Starting Email Marketing campaign, what domain to use?

Apr 18, 2024
if you company is OneCoolTool. com

would you use:
a) sub domain: contact.onecooltool .com
b) new similar name as "main domain", like: 1cooltool .com or onecooltoolsupply .com
c) just a new domain not similar, like: OCT. com or besttooltoday .com

please explain your choice?

As of now: i'm going with B because I don't want to use existing domain, just in case.
I can throw away the domain if something goes wrong. It is good/close enough that customers will not notice anything...
they just click.

your thoughts?
I'd say it depends on what kind of email marketing you're doing.

If you're buying lists and then scrubbing them by sending to them, then C is a good option.

If you're above board, everyone signed up and maybe even clicked a confirmation link, but you intend to be aggressive and send too frequently, then B is probably a good option.

Otherwise, I don't see a problem with A. If you're being totally normal, respecting boundaries, segmenting your lists, etc., then there's no real need to worry about getting your domain on spam lists and having to fight to get it off. Just monitor your open rates and CTR stats, have a bounce & junk filter, never email someone that unsubs, and segment so everyone's only getting the most relevant emails and nothing they don't want.