to dig through the pile of manure to find the few gems hiding out there in my preferred genres (Fantasy, Scifi, Horror).
No but if I'm watching a movie and it ends up sucking or being artsy fartsy and wasting a lot of time, I'll put it at 2x or even 3x (I use VLC at the computer). I'm not wasting my life on crap movies. The problem is I encounter a lot of them because I'm willing to dig through the pile of manure to find the few gems hiding out there in my preferred genres (Fantasy, Scifi, Horror).
One of my friends literally didn't watch the rest of the movie called "To Catch Me If You Can" <- amazing movie. Like he needs to be entertained quite early on where and his standards for movie is much higher. Whereas for me to call a movie shit, it must really suck.

But yea sometimes some movies start off pretty shit. But I think watching it 2-3x speed is hard to even enjoy and stuff. A good Summary with scenes of the movie is really nice at first it might seem kinda shit but watch like 2-3 of them and you will like them. Usually, they are like 7-15 minutes from what I remember. ALSO, these channels like Daniel Movie CC typically tend to have movies you haven't heard about.

A Few Good Movies I Like & You Might LIke:
- Django
- To Catch Me If You Can
- Captain Philips
- Law Abiding Citizen
- Matrix
- Terminator 2
- Dark Knight Movies
For all my corporate in-house SEOs out there Severance on Apple TV was fucking dope, really captured the dystopian reality of cubicle life.
Just watched the Mission Impossible movie from '96 for the first time. Definitely was made in '96, jeez.

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Don't watch the trailer, just dive in.

A24 movies are usually worth the watch imo. I hate finishing a movie and feeling like "I've seen this movie 100 times already," so even if a movie is a miss but does things kinda unique, I'll enjoy that aspect of it.

I highly recommend checking this one out.
Everything Everywhere All at Once

Don't watch the trailer, just dive in.

A24 movies are usually worth the watch imo. I hate finishing a movie and feeling like "I've seen this movie 100 times already," so even if a movie is a miss but does things kinda unique, I'll enjoy that aspect of it.

I highly recommend checking this one out.

I agree - a fun movie with plenty of very funny moments.
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.

Loved it.
Scratched that quirky sci-fi itch that I usually have to go to Douglas Adams for.
That's a great one!

I recently watched "I Care A Lot" - not bad, actually. The scheme that is no doubt existent in US
People, recommend something to watch that isn't destroyed by woke on the Netflix preview alone.

I can't watch anything anymore because I turn it off as soon as the the black viking is on the screen or the girlboss character.
People, recommend something to watch that isn't destroyed by woke on the Netflix preview alone.

I can't watch anything anymore because I turn it off as soon as the the black viking is on the screen or the girlboss character.
Do you talk like that in real life or just online?

You could watch Gridiron Gang, where most of the black people are criminals.
I think in The Longest Yard, Stone Cold calls Nelly the n-word.
Most of the Rocky movies are on there too, where Rocky beats up a few black people and a Russian (beware, in the first one
, he loses to the brother).

Asked June 26 about allegations of secret UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering programs, Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) made several stunning statements.

In an exclusive interview, Rubio told NewsNation Washington correspondent Joe Khalil that multiple individuals with “very high clearances and high positions within our government” “have come forward to share” “first-hand” UFO-related claims “beyond the realm of what [the Senate Intelligence Committee] has ever dealt with.”

Rubio’s comments provide context for a bipartisan provision adopted unanimously by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which would immediately halt funding for any secret government or contractor efforts to retrieve and reverse-engineer craft of “non-earth” or “exotic” origin.

This extraordinary language added to the Senate version of the Intelligence authorization bill mirrors and adds significant credibility to a whistleblower’s recent, stunning allegations that a clandestine, decades-long effort to recover, analyze and exploit objects of “non-human” origin has been operating illegally without congressional oversight.


Beyond the Senate Intelligence Committee, the powerful investigative body that oversees the nation’s intelligence agencies found the aforementioned whistleblower’s allegations — that secret UFO-related programs are illegally withheld from Congress — to be “credible and urgent.”

Moreover, according to two reports, multiple military, intelligence and contractor officials corroborated claims that the U.S. government or private companies possess multiple craft of possible “non-human” origin.


Funding would also be cut for “the development of propulsion technology, or aerospace craft that uses propulsion technology, systems, or subsystems, that is based on or derived from or inspired by inspection, analysis, or reverse engineering of recovered [UFOs] or materials.

The “sense of Congress” is that any illegally hidden craft of “non-earth” or “exotic” origin must be brought out of the shadows for broader scientific and industrial analysis. In particular, the goal of the legislation is to “avoid technology stovepipes” — a reference to the non-sharing of information due to excessive secrecy and compartmentalization — and to integrate any recovered “exotic technology” into the nation’s broader “industrial base.”

These individuals would then have six months to turn over “all such material and information,” as well as “a comprehensive list of all non-earth origin or exotic [UFO] material.”

(Source: Congress doubles down on explosive claims of illegal UFO retrieval programs )​

Now why would they need to do ANY of this if we don't already possess alien crafts? The interesting part is they are being forced to bring it out of the shadows for broader scientific and industrial analysis... Here we go boys and girls...

If this passes and then in 6 months time we'll start seeing alien tech being announced, we are looking at 2024 summer of aliens tech. Interesting time to be alive.
