Need SEO Agency/Company Looking For Clients


Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014
On several occasions, I get requests for SEO services from individuals and companies looking for a reliable provider. Most of the SEOs that I know personally and have worked with professionally do not take on clients since they all work on their projects. Most do consulting and have SEO agencies/companies they trust to send customers to which can get the job done, respond promptly, and maintain professionalism.

I'm looking for SEO companies/agencies who are interested in referrals for customers whose monthly budgets range from $2K and upwards of $25K a month - specifically for the SEO marketing channel. The last SEO client I referred to an SEO agency has a $15K a month contract with them and is still a client with the SEO company. Unfortunately - or rather, fortunately, that company is overbooked with current clients.

Most of the clients have paid and social media campaigns going along with traditional marketing channels. So there are opportunities for more expansive services if you can provide them.

The dilemma, as we all know, is finding great SEO guys who are taking on client work.

If you are an SEO agency/company that's available to take on work please contact me or PM me, and let's talk. We'll ask to see examples of your SEO work, and the obvious proof of knowledge of certain SEO concepts. I have to know you can get the job done for the customers.

There are people that need great SEO - if you guys can get the job done the referrals are here for work.

I'm only going to entertain serious people, people trolling and wasting our time will get ignored.