Make Internet Monies 101


Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014

Table of Content

Lesson #1: Arbitration

This is one is for online noobs - people that have literally nothing (well lets assume you can pull together $100 - you're a fucking grown adult so that shouldn't be hard).

Humans tend to make things more complicated than necessary. Cause "it can't be that easy" - BUT it really easy.

You don't need a brand new idea, you don't marketing budgets, you don't even need a brain to a certain extent.

You also don't need any traditional "make money online" stuff: No social media posting, No blogs, No content to write, you don't even need a fucking website.

You need to keep it simple.

This is where we are at in this society. What you need to do is watch what people buy.

Arbitration is really all there is in the world. You have something, someone else wants it, you sell it. They don't need to know where you got it from.

We are going to use simple odd examples, odd cause it makes you understand that you can sell anything as long as there is an audience. We are going to use "Orthodox Crosses" and "Orgonite Pyramids".

At Etsy here is a typical cross being sold:


$280 is a decent haul. "Handcrafted", and the reviews show "amazing, well crafted!", etc.

Here is a smaller version of the cross:


Going for $20.

Here is a one of these pyramids:


$51 is a pretty good.

Here is a group of them:


The are ranging from $15 to $93 on Etsy.

Now the question is - who is making these and what's the profits?

Enter AliExpress - Alibaba's little brother (You can get things even cheaper from Alibaba but you are ordering in bulk).

Let's find these two.

The crosses going for $3.98 to $4.98:



The pyramids go from $2.28 to $5.97 (and yes you can order 1):




So now it's clicking right.

The big chain there is getting $260+ in profit (at Alibaba those big ones go for $16 a piece).

The small chain that shop is getting $18+ profit.

The pyramid is looking at $44+ in profit.

I looked up these "shops" selling them, SEVERAL are in foreign countries, 2 of the above Etsy shops are in Ukraine actually. So they got a warning sign above that things being be delayed.

So take your $100, buy something from AliExpress, and turn around and sell that to high end marketplaces.

These Suburban moms are running circles around some of ya'll at this point. Imagine just selling a pyramid a day, $40+ in your pockets, you bought 20 of them for $100. Go to the post office every Friday to send them out and you for $280 a week in revenue. Eventually that $100 turns into $800 after all 20 are sold.


So now you need an excuse to not take action so "well THAT place is saturated..." Is it thought and if so - so what? If there are 100 pyramid sellers in Etsy that means they are being sold left and right there.

How about other places though?

Lets check what sellers are doing at Amazon:


$23 to $42 for the crosses.


$19 to $30 for the pyramids.

Let's head over to Ebay:

The crosses going for about $12 within the sponsored Ads:


$10 to $19 for the pyramids within the sponsored Ads:


I'm looking at sponsored ADs cause that tells you people are GOING OUT OF THEIR WAY to put marketing budgets behind these products - cause they're profitable!

How about we head over to Walmart - yeah I didn't know they have a marketplace either:

Walmart didn't have the exact crosses, but the pyramids showed up from sellers, the even got a halloween one:


And more:


So from $16 to $30 at Walmart - what happened to their "always low prices" slogan.

FYI also has a marketplace, but I couldn't find either of the items, PERHAPS an opportunity, but I doubt it.

It started to become a game, where can I find more of this stuff show up, Enter Facebook marketplace:

Larger version of the cross going for $22:


The pyramids show up for $15 to $200:


I even took it further and went to Instagram, these fuckers showed up there too.

The crosses going for about $20+:


Pyramids going for $15 to $30:



Who is selling these random items? Suburban housewives, women at home in 3rd world countries, women at home PERIOD, random people that put one and one together, took $100 and flip that a zillion times.

And yet here you are pray to the SEO gods for 100 people a month in organic traffic to get some pennies per visit. #Pathetic

These are random bullshit items. The reason I know about these items is because I see their ADs within Instagram and social media platforms. I'm probably going to get re-targeted to death now, but that's fine. I can tell at this point when an item comes from AliExpress that's being pushed to me, it has gotten ridiculous.

And if you aren't US based, here is a list of online marketplaces from around the world (Ordered by monthly visits): The World’s Top Online Marketplaces



Oh, I forgot to mention, several of the AliExpress sellers will allow you to input your customer's address and send the item directly to them, it may take 4-6 weeks, but if you REALLY are lazy and don't want to carry inventory, well there you go.

The thing about the marketplaces are there are people already there searching for these crosses and pyramids. All organic within the platform.

We didn't really even touch on marketing these items using budgets. The reason I know about the pyramid is I got some Instagram AD one day and thought it looked pretty cool. Now imagine going to these Chakra, spiritual sound bowl meditation mumbo-jumbo guru websites and placing ads on them...

I remember there was a place in Miami Beach on Alton Road called 9th Chakra that sold a ton of this stuff, turns out you can find every single item at AliExpress.

Again don't make things complicated. There is a guy making $1 million from Amazon marketplace selling plastic bins.

We're at a point where you don't need websites or a lot of the old school basics to make money online. Do you know how hard it was to accept credit cards before Shopify stores or even Stripe?


So at this point if you can't pull in $1000 a month minimum after 1-2 month of trial and error - you're brain dead.

You don't need to sit around waiting for 18+ months to start making $1000 a month cause you are going down the "pure SEO" route. If you let these Suburban housewives lap you in getting to $1K, $10K, $100K goals - then what the fuck? And don't give me that "3rd world" bullshit - these people in the Ukraine are still able to send orders.

The reality is when you can sell an item for 300% to 1800% of its costs, you've got something, at the very least a starting point.

Till next time you poor fucks.

- CCarter

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I went on Etsy and I typed in Pyramid. I am seeing over 250 pages worth of those Pyramids. Each page has like 64 worth of products. That's 16000 pyramids that are being sold. Now of course not all of them are pyramids but things related but, doesn't that mean the competition is insane?

Why would someone buy these crystals for more from you on ETSY when on ETSY your competitors are selling them for way cheaper?

Do you think if you were to dropship it from Aliexpress, they would actually buy it considering the shipping time is 4-6 weeks and the other sellers are selling for way cheaper & quicker delivery?

Also, let's assume you were to buy a bunch of these, you list them and no one buys, you just have a loss now.

Also, I believe on Etsy you needa to pay to be able to list items.
competition is insane
No competition = No demand.

I have to ask, did you take away from this that I am telling you to sell Crosses and Pyramids? I used them while stating they are "Odd Examples".

I gave you the source, AliExpress/Alibaba, for items.

I then gave you the marketplaces where you can potential sell them. This includes but not limited to Etsy, eBay, Walmart, Amazon, Facebook, and Instagram Shop. As well a global list of additional online marketplaces.

Then I gave you examples of the arbitration prices aka profits by comparing the source versus the end marketplaces.

I also lightly threw in potential online advertising avenues.

It's up to you to do the research and go through the trial and errors - find items you want to sell and try it. Welcome to Business 101.
This is more my general 2cents on the topic since we’re text walling it. not really replying to anyone.

You can make more with less effort going to thrift stores and even random low budget vendor conventions than doing china dongles. Inventory that you get a deal on is inventory you can move on those sites. To rank you typically gotta move volume on those platforms. You make those over priced arbitrage sales cuz you have exposure from other reasons. It’s hard to play internal market platform games if you don’t have an edge somewhere. Usually it’s a low cost supplier or outside traffic source.

Platform arbitrage as a game is fun and interesting. I used to buy yugioh shit on eBay repack it differently and than sell it for more by writing better listings and stuff.

Did you know, if you take really good pictures eBay and others will put you into google shopping and other marketing exposure channels.
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As someone who have in depth knowledge about this.

Yes. Everything looks fine on paper, but its not that easy as you say. Most big sellers have :

1) big stock
2) margins are super low / but because they have big stock they can lower price and fuc* up snaller companies.
3) cost of shipping high
4) cost of advertising

Dropshipping and selling shit products is easy way to get banned from marketplaces , facebook ads and especially paypal. It was good in 2017 for sure.

My friend is doing 20k$ a month via fb ads, but he's highly skilled with ads. He spend enormous money to get that 20k$. He was banned quite a few times and lost quite a few times more than he made.

This kind if stuff worked great, but you are at least few years too late.
easy as you say
Nothing in life worth obtaining is going to be easy. That's where the trial and error comes into play.

The key to success is never giving up.

you are at least few years too late.
So why aren't all those Etsy shops closing down shop?
As someone who have in depth knowledge about this.

Yes. Everything looks fine on paper, but its not that easy as you say. Most big sellers have :

1) big stock
2) margins are super low / but because they have big stock they can lower price and fuc* up snaller companies.
3) cost of shipping high
4) cost of advertising

Dropshipping and selling shit products is easy way to get banned from marketplaces , facebook ads and especially paypal. It was good in 2017 for sure.

My friend is doing 20k$ a month via fb ads, but he's highly skilled with ads. He spend enormous money to get that 20k$. He was banned quite a few times and lost quite a few times more than he made.

This kind if stuff worked great, but you are at least few years too late.
This thread isn't really about drop shipping in the traditional sense though, it's about utilizing online marketplaces and selling goods for profit - arbitrage. The product source doesn't matter, it's the margins and products themselves that matter.

Go to a thrift store, find a name brand shirt for $12, sell it for $24 on eBay. Go to Walmart, buy a toaster on sale, sell the toaster on eBay for full price. Go to AliExpress, buy a globe for $3, sell it to someone on Amazon for $13, input their address as the delivery address on AliExpress.

Utilize copywriting skills to write compelling listings, and photography skills for product photos. Basically, create an eCommerce brand on a platform that already has brand recognition and sell the product for higher than you bought it for.
This thread isn't really about drop shipping in the traditional sense though, it's about utilizing online marketplaces and selling goods for profit - arbitrage. The product source doesn't matter, it's the margins and products themselves that matter.

Go to a thrift store, find a name brand shirt for $12, sell it for $24 on eBay. Go to Walmart, buy a toaster on sale, sell the toaster on eBay for full price. Go to AliExpress, buy a globe for $3, sell it to someone on Amazon for $13, input their address as the delivery address on AliExpress.

Utilize copywriting skills to write compelling listings, and photography skills for product photos. Basically, create an eCommerce brand on a platform that already has brand recognition and sell the product for higher than you bought it for.
Ah I see. Most likely that would be possible and easier if you are from USA.

Europe have so many different languages, shipping costs etc.

This could be a great way to get some extra cash, but i dont see it as full time job, as there are far better niches to go with, then reselling. Maybe I am wrong.
Europe have so many different languages, shipping costs etc.

I mentioned Ukraine twice in the original post. Ukraine is in Europe.

Maybe I am wrong.

You are wrong. You'd rather make excuses than try.

In order to succeed you guys need to see opportunities versus see potential downfalls. That's how winner win. They are more concerned with how much they can win versus how much they can lose. And they win.

""Your "options" are ALL based out of fear, and the only thing that successfully operates in the realm of fear is death. Whether it's death physically, emotionally, financially, mentally, or spiritually - only death can come from fear." - CCarter (post #29565)​

Ask yourself this, if you throw $100 at something - are you more concerned with losing $100 or potentially making $800?

Are you operating out of fear or willing to take risks. If your mindset defaults to scarcity and fear then you'll never make it. You have to switch your mindset, use daily affirmations to do this, in order to start operating out of an abundance mindset.

If you don't think making money will be easy then it will not be easy. If you go into something thinking "it won't work" - then I guarantee you it will not work. You can't allow self-doubt to fester in your mind.

"An old man sees all the potential problems and obstacles, a young man sees all the potential rewards and challenges." - CCarter​
I mentioned Ukraine twice in the original post. Ukraine is in Europe.

You are wrong. You'd rather make excuses than try.

In order to succeed you guys need to see opportunities versus see potential downfalls. That's how winner win. They are more concerned with how much they can win versus how much they can lose. And they win.

""Your "options" are ALL based out of fear, and the only thing that successfully operates in the realm of fear is death. Whether it's death physically, emotionally, financially, mentally, or spiritually - only death can come from fear." - CCarter (post #29565)​

Ask yourself this, if you throw $100 at something - are you more concerned with losing $100 or potentially making $800?

Are you operating out of fear or willing to take risks. If your mindset defaults to scarcity and fear then you'll never make it. You have to switch your mindset, use daily affirmations to do this, in order to start operating out of an abundance mindset.

If you don't think making money will be easy then it will not be easy. If you go into something thinking "it won't work" - then I guarantee you it will not work. You can't allow self-doubt to fester in your mind.

"An old man sees all the potential problems and obstacles, a young man sees all the potential rewards and challenges." - CCarter​
First of all I don't need quotes from someone just because it's cool to use quotes.

Second of all I'm making enough of money that I can see what's worth or not and based on experience, I value based on how hard it is etc.

Second of all I didn't say it won't work I just say it's super hard and most of the time is total waste of time & money. Anyway good luck with your process you can always start new project, would love to follow it. Open new thread in Laboratory.
The idea that this doesn't work is silly. But it depends on what you're defining "this" as.

I feel like some of you read "this" (as in the opening post) and down-graded it to running out to Goodwill and buying 25¢ used underwear and trying to resell it on Etsy as vintage clothing. To do this would be retarded, yet tons of people do waste their time doing it. It is a waste of time, I agree.

I feel like some of you took it at face value and think it's about buying spatulas on Alibaba for $2 each and selling them on Amazon for $10 each. People do this and fail, and people do this and crush it. If only you knew about the NYC cartel that pretty much runs the Amazon 3rd Party Seller game.

When I read this, I read it as an allegory. It literally says "101" in the title. It's the basic principals with basic example. But anyone who's not operating with a basic mindset will begin immediately extrapolating these principals outward.

I'm not psychic and can't pretend to know what @CCarter meant to say, but I'm going to be generous with my assumptions because he's not a moron or even average. And it's an exercise in not having a little mind, because everything is a mirror. If you read "Hurr, go to the thrift shop and buy broken toasters and sell them on eBay" then that's what you saw in the mirror. I don't want to see that in the mirror.

What I was thinking about was "distribution channels, existing exposure engines, sourcing product". Let's say I find a place to source green beans and can get them shipped to a fulfillment center and canned and labeled with my new brand for 15¢ a can, and get them shipped to Walmart and put on the shelves for another 10¢ a can (I'm making up numbers). My manufacturer's suggested retail price is 40¢ a can and I make 15¢ profit per can. Walmart marks them up to 65¢ a can and makes their 15¢.

"15¢ per sale is retarded!" except I'm moving 1 million units a week. That's $150,000 profit a week. Now I'm rolling out seasoned green beans, unsalted green beans, organic green beans, and I'm looking to get into the sweet pea game too.

That is a one-to-one match to the map that @CCarter provided in the opening post, if you can get past the "101" examples and graduate yourself to the 300 level courses.

How about instead of white labeling completed products, you start to source parts and do a little bit of manufacturing? Now you're starting to look more like Compaq, Dell, HP, etc. Let's say you add some research and development (R&D). Now you're looking like Microsoft, Apple, IBM.

But let's take it back to exactly what was shown: magical pyramids. My pyramids look the same as anyone elses on Walmart, Etsy, Amazon, Ebay. You know where they don't look the same? On my own Shopify site. Problem #1 is out of the way.

You know what I don't want to do? Packaging, labeling, and shipping. I can have a fulfillment center do it all for me. Problem #2 out of the way.

Problem #3 is that anyone who already wants a pyramid is going to look at the big stores and see all the existing ones for dirt cheap where people race to the bottom. So my demographic and psychographics are people into Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy who don't already know about the pyramids and I'm going to get the sale before they realize other options exist. I'm going to hit them with PPC ads and retargeting. I'm going to chase them all around social media and through Adsense, etc. I'm going to run banners on forums, piped directly to them on their conspiracy, occult, paranormal, and psychic forums. I'm going to buy ads in their print magazines. I'm going to buy ads in their email newsletters.

And my marketing is going to be bonkers. Did you know that the pyramids functioned as psychic batteries that collect and concentrate orgone energy? Do you even know why they were built at the culmination of 8 different ley lines? If I told you why the pharaohs entombed their souls within the center of the pyramid, you'd be buying a plane ticket to try to find the secret door at the foot of the Sphinx today. I consulted Egyptologists descended from the actual ancient Egyptian royalty's psychic advisors and astronomers. I worked with Theosophists who personally knew Helena Blavatsky. We developed these pyramids and had ground breaking new discoveries. Let's just say your kundalini energy is going to shoot up your spine so hard and fast that your third eye is going to shit itself. Healing? check. Insights? check. Attraction & Intention? check. Meditative Experiences? check. The difficulty in spiritual ascension is the decades it requires to harness orgone energy in your own amygdala. Our pyramids fast-forward that process. It won't be easy, so don't buy if you aren't a committed medium. But if you are, then within 6 months (or your money back) you'll have made more progress in your practice than you have in the past 10 years. Order now for $199.99 (while supplies last, there's only so much alchemical adamantium left in the world).

That's the exercise I just had and what I saw when I looked into the mirror of this post. The only thing missing is execution, and I'm not going to do it because I don't do crap like sell e-books on how to turn your eyes a different color or to magically grow 5 inches taller.

Yeah, every bit of it's a challenge that comes with huge risk. Most people would fail. I'd likely fail until my 3rd or 4th iteration. I wouldn't strike it big till my 6th or 7th attempt. That's the game, and it's not reason enough for me not to do it. That's what I did with SEO. Newcomers beware. There's no magic pyramid to shortcut the process either.
The idea that this doesn't work is silly. But it depends on what you're defining "this" as.

I feel like some of you read "this" (as in the opening post) and down-graded it to running out to Goodwill and buying 25¢ used underwear and trying to resell it on Etsy as vintage clothing. To do this would be retarded, yet tons of people do waste their time doing it. It is a waste of time, I agree.

I feel like some of you took it at face value and think it's about buying spatulas on Alibaba for $2 each and selling them on Amazon for $10 each. People do this and fail, and people do this and crush it. If only you knew about the NYC cartel that pretty much runs the Amazon 3rd Party Seller game.

When I read this, I read it as an allegory. It literally says "101" in the title. It's the basic principals with basic example. But anyone who's not operating with a basic mindset will begin immediately extrapolating these principals outward.

I'm not psychic and can't pretend to know what @CCarter meant to say, but I'm going to be generous with my assumptions because he's not a moron or even average. And it's an exercise in not having a little mind, because everything is a mirror. If you read "Hurr, go to the thrift shop and buy broken toasters and sell them on eBay" then that's what you saw in the mirror. I don't want to see that in the mirror.

What I was thinking about was "distribution channels, existing exposure engines, sourcing product". Let's say I find a place to source green beans and can get them shipped to a fulfillment center and canned and labeled with my new brand for 15¢ a can, and get them shipped to Walmart and put on the shelves for another 10¢ a can (I'm making up numbers). My manufacturer's suggested retail price is 40¢ a can and I make 15¢ profit per can. Walmart marks them up to 65¢ a can and makes their 15¢.

"15¢ per sale is retarded!" except I'm moving 1 million units a week. That's $150,000 profit a week. Now I'm rolling out seasoned green beans, unsalted green beans, organic green beans, and I'm looking to get into the sweet pea game too.

That is a one-to-one match to the map that @CCarter provided in the opening post, if you can get past the "101" examples and graduate yourself to the 300 level courses.

How about instead of white labeling completed products, you start to source parts and do a little bit of manufacturing? Now you're starting to look more like Compaq, Dell, HP, etc. Let's say you add some research and development (R&D). Now you're looking like Microsoft, Apple, IBM.

But let's take it back to exactly what was shown: magical pyramids. My pyramids look the same as anyone elses on Walmart, Etsy, Amazon, Ebay. You know where they don't look the same? On my own Shopify site. Problem #1 is out of the way.

You know what I don't want to do? Packaging, labeling, and shipping. I can have a fulfillment center do it all for me. Problem #2 out of the way.

Problem #3 is that anyone who already wants a pyramid is going to look at the big stores and see all the existing ones for dirt cheap where people race to the bottom. So my demographic and psychographics are people into Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy who don't already know about the pyramids and I'm going to get the sale before they realize other options exist. I'm going to hit them with PPC ads and retargeting. I'm going to chase them all around social media and through Adsense, etc. I'm going to run banners on forums, piped directly to them on their conspiracy, occult, paranormal, and psychic forums. I'm going to buy ads in their print magazines. I'm going to buy ads in their email newsletters.

And my marketing is going to be bonkers. Did you know that the pyramids functioned as psychic batteries that collect and concentrate orgone energy? Do you even know why they were built at the culmination of 8 different ley lines? If I told you why the pharaohs entombed their souls within the center of the pyramid, you'd be buying a plane ticket to try to find the secret door at the foot of the Sphinx today. I consulted Egyptologists descended from the actual ancient Egyptian royalty's psychic advisors and astronomers. I worked with Theosophists who personally knew Helena Blavatsky. We developed these pyramids and had ground breaking new discoveries. Let's just say your kundalini energy is going to shoot up your spine so hard and fast that your third eye is going to shit itself. Healing? check. Insights? check. Attraction & Intention? check. Meditative Experiences? check. The difficulty in spiritual ascension is the decades it requires to harness orgone energy in your own amygdala. Our pyramids fast-forward that process. It won't be easy, so don't buy if you aren't a committed medium. But if you are, then within 6 months (or your money back) you'll have made more progress in your practice than you have in the past 10 years. Order now for $199.99 (while supplies last, there's only so much alchemical adamantium left in the world).

That's the exercise I just had and what I saw when I looked into the mirror of this post. The only thing missing is execution, and I'm not going to do it because I don't do crap like sell e-books on how to turn your eyes a different color or to magically grow 5 inches taller.

Yeah, every bit of it's a challenge that comes with huge risk. Most people would fail. I'd likely fail until my 3rd or 4th iteration. I wouldn't strike it big till my 6th or 7th attempt. That's the game, and it's not reason enough for me not to do it. That's what I did with SEO. Newcomers beware. There's no magic pyramid to shortcut the process either.
But wait what you described here was dropshipping and then marketing. The whole point of Carter showing this was that people are making a killing on Etsy and marketplaces. So the whole essence was to just buy Aliexpress product and sell it on Etsy or other marketplaces.

The point I am saying is if your gonna do dropshipping and marketing, that's the same difficulty as niche sites/content sites. But this thread was to showcase how this is WAY EASIER than doing a niche site.

So my demographic and psychographics are people into Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy who don't already know about the pyramids and I'm going to get the sale before they realize other options exist.
But dam I would have never realized this until you said it this way or pointed it out. Cus yea it's a race to the bottom on marketplaces. And I thought most dropshipping stores worked because the customer saw something cool and bought it and was unaware of aliexpress.
I don't do crap like sell e-books on how to turn your eyes a different color or to magically grow 5 inches taller.
This may need its own thread or something, and I don't want to derail this one, but I'm always interested in hear peoples opinions on the ethics of this kind of thing.

For example, some people would consider a zodiac-based content website that monetizes with these types of items as too far on the scammy/BS side for them. Others might see it as those people just having a hobby. We see a similar debate about the online gambling industry at times.

Others still will have the mindset of "screw them, take them for all they've got."
Dropshipping and selling shit products is easy way to get banned from marketplaces , facebook ads and especially paypal. It was good in 2017 for sure.

My friend is doing 20k$ a month via fb ads, but he's highly skilled with ads. He spend enormous money to get that 20k$. He was banned quite a few times and lost quite a few times more than he made.

This kind if stuff worked great, but you are at least few years too late.

I wanted to stay out of this, but I read this and thought... it's time to fuck shit up.

You're 300% wrong. Maybe even 3,000% wrong.

I'm working with some people that do dropship right now, and I've been working with them for a couple of years. One of my larger clients I have.

They dropship everything.. and it's all products that are super cheap ( think sub $25 ).

They're making over $1m a month profit. Clear and easy, but we are only spending roughly $30-$60k a month in ad spend ( depends on a few factors ) and we do this all on Facebook and Google.. however we try out new ad platforms and marketplaces every 3 weeks or so.

So to act or assume this is dead, is hilarious.

To say this is banned on ad platforms ( or will get you banned ) like FB, is hilarious.

To say this was good ( or imply only good ) in 2017, is hilarious.

To say someone is a few years to late ( because my client started 2-3 years ago ), is hilarious.

To say you have to carry stock ( and a lot of it ), is hilarious.

To say your friend, who is highly skilled with ads, is doing $20k a month ( like he is the know all to be all ) and based on his performance we should give up ( that's what is implied ), is also hilarious.

You get what you put in, or reap what you sow.. so to speak.

Sounds like you and others are putting in dog shit, and getting back out... dog shit.

What's sad is, I could think of a million ways this client could grow much larger doing the same thing they are doing right now. This ain't even the tip of the iceberg yet.
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Ah I see. Most likely that would be possible and easier if you are from USA. [...] Europe have so many different languages, shipping costs etc.
I mentioned Ukraine twice in the original post. Ukraine is in Europe. [...] You are wrong. You'd rather make excuses than try.
I wanted to stay out of this, but I read this and thought... it's time to fuck shit up. [...] You're 300% wrong. Maybe even 3,000% wrong.

I go to the bar with a guy who did 7 figures EBITDA last year from drop shipping cosmetics on FB. Only has 4 employees. To go along with what you guys were discussing, he did it in Europe from the US. The "problem" with Europe is lots of regulations. Once you figure out the regulations, the "problem" becomes your barrier to entry. Most people would shy away once they see how much red tape it takes to drop ship in Greece, for example. As for being banned from FB, yeah, he gets banned from FB and just makes a new site and account. Churn and burn at the multi-million dollar a year level.

That's why I like this forum. The shit here is actionable, accurate, and useful. You can use it as a solo-entrepreneur who is butt hurt about society and employment. You can also use it as a CMO who will make decisions for a whole company.

Anyways, I gotta go back to flipping my hamburgers. My court ordered child support payments won't pay itself.
I wanted to stay out of this, but I read this and thought... it's time to fuck shit up.

You're 300% wrong. Maybe even 3,000% wrong.

I'm working with some people that do dropship right now, and I've been working with them for a couple of years. One of my larger clients I have.

They dropship everything.. and it's all products that are super cheap ( think sub $25 ).

They're making over $1m a month profit. Clear and easy, but we are only spending roughly $30-$60k a month in ad spend ( depends on a few factors ) and we do this all on Facebook and Google.. however we try out new ad platforms and marketplaces every 3 weeks or so.

So to act or assume this is dead, is hilarious.

To say this is banned on ad platforms ( or will get you banned ) like FB, is hilarious.

To say this was good ( or imply only good ) in 2017, is hilarious.

To say someone is a few years to late ( because my client started 2-3 years ago ), is hilarious.

To say you have to carry stock ( and a lot of it ), is hilarious.

To say your friend, who is highly skilled with ads, is doing $20k a month ( like he is the know all to be all ) and based on his performance we should give up ( that's what is implied ), is also hilarious.

You get what you put in, or reap what you sow.. so to speak.

Sounds like you and others are putting in dog shit, and getting back out... dog shit.

What's sad is, I could think of a million ways this client could grow much larger doing the same thing they are doing right now. This ain't even the tip of the iceberg yet.
Yeah sure. Show me stats.

I reply based on knowledge and contacts/ people I know. Anyway yeah if you'll sleep better sure. Show me stats.

When you said 60k$ and doing mil. profit. Yeah sure, especially in dropshipping with 25$ is bullshiting. If it makes you feel better just to put random numbers..
I love when noobs have no clue who they are talking to, like I would have the nerve to make up shit.

Here is our FB spending last month. I covered up the campaign names and other info as I don't need to give out specifics here past just the numbers: Spent $50k last month in Sept on FB alone.


And here is our sales just on the front-end funnels. Again blocked out certain info. I don't need you all in my and my client's niches. Last 30 days we did $153k on just the front-end. If you look at recent sales activity you can see these are all sales under $25


I don't feel I really need to show you the back-end sales. That's through a different MID and account and consists of a lot more platforms than just the front-end funnels and single sale mentally and makes up the other $850k a month. I mean I could dig it up, but why?

-- If you'd like to learn more ( or your friend ), I charge $25k upfront and I also take a minority ownership in all work I do. I also only work with those doing $3m-$50m yearly though already with products that people want and need.

I sleep well at night, thanks for thinking about me though.
Lipstick index vs handbag index.

Sales of lipstick and cosmetics go up during a recession, sale of handbags and luxury goods decrease.

Mystical items index?
I love when noobs have no clue who they are talking to, like I would have the nerve to make up shit.

Here is our FB spending last month. I covered up the campaign names and other info as I don't need to give out specifics here past just the numbers: Spent $50k last month in Sept on FB alone.


And here is our sales just on the front-end funnels. Again blocked out certain info. I don't need you all in my and my client's niches. Last 30 days we did $153k on just the front-end. If you look at recent sales activity you can see these are all sales under $25


I don't feel I really need to show you the back-end sales. That's through a different MID and account and consists of a lot more platforms than just the front-end funnels and single sale mentally and makes up the other $850k a month. I mean I could dig it up, but why?

-- If you'd like to learn more ( or your friend ), I charge $25k upfront and I also take a minority ownership in all work I do. I also only work with those doing $3m-$50m yearly though already with products that people want and need.

I sleep well at night, thanks for thinking about me though.
Wait you said above that you could "I could think of a million ways this client could grow much larger doing the same thing they are doing right now"
Where do you learn this? Like how do you think of it??

How is this possible btw? Most people I found on youtube teaching dropshipping say that profit margins are like low and 30-40% IS considered REALLY REALLY good. And that's for higher ticket items. Yet somehow your saying items as low as 25$ are making this much. How much would you say it costs for your clients to buy these dropshipping items?

So if they make like 19$, how much you think he's paying for them?

How much traffic does 50,000$ on FB get you?? Also, why is there clickfunnels? I thought most stores used Shopify? Are you sure they are not wholesaling??
For those that doubt, this is definitely a mindset issue. Arbitrage still works. Dropshipping still works. (Local Retail arbitrage... well, you have bottlenecks of time/location/limited quantities).

It is true that many try and don't taste much success, and a few players make the lion's share. ~20% of those doing it make ~80% of the money... ~4% of those doing it make ~64% of the money... a law of nature. Blah blah.

Regardless, if you find the right niche and strategy, there's money to be made. But yes, I know that year by year, competition rises and niches/ strategies become saturated... Just get creative, find the right niche, and keep trying things until something clicks.

For those that question dropshipping, it does work, but there are more variables to consider (e.g, the supplier). I don't drop ship, but if I did, I would not use AliExpress as shipping times are way too long for customers' tastes these days. The only two people I know, that do or have done dropshipping, utilize suppliers you'll never see on worldwidebrands, dropshipping suppliers lists, YouTube, an IM course, etc. A good buddy of mine has a side-project dropshipping site, with okay-to-decent profits. And the other person I know, is my mentor - in his old business, he drop-shipped the products they sold. The type of product was not only a very mundane product but it was also being sold via the phone...they were doing 8 figures/yr.

Doubt it, believe it. I don't have any skin in that game. But just know, if you are doubtful, it's only hurting you. Why? Because it prevents experimentation. It prevents trying something.

As I said, it boils down to the right niche and strategy (paired with a good mindset ). If it's not working it's likely your niche, strategy, team, execution or your mindset that needs tweaking. But hey, I'm still working on all these things myself. Not standing on a high horse over here, just humbly trying to explain my thoughts on this.
Fuck it. I'll tell everyone here that I'm doing arbitrage of shit that's free.

Yeah. It's free. I'm selling it for $20.

Arbitrage does work and that's what most people do in a capitalist society. Managers arbitrage the workers. Most microwaves are made in a handful of factories in China and then branded and shipped to consumers. Each brand is arbitraging those few factories.

Unless you're an actual producer, you're in the arbitrage business.

I love when noobs have no clue who they are talking to, like I would have the nerve to make up shit.

Here is our FB spending last month. I covered up the campaign names and other info as I don't need to give out specifics here past just the numbers: Spent $50k last month in Sept on FB alone.


And here is our sales just on the front-end funnels. Again blocked out certain info. I don't need you all in my and my client's niches. Last 30 days we did $153k on just the front-end. If you look at recent sales activity you can see these are all sales under $25


I don't feel I really need to show you the back-end sales. That's through a different MID and account and consists of a lot more platforms than just the front-end funnels and single sale mentally and makes up the other $850k a month. I mean I could dig it up, but why?

-- If you'd like to learn more ( or your friend ), I charge $25k upfront and I also take a minority ownership in all work I do. I also only work with those doing $3m-$50m yearly though already with products that people want and need.

I sleep well at night, thanks for thinking about me though.
No thanks. Still not a great pitch. Dropshipping usually have 20-30% profit and you are saying that you get more than that.

Cost per sale 25$ and you said avg. item price is 25$. CPA is at 25$ + :D

Well if that makes you sleep better. You didn't convince me at all, I worked with ad budget 300-500k$ a month. When you brag, just try to give some real data.

What you are doing is most likely collecting leads to sell stuff (and that business have inventory). Which is way different than direct advertising / selling. Anyway now I'm out if people are sold by just some random data you sent, well good. I'm not. I got enough experience.

and when you say 25k$ ... yeah sure :smile:
No thanks. Still not a great pitch. Dropshipping usually have 20-30% profit and you are saying that you get more than that.

Cost per sale 25$ and you said avg. item price is 25$. CPA is at 25$ + :D

Well if that makes you sleep better. You didn't convince me at all, I worked with ad budget 300-500k$ a month. When you brag, just try to give some real data.

What you are doing is most likely collecting leads to sell stuff (and that business have inventory). Which is way different than direct advertising / selling. Anyway now I'm out if people are sold by just some random data you sent, well good. I'm not. I got enough experience.

and when you say 25k$ ... yeah sure :smile:

Not a great pitch?

You made claims, and I disproved them. I said I was spending $30-$60k a month on FB and Google ( which I showed and proved ) and getting back $1m a month. I showed you the front end stats and not the back end and you think I made up some "random" data ( your words ) so no matter what I show you, you ain't gonna believe it.

I'm not going into our backends and posting a dozen more screenshots from rotating MID providers and also various systems just to block out a ton of sensitive info to prove the other $850k and then have someone on this forum ( no offense you all ) snoop around and out me like has happened, oh 2 dozens times before in my life...

But based on 2 screenshots only, I was able to show you a ROAS of 3 just on FRONT END funnel sales.

Keyword is "front end". This is why you and your "friend" are struggling with $20k. You don't know about back end mentality. You think all you can prob do is hook up to someone's Shopify and send all the data to them instantly. SMH

With 2 pictures alone I was able to disprove all your claims of:

- Everyone is late to the game, this only worked in 2017. My shots are of last month though.
- You cant do this on FB, you will get banned. Yet here I am on FB last month spending.
- Profit is only 20-30% ( Im doing a ROAS on 3 just on front funnels, you haven't seen the backend numbers ). Yet, we doing way more than that.
- You have to carry stock - we don't, but Im not about to walk around my EMPTY office, or show you our dropship contracts to prove this. Come on

Plus you think this is all random data I posted.. so no matter what I do, you ain't gonna trust it.

I could care less you work with ad budgets of $300-$500k. You think this is the ONLY thing I've done in my life? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Bro, this is 1 client related to the topic at hand ( dropship ) where we spent $50k. Who cares what you spend, it's what you keep/make. SMH

When you are doing over $1m a month in ad spend PER CLIENT, PER MONTH hit me up.

When you completely overhaul how a whole industry works, several times across multiple industries, hit me up ( affiliate and seo ).

When you get clients like TeamViewer, Malwarebytes, John Deere, Virgin Group, Notre Dame, Alibaba, etc.. hit me up.

And as far as this statement:
Cost per sale 25$ and you said avg. item price is 25$. CPA is at 25$ + :D

I never said the avg item price was $25. I said sub $25, meaning less. Go back and learn how to read. The recent sales in my pic show you that. It's right there.

Also, CPA of $25? Where?

Oh you mean the FB stats? HAHAHA -

Have you never heard of FB ads? Have you ever ran ads there? Do you know their stats and reporting is way off due to iOS 14.5? Ever heard of Hyros or Wicked Reports or 3rd party reporting developed to correct the inaccurate FB reporting on the UX? Those stats on FB's UX are NEVER right since iOS 14.5

Also, have you not heard of "testing new ideas" and some of them don't work? You are looking at like a fraction of my ads that run all last month, with only the inaccurate FB data showing on the screen. Just tallying up the ad spend on the screenshot could have eluded to that.

Sorry you are butt hurt.


I can see why you and your friend can't make it in dropshipping on FB.


I gave you a million dollar education here in this thread if you just read and comprehend what I've wrote and think it out. I'm not about to post more to prove you wrong and literally hand your ass back to you.

Wait you said above that you could "I could think of a million ways this client could grow much larger doing the same thing they are doing right now"
Where do you learn this? Like how do you think of it??

Not sure what to tell you on that.

You either get it, or you don't.

You either eat breath shit this, or you don't.

You can draw like Michelangelo, or you don't.

How is this possible btw? Most people I found on youtube teaching dropshipping say that profit margins are like low and 30-40% IS considered REALLY REALLY good. And that's for higher ticket items. Yet somehow your saying items as low as 25$ are making this much. How much would you say it costs for your clients to buy these dropshipping items?

Most people on YouTube teaching dropshipping, never made a dime in dropshipping. They make money teaching what they READ somewhere else, or make money on YouTube views.

Back in 2007, people thought AdSense was good money.

Back in 2007, people thought selling 1 product for $30 as an affiliate was good.

But yet, some of us where selling 2 products at once and getting $60+ per person as an affiliate AND we were generating recurring revenue with special deals AND keeping all the data too to boot. Then that got instantly copied.


Some of us also thought in 2014 that it was good to have a rank tracker to watch our rankings and maybe 3 of our competitors.

But some of us thought it was really good to know all the SERP data of our whole niche and before you know, SERP tracking was born at SERPWoo and instantly copied by competitors.


Before 1954, everyone thought you were doing really good if you ran a mile in 5 minutes.. or in the 4 minute range if you were PRO.

But in 1954 Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile at 3.59 and instantly became a celeb. Ever since then people have been able to hit that and is NOW the standard for PRO.

Just because someone else that doesn't do this, says something.. doesn't mean that's the facts.

So if they make like 19$, how much you think he's paying for them?

This is different per product.

How much traffic does 50,000$ on FB get you?? Also, why is there clickfunnels? I thought most stores used Shopify? Are you sure they are not wholesaling??

Stop worrying about traffic.

You could get 1 visitor or 10,000. If no one buys, it doesn't matter.

If only 1 person buys from the 1 visitor and you make a 3-4 ROAS, that is all that matters.

Clickfunnels - It helps us connect to multiple products. Just like you can skin a cat 500 ways.. you don't have to be pigeon holed into Shopify or someone's API to dropship. Think outside the box a little.
Not a great pitch?

You made claims, and I disproved them. I said I was spending $30-$60k a month on FB and Google ( which I showed and proved ) and getting back $1m a month. I showed you the front end stats and not the back end and you think I made up some "random" data ( your words ) so no matter what I show you, you ain't gonna believe it.

I'm not going into our backends and posting a dozen more screenshots from rotating MID providers and also various systems just to block out a ton of sensitive info to prove the other $850k and then have someone on this forum ( no offense you all ) snoop around and out me like has happened, oh 2 dozens times before in my life...

But based on 2 screenshots only, I was able to show you a ROAS of 3 just on FRONT END funnel sales.

Keyword is "front end". This is why you and your "friend" are struggling with $20k. You don't know about back end mentality. You think all you can prob do is hook up to someone's Shopify and send all the data to them instantly. SMH

With 2 pictures alone I was able to disprove all your claims of:

- Everyone is late to the game, this only worked in 2017. My shots are of last month though.
- You cant do this on FB, you will get banned. Yet here I am on FB last month spending.
- Profit is only 20-30% ( Im doing a ROAS on 3 just on front funnels, you haven't seen the backend numbers ). Yet, we doing way more than that.
- You have to carry stock - we don't, but Im not about to walk around my EMPTY office, or show you our dropship contracts to prove this. Come on

Plus you think this is all random data I posted.. so no matter what I do, you ain't gonna trust it.

I could care less you work with ad budgets of $300-$500k. You think this is the ONLY thing I've done in my life? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Bro, this is 1 client related to the topic at hand ( dropship ) where we spent $50k. Who cares what you spend, it's what you keep/make. SMH

When you are doing over $1m a month in ad spend PER CLIENT, PER MONTH hit me up.

When you completely overhaul how a whole industry works, several times across multiple industries, hit me up ( affiliate and seo ).

When you get clients like TeamViewer, Malwarebytes, John Deere, Virgin Group, Notre Dame, Alibaba, etc.. hit me up.

And as far as this statement:
Cost per sale 25$ and you said avg. item price is 25$. CPA is at 25$ + :D

I never said the avg item price was $25. I said sub $25, meaning less. Go back and learn how to read. The recent sales in my pic show you that. It's right there.

Also, CPA of $25? Where?

Oh you mean the FB stats? HAHAHA -

Have you never heard of FB ads? Have you ever ran ads there? Do you know their stats and reporting is way off due to iOS 14.5? Ever heard of Hyros or Wicked Reports or 3rd party reporting developed to correct the inaccurate FB reporting on the UX? Those stats on FB's UX are NEVER right since iOS 14.5

Also, have you not heard of "testing new ideas" and some of them don't work? You are looking at like a fraction of my ads that run all last month, with only the inaccurate FB data showing on the screen. Just tallying up the ad spend on the screenshot could have eluded to that.

Sorry you are butt hurt.


I can see why you and your friend can't make it in dropshipping on FB.


I gave you a million dollar education here in this thread if you just read and comprehend what I've wrote and think it out. I'm not about to post more to prove you wrong and literally hand your ass back to you.

We don't know each other in the slightest, but I want you to know I've learned a lot from your rants over the years, including the ones you go on about how you're not going to get on forums and rant anymore, so thank you for that.
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