Massive influx of links

hammering a bunch of previously hammered and recovered sites
My site is getting fucked so hard you'd think it has daddy issues... it's a fucking mess.

At this point, I'm blaming sitewide exact match anchors... which I'm still working hard to resolve. But I'm also wondering if I'm not getting the juice I want from the disavow update due to an overly aggressive LRT purge.

Going through the links again with LRT to see where they were too aggressive seems annoying. I guess the alternative is going through all 25k links manually and using regex and logic like Grind is suggesting... ugh.

On a positive note, I've been able to block all new links causing redirects through /1000 and //1000 URLs using the htaccess and robots updates, so that should resolve +50% of future issues... for now.

@Grind... it's time for you to create a link detox SAAS product that does all of this for us... soup to nuts... scrapes the links, disavows, waits 72 hours, and pounds the shit out of the spam links with more spam... I wouldn't even think twice about paying $1.5k per month for this sort of product if it's proven to help... and I'd probably pay more. I vote you call it Grindurr.
lol @grindurr 10/10 would laugh again

The thing about doing this in public, like with a SaaS, is that Google Propaganda Squad has made it clear they'll take it away if we keep unbuilding in public and giving destroyed webmasters any glimmer of hope.

Don't be evil my ass...
They'll take it away off this thread alone.
I don't even need my sig image to confirm they're here, cuz they're such a bunch of manic little bitches.

Hi little bitches. You're a bunch of toady ass climbers and you work for the bad guys.
My site is getting fucked so hard you'd think it has daddy issues... it's a fucking mess.
Same bro I've lost another 50% in the past month.

That said, I am not too proud to admit for the sake of the disavow discussion that I disavowed a website called "" sometime between yesterday and March 23rd.

Just realized it after I saw @Grind post something, somewhere, about catching good links in the disavow process, and checked my list again according to his "Traffic - Authority - Keyword" trio (which I only partially understand). Then I found it and.. yeah.

If there's anybody who should not use this tool, it is people like myself who are stupid enough to accidentally disavow Wikipedia.

Fair warning to anybody reading to be careful when disavowing in bulk. Very easy to accidentally catch good links.
@chubes wherever you're getting your backlink info from, extract the domains only along with the DA and sort. Then either manually or with a script check the good domains are not in your disavow.

I did most of my data manipulation work for this with python scripts I made with ChatGPT.
I did this last disavow pretty manually, myself. And what I thought was a list of already cleaned URLs showed that some really good links were still in the mix so I scrolled through the excel file line by line as fast as I could while still sort of paying attention - was the most tedious thing I've ever done.

Sorting by link type and just getting rid of all the image links to start helps big time.
Then sorting by url, and getting rid of long lists of urls from the same domain (like
Then if you know regex you could separate all the URLs ending with -k or /1000 or whatever (wish I took the time to learn it)

And it's no coincidence that these fuckers have been seeing all the disavow talk (and even the prediction here on BuSo about removing the tool to fuck us) and then publicly leaking on Twitter they might get rid of it.

It's fuck Google from here to infinity.

I honestly think every SEO in the world should just focus our efforts on spamming the fuck out of Internet with absolute dog shit and forcing them to waste their resources on nothingness from here to hell and back just to destroy them like they've been destroying all of us.

Let's fuck up their serps. For real.

I think more and more they're doing this to destroy themselves. Their top brass have been saying search isn't the future, google's not about 10 blue links, they want to be an answer engine, blah blah blah. Even saw someone say they think google wants to turn into a "website aggregator/curator" which doesn't sound too crazy considering what they've been doing lately.

So guys, instead of trying to recover, let's help them along the way to destroying themselves.
every SEO in the world should just focus our efforts on spamming the fuck out of Internet
See but that's the problem...

I'm not an SEO... I'm a business owner. SEO was just my preferred channel for customer acquisition... and despite all the bullshit, I'm still getting customers through organic search, which is why I'll continue trying to recover.

In fact, my only problem with Google is that it's including my legit site (with legit content from legit experts) in their SERP cleansing that's supposedly targeting all the rank and bank AI garbage of the last two years...

disavowed a website called ""
sorry to hear this... download that disavow file and remove Wikipedia from the list, save, and upload it again!

if you know regex you could separate all the URLs ending with -k or /1000
You can easily do this in Google Sheets... just google "How to use REGEXEXTRACT in Sheets" and also do conditional formatting for "Contains" and then type in "-k" or "/1000"

destroyed webmasters any glimmer of hope
If Grindurr isn't going to be a thing (You should probably do it just for the name) I'd like to be on the top of the list for consults when/if you open the gates again.
You can ask GPT to assist. Just ask it to create scripts for w/e you are doing. E.g. I made myself one PHP script that loads all the links I have to my site, then when I select a URL, it finds all URLs from this domain and selects and adds them to the disavow file.

You can make scripts to clean URLs and duplicate domains w/e you need to automate the process. I went through about 40k links semi-manually in 2 days with the help of the GPT scripts, and you can run it straight from the Windows cmd.

But yeah, disavowing good links can actually hurt you. As I mentioned in the update thread, LRT identified many good (in my opinion) links as toxic.

I am also focused mostly on spam. So, I am not yet cleaning my niche edits, PBNs, etc., that have no traffic. If I don't see any results from this disawol, I can go further, but we'll see how it goes.
I keep getting those spam links to my images, so what I did is I turned my bot protection on Cloudflare (doubt it ll help) and I made a worker that returns 410 if anyone accesses my images directly.

JS is not my strong side, but it works. So when these guys link to my images, Google will get a 410 response because the referer is not my site.

Here is my code for the worker, all you have to do is deploy it and make a route in cludflare to your image folder and apply this worker to the route.

addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
  const url = new URL(request.url)
  const referer = request.headers.get('Referer')
  const imageExtensions = /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|mp4)$/i

  if (url.pathname.startsWith('/wp-content/uploads/') && imageExtensions.test(url.pathname)) {
    if (!referer || !referer.startsWith('https://' + url.hostname)) {
      return new Response('Gone', { status: 410 })

  return fetch(request)

In addition I made all links to ?unapproved and to urls just with numbers also return 410.

Let me know if you find any flaws in my logic here or you think something might go wrong.
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I keep getting those spam links to my images, so what I did is I turned my bot protection on Cloudflare (doubt it ll help) and I made a worker that returns 410 if anyone accesses my images directly.

JS is not my strong side, but it works. So when these guys link to my images, Google will get a 410 response because the referer is not my site.

Here is my code for the worker, all you have to do is deploy it and make a route in cludflare to your image folder and apply this worker to the route.

addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
  const url = new URL(request.url)
  const referer = request.headers.get('Referer')
  const imageExtensions = /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|mp4)$/i

  if (url.pathname.startsWith('/wp-content/uploads/') && imageExtensions.test(url.pathname)) {
    if (!referer || !referer.startsWith('https://' + url.hostname)) {
      return new Response('Gone', { status: 410 })

  return fetch(request)

In addition I made all links to ?unapproved and to urls just with numbers also return 410.

Let me know if you find any flaws in my logic here or you think something might go wrong.
With this approach, will Google Images and other search engines (present and future) still be able to serve images from your site?

And will this effectively 'remove' the related spam link in the eyes of GoogleBot since it's redirecting to a 410?

Sorry for the basic questions I just want to make sure I understand the intended function here.
With this approach, will Google Images and other search engines (present and future) still be able to serve images from your site?
I have no idea, really. My logic is that the bot should find the images by crawling the pages, so the bot should be able to fetch them. But I guess time will tell. Other search engines should work in a similar way I assume.

And will this effectively 'remove' the related spam link in the eyes of GoogleBot since it's redirecting to a 410?
It should. In theory, if a page is 410, links to it should not be counted towards the site's ranking performance.

But that's the only solution I could think of that does not make me clean after the fact, but be kind of proactive.
I honestly think every SEO in the world should just focus our efforts on spamming the fuck out of Internet with absolute dog shit and forcing them to waste their resources on nothingness from here to hell and back just to destroy them like they've been destroying all of us.

Let's fuck up their serps. For real.
Averaging just under 900k links per 24 hours since I scaled up again.

Doing my part...
Averaging just under 900k links per 24 hours since I scaled up again.

Doing my part...
The hero we need.

This is where I'd throw the denzel meme right back at you with a mind blown emoji for some extra sauce
Recrawl Tools/Services
How do you guys gauge how effective your recrawl tools are for external sites? Is it just by checking g cache to see how quickly it gets updated? If so, what's a reasonable time table for recrawls you are finding?
