Building, Growing, & Monetizing an Email Newsletter

Mar 27, 2015
If it was me starting again I would legit run paid ads to a newsletter and build a million subs. Part of me really wants to do this right now as I know I could make it work.

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Absoultely brutal.

Not quite sure that jumping onto YT which is basically the same game only a different playground is going to be the holy grail that everyone seems to think it is.

If it was me starting again I would legit run paid ads to a newsletter and build a million subs. Part of me really wants to do this right now as I know I could make it work.

He says he is going to do that in the end, create a program for helping Youtubers, so he is going to guru direction, but then we're just back to 2010 Clickbank. Can't all be guruing it up.
Absoultely brutal.

Not quite sure that jumping onto YT which is basically the same game only a different playground is going to be the holy grail that everyone seems to think it is.

If it was me starting again I would legit run paid ads to a newsletter and build a million subs. Part of me really wants to do this right now as I know I could make it work.
The idea of building out a huge newsletter, or several, and scaling it has been tugging at my mind for a while. Any ideas on your monetization strategy?

I’d possibly do it in finance. Would definitely do it with my own product. Use affiliate to test offers then create my own product to replace the winners. Run ads and break even or even at a loss on the front end, but make it up and much more on the backend. Would have to be info product, or software, of some sort. Want the ability to scale easily, without having to deal with physical inventory. Get the formula down, then repeat with a different newsletter. Then vertically integrate, get equity in/buy our service providers.
Basically send them all back to the main site each day for display revenues alongside affiliate deals, my own info product and co-reg.

At scale all of these things are very profitable via email, even co-reg.
If it was me starting again I would legit run paid ads to a newsletter and build a million subs. Part of me really wants to do this right now as I know I could make it work.
Email is awesome. No stupid algorithms but the social element is still there, more personalized, and there's plenty of room for creativity. Can also be leveraged as a traffic source, as you mentioned. Pretty easy to monetize, too. If each subscriber is worth $1.00 per month in revenue... well, you do the math.
I'm assuming you would build the list via paid traffic mostly, yea?
Pretty easy to monetize, too.
What kind of monetization strategies are you thinking about here?

In my experience, in order to monetize an email list you really need a strong personality leading it, plenty of substance to back it up, and a solid back-end offer to drive revenue. I've only seen a handful of people execute on this well, at least with any staying power. And in most cases, it's a paid upsell from the free list, which is the main acquisition channel for paid subscriptions.

The model that @Sutra is referring to sounds a lot like Agora or Fool. Great business model if you have the manpower, time, and ability to build it out and cross-promote across a network of owned or affiliate newsletters. Not to mention navigate (or pay lawyers to navigate) all the nuances of the various three-letter agencies that will be knocking on your door.

@MrMedia this model sounds interesting. Basically, drive people back to the website and market to them. Any guesses on how long it would take you to get to a million subs through paid ads? And what kind of acquisition cost you'd be looking at?
I'm in the process of building out a newsletter on our main site using the style of AutoResponder Madness. The site isn't personality driven like Andre Chaperon's stuff is so I don't know how well it will work yet. But I love the idea of it basically being a "choose your own adventure" type of setup. So both a fun thing and an interesting test.

On a scale of 1 to 10, if this turns out to be shit and only at a "3", hah. Well, then that is actually a winner. Because if it's a 3 with a site that's not really fit for this style, then I could easily just replicate that with another site that is fit for it and scale.
What kind of monetization strategies are you thinking about here?
Anything, really. Digital products, services, affiliate products, display ads (link to blog posts), sponsor placements (BUSO does this sometimes, for example), Patreon/crowdfunding, etc.
I'm in the process of building out a newsletter on our main site using the style of AutoResponder Madness. The site isn't personality driven like Andre Chaperon's stuff is so I don't know how well it will work yet. But I love the idea of it basically being a "choose your own adventure" type of setup. So both a fun thing and an interesting test.
This is exactly what I do. Took his Autoresponder Madness course, then took a course called Storyfluence that he made alongside a Hollywood script writing consultant who worked on The Karate Kid, etc. I always just create a personality for the brand, personally.
Autoresponder Madness course

@DanielS or @Sutra ... do you have any idea if it's possible to still buy the Autoresponder Madness course? I've looked for it online and it seems to have evolved into a new product (the "Modern Marketing System").

I've noticed a lot of people using the course in the past and I've used a variation of it myself on several projects. But, I've never actually taken it and I'd like to give it a try.

Any suggestions on where to track it down?
@DanielS or @Sutra ... do you have any idea if it's possible to still buy the Autoresponder Madness course? I've looked for it online and it seems to have evolved into a new product (the "Modern Marketing System").

I've noticed a lot of people using the course in the past and I've used a variation of it myself on several projects. But, I've never actually taken it and I'd like to give it a try.

Any suggestions on where to track it down?

I went through the same thing you did trying to track it down, hah. But you're right, they don't sell Autoresponder Madness anymore. It's now called Art of Email and is part of their Modern Marketing System. They way they sell it is fucking retarded though. I wasted a bunch of time just trying to figure out how to buy it.

If you find the Modern Marketing System buy page on their site and click the buy button, nothing happens. No message, nothing. The only way you can buy it is by signing up to their newsletter, experiencing their story driven newsletter, and by the end of a week or so you'll receive an email that gives you the access to the page where the button works.
Woah, you guys are saying there are actually some course worth buying?
Woah, you guys are saying there are actually some course worth buying?
Andre Chaperon's stuff is worth buying, yes. Sam Ovens stuff was good too but he sold off his consulting company.
Coming back round to this.

Aside from Facebook and Google ads, where are the best places to run ads to acquire newsletter subscribers?
Coming back round to this.

Aside from Facebook and Google ads, where are the best places to run ads to acquire newsletter subscribers?
1. Sparkloop & Boosts - fixed CPA, lower quality subs
2. Twitter ads - high CPA, really engaged subs (open rate & CTR)
3. Newsletter ads - advertise in other newsletters

There are other ways, but these are the most common ones.
I know its a trendy topic atm but bear with me...

I thought I would jump on the list building train with one of my sites.

Holy. Shit.

I have been sleeping on email for years and in all likelihood it has cost me just below 7 figures.

I finally started today to collect leads and it went so mad I had to pause and turn off optin pops because I had no follow up sequence done yet LOL.

My pop was converting at 35% on volume. Scaled out across a month I expect to be collecting around 150,000 email leads a month. All from organic traffic.

So this brings me to my next dilema.


I hear that Beehiiv is the hot shit at the minute for monetizing and sending emails that actually get delivered but fuck me their onboarding is dire. No support, shitty lead forms with no way to customize - an absolute nightmare.

The only reason I am sticking with them for now is that they have a good ad network that can monetize emails in a hands off way that appeals to me.

The next part of the puzzle is co reg. I am speaking with sparkloop for co reg monetization but browsting their advertising partners - they dont seem like a great fit for my audience and I think that presenting a list of co reg offers that are nothing to do with my audience could be counter productive.

So questions -

Any email ballers monetizing lists here? If yes who you using to monetize and who you using to send?

Its been so long since I did anything with email and while I cant believe I have missed out on so much I am determined to put that mistake right.
Its been so long since I did anything with email and while I cant believe I have missed out on so much I am determined to put that mistake right.
I'm in the same boat mate - I had a list ages ago that people were opting in like mad and I made some rookie mistakes - burnt it out with shitty offers that made easy cash short term but killed the list - then panda/penguin killed the site's rankings and I never went back to email. I'm back at it again now trying to be more professional and deliver some sick value to my subs instead of just rinsing them short term with nonsense.
Does anyone know of a reputable company that can handle or monetize around 2k leads per day?

Assumed coreg was still a thing but it seems not. Would love to pass the data at the point of sign up a part of a path.
Can you sell your own digital products?

I know its a trendy topic atm but bear with me...

I thought I would jump on the list building train with one of my sites.

Holy. Shit.

I have been sleeping on email for years and in all likelihood it has cost me just below 7 figures.

I finally started today to collect leads and it went so mad I had to pause and turn off optin pops because I had no follow up sequence done yet LOL.

My pop was converting at 35% on volume. Scaled out across a month I expect to be collecting around 150,000 email leads a month. All from organic traffic.

So this brings me to my next dilema.


I hear that Beehiiv is the hot shit at the minute for monetizing and sending emails that actually get delivered but fuck me their onboarding is dire. No support, shitty lead forms with no way to customize - an absolute nightmare.

The only reason I am sticking with them for now is that they have a good ad network that can monetize emails in a hands off way that appeals to me.

The next part of the puzzle is co reg. I am speaking with sparkloop for co reg monetization but browsting their advertising partners - they dont seem like a great fit for my audience and I think that presenting a list of co reg offers that are nothing to do with my audience could be counter productive.

So questions -

Any email ballers monetizing lists here? If yes who you using to monetize and who you using to send?

Its been so long since I did anything with email and while I cant believe I have missed out on so much I am determined to put that mistake right.