How do you maintain clarity amongst the chaos?

Jan 2, 2021
How do you keep a clear mind? How do you deal with the stress and uncertainty of each decision? It is a vague topic, do give your own interpretations and responses.
This is something I’ve been focusing on lately. I’ve come to realize I’ve been setting outcome oriented goals, and the outcomes are largely beyond my control, so I’ve switched up to process oriented goals. So instead of “I will achieve X amount of work by the end of the day” I’ve been thinking along the lines of “I’ll exert this amount of effort during the work, not getting bogged down by minor decisions or details”.

I’ve also been trying to change my self-image. “Im the kind of person who exerts the right amount of effort and sees things clearly and makes clear decisions and commits to them.”

Also, getting out of future-oriented negative fortune telling. Instead of envisioning a negative outcome like “if this article or video flips it’ll have a bad outcome on my cash flow” I either remain hopeful or make no such projection, instead celebrating the successful process. This decouples the outcome from the effort so energy stays high instead of feeling forlorn.

It also removes the pressure from decisions. We also don’t know the outcomes of the other decisions we can’t make. When we choose one thing we say no to the ten thousand other things. There’s no reason to assume any of the ten thousand were better or we would have chosen them.

In the end, we need to monitor our subtle thinking patterns and be kind to ourselves. It truly is not the destination that matters, but the quality of the journey. We make our best decisions with gut instinct and some intellectual analysis and move forward. Looking back will make you lame and incapable of moving in any direction. And you can’t steer a parked car!
It's the simple stuff - eat and drink clean. No alcohol, fruits, and veggies. Plenty of sleep. Also, I got my T levels checked and fixed it as much as I could.

Oh and gym, with lots of cardio.
How do you keep a clear mind? How do you deal with the stress and uncertainty of each decision? It is a vague topic, do give your own interpretations and responses.
just do what you have to do, you can't try to control everything, that will drive you crazy. simply do what must be done, there is 0 need for all this bullshit abt get your T levels up, eat super clean, go gym, wake up early, just do what you can, and let go of controlling everything. (everything mentioned would help though). All those things just make you a control freak over your life
To keep my mind clear I do meditation and breathing exercises, it help so much especially when you are under pressure.
I smoke a ton of weed and listen to the Grateful Dead all day. Jerry makes the decisions for me.

Just kidding (kind of). Keeping a clear mind is possibly the hardest part of the grind. Sometimes there's just an existential weight where everything feels pointless, like you're shouting into the void. I am my own worst enemy but also my own best friend.

I like to go out in my garden and pull weeds. Walk around the yard with a bucket. Leave my phone inside. Connect with nature. Cools me down every time.

Also like to go sailing and stare at the water and the horizon. Same effect on me as gardening.

And then I like to work when everyone else is asleep. 10pm to 4am are my best hours. The peace and quiet helps me find a groove and focus deeply. Then it all starts to make sense. Or, it doesn't, and you keep going anyway.