Ask a guy who just fucked up his back anything

Also, try working standing up. That's huge. Sitting down is really bad for you.
Speaking generally, with injuries, modify lifts as necessary to work out what you can. Some types of lifts, you may have to stop doing entirely. Usually for any single muscle group, there are a number of different methods you can use that will effectively do most of the same work. A lot of times people get a hard on for "compound movements" and generally glory-lifting as if you absolutely must deadlift, benchpress, power clean, etc. Not necessarily. Look at Dorian Yates. He had back injuries, so he started using machines like Smith machines, and still ended up becoming a multi-time Mr. Olympia. Use machines, use bodyweight, and use different methods as necessary to get the work done in the safest manner based on your injuries.

All that being said, you really need to get to a doctor whenever/however you can. Back injuries are no joke. In an extreme case scenario, it could be an injury that could paralyze you. In others, it could be an injury that, if not dealt with soon enough, maybe become permanent and/or degenerative. If you are absolutely unable to get to a doctor immediately, at the least, research the heck out of your symptoms, and try to learn more about what the injury might be. While self-diagnosis is generally suspect, at the least you can educate yourself more on the subject and gain better knowledge for the future on how to be a bit safer, avoid certain injuries, etc.

Thanks for this. I sustained a bad back injury 2 years ago and these were the exercises the physio recommended, which I had totally forgotten about (slash - shamefully - never really bothered with) but it has been getting uncomfortable recently.. I've just started swimming again so should really be doing these. Just done a set now.

I notice 4 and 5 are basically stretching the legs; I think my legs (hamstrings?) are also very tight as a result of the injury / subsequent lack of mobility. Does anybody know if they two are linked or are the legs just a symptom of lack of core/back strength? Is there anything I can be doing on that front, or should I just be doing these and plank/sit-ups for now?

Edit to add: I've never done really done weights / strength exercises etc. routinely before. Being quite a big guy I never felt the need as I always had enough strength. I'm feeling weak as hell nowadays though - so I'm guessing this is my core..? Any advice at all would be appreciated! Cheers.
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My back feels pretty much back to normal, was screwed for the few days could hardly walk but stretching definitely helps.

I think its the only thing that has ever helped

@j_b Tight hamstrings definitely worsen then issue, stretching out my hamstrings and glutes immediately seemed to relieve some pain. Also planks helped me but when I tried to do sit ups it would put strain on my back from bending so you kind of need to figure out what exercises work best for you, just take it slow
Most Back injury heal by itself. Also I am not sure if 60Kg would have harm a disc. I had SI Joint pain, Sciatica and severe lower back pain 7 Months back.

I did a shit load of mobility drills every fucking day, twice daily. Agile 8 plus all the yoga stretches for Lowers as well as Taekwondo stretches for Opening up the hips even better. ( All Youtube). Foam rolling, Hip flexor stretches, Leg splits and a lot more.

Now I am can deadlift/squat 120 KG (both same) for reps without any pain. Planning to back off another month and start a proper program again in January, because I still dont feel very confident and I think my core has weakened due to using belt all the time due to the back issue. Will either do few months of SS to take the LP as far as I can again, staring at maybe 80-90 KG squats/DL. Next month will be hardcore core work and maybe some upper body while I give my back some more time to relax. Thinking of doing a lot of Woodchoppers, Landmine, Weighted Carry (Farmers walk, Suitcase carry, Overhead carry etc), with more Yoga.

So yeah, back off, do a lot of Mobility drills and core work, and back will get unfucked. And if you are starting from a back pain, start from the bar just like SS. I started with the Bar and Squatted everyday till i hit 105 KGs for 5X5. Yeah, it works, and I was on a Calorie Deficit, and lost 7 KGs in the process.

Day 1 , Bar 5X5, Day two Bar + 10 Kgs, then 15 Kgs, Then 20 KGs, till about 80 and then 82.5 and so on. You can do 3/4 days a week.

But only after your back is healed.

And don't do SLDL or Barbell Rows.
OK , Sorry my post looked like a rant. I was drunk yesterday.
Back Injuries unless it is a Disc Problem, in which case you would already have been at the Hospital, Plan or not, will heal by itself.

I have been through it twice. Both Times not the disc. MRI showed only minor bulge which everyone who had a desk job will have, and my Doctor only advised rest and weight loss, and pain killers. I had severe pain. It was painful to lie down or get up. Sciatica added it.

So it is not Disc, it will heal. But if you want to get back into the game, shed those extra kilos.

Strengthen your Spinal Erector and your core.

A month or two of complete rest. Eat good food but eat in a slight deficit to lose some weight if you are over weight.

When you dont feel any more pain while lying down or getting up, but the pain will be back if you squat or lift something heavy, start the exercises you mentioned.

I did these everyday not in specific order.

1) Glute Bridge and Pelvic Tilt
2) Superman (Both Arm and Left Raise by lying prone). Also alternate raise. Left arm and right leg.
3) Bhujanga Asana ( youtube it.) Arms close to chest and slightly bent. Head Up.
4) Spinal Twists (

And all available Hamstring stretches.
Warrior Pose Variations, and other hamstring stretches. Way too many. If you want I can give more detail.

B) Core .. You want to build up your Transverse Abdominis to support your back. And all other Abs muscles
1) Push ups. Lots of pushups builds core as well as chest so all good.
2) Leg raise will be painful, but with hamstring flexibility, it will get better. Start with one leg raise or scissor variations. Only raise till you are comfortable and bring them down slowly. While doing leg raises variations, learn to activate your core by coughing. You activate your core while coughing. So coughing will remind you if you are activating or not. Also put your palms under your buttocks while you have the pain.

C) Do Agile 8 every day for hip mobility. The hip rotation of agile 8 is really helpful. U will feel the pain while doing this only. Make small circles to start.

Get a PVC pipe or trigger point foam roller. Roll your IT band and inner thighs. For hips and buttocks, get a lacrosse ball. Lacrosse ball is also good for shoulder massage. If it is not available, get a seamless hockey ball, or tennis ball at worse case scenario.

D) This hip flexor stretch is what has been the most helpful in my latest inning.
I do this everyday including Sundays.


You will know when you are ready. When you feel you are ready, take another couple weeks off, and start from the Bar. Squat 5X5 everyday till you hit 80 or so. Or just do a standard SS program starting at the Bar.

Or you can just do bodyweight. But it is not really heavy lifting that will injure you. Injury is mostly due to our faults.