Boot Camp
- Joined
- Oct 12, 2014
- Messages
- 123
- Likes
- 397
- Degree
- 1

Who am I?
I am a man of many names, been in the IM scene since 4 years now I think. Never tried to be too outgoing / ballsy on forums or on Facebook. You won't find me partying with escorts nor driving Lambos.
Paid traffic has been working very well for me, usually averaging about 80-100k a month in profits which is nice, but after some time you want something new. I don't want to optimize banners every day, I don't want to get into bidding wars with other affiliates, I do not want to have my shit ripped anymore. It just gets boring after a few years and I've lost my drive.
My true love and strength (I think) is thinking outside the box. I love to come up with a new idea, create a test and if that test is showing the results I've aimed for this is one of the greatest feelings I have.
Enough yadda yadda about me.
What is my niche for this experiment?
My site is an informative / entertainment project targeted towards males (30-50 yrs old) that want to improve their life: live a healthier life, live a happier life, gain social recognition, get more money. Those would be the main topics for my site.
What's the goal of this traffic leak experiment?
Create a site that gets shared. I want organic growing traffic that is not directly correlated to the paid traffic I'm sending to the project. I want to get to the point where I have a great CLV and snowballing traffic volume. People should share the page with their friends, use it as a homepage, read the newsletters and enrol in the custom services / guides / products I will create once the time is right. I do not want to be bound to one traffic source that controls my revenue.
How much time am I putting in to it?
I will personally put in 2 hours every day (1 day off per week). That is totally uninterrupted time where I'm very productive (thank you Pomodoro technique). I have two designers and two webdevelopers working fulltime for me and I plan to use them for this project as well. I already hired a content writer for the site but I'm not sure if it's the right fit.
What do the traffic levels look like now?
This is where I need to get my shit together asap. I'm running paid ads to the site via Facebook right now and those clicks show up as 'social' traffic in GA. I need to find a way to separate paid clicks and organic / social clicks. If somebody has a good idea, please leave a comment below!
I'll be updating different metrics along the way (visits, FB likes, optins and conversions broken down per source).
Personal goal?
I want you guys to hold me credible for this. I've become a lazy idiot. Money is rolling in, so might as well do shit tomorrow right? There's no real incentive for me right now and I hate this feeling. I've been slacking off far too much lately and I know that if I continue down on this path that I'll end up getting royally fucked. Also this project should be an asset which is stable. If shit hits the fan this project should at least generate 30k in profits a month using non-paid traffic.
What's the status of the project?
Not a single thing has been done in the last two weeks... at least nothing on the outside. Internally we created a custom questionnaire, a new .pdf giveaway and we are creating videos right now. A writer has been hired to get 2-3 high quality content pieces ready every week. The FB fanpage is growing and we're looking at roughly 250 likes now (22.4% up since last week).
The site runs on a premium Wordpress magazine template, has a professional logo and professional social media graphics.
With paid traffic the site generates about 180-250 USD profit a day (90-100% ROI).
I've got tons of ideas for this project. Lets see how many we can get to work!

Daily progress / to do's
I'll update the todo list daily. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot.
+ setup emails for project
+ prepared list of doc share sites
+ uploaded ebook to and
+ create new oDesk account
+ create job opening for writer on oDesk
+ interview and hire writer (16 USD / hr - for 2-3 quality articles a week)
- youtube video creation: look for screen recorder + voiceover artist
+ questionnaire / survey coded to increase interaction and to drive traffic from paid sources to the site
- create questionnaire / survey subpage
+ content
- design
- html
- design
- html
+ youtube video creation:
+ download Keynote
+ prepare slides
+ find voiceover artist
- create questionnaire / survey subpage+ prepare slides
+ find voiceover artist
- design
- html
- setup subdomain
- html
- setup subdomain
+ opening post @BuSo
+ tracking fix for paid / social traffic (Google Analytics)
+ finish Keynote file for video creation
+ buy intro for video creation (Fiverr)
+ buy voiceover for intro video (Fiverr)
+ setup automatic backup to google drive (updraft plus wp-plugin)
day off
+ check quality of new content writer (update: bad content, back to interviewing new writers)
+ spread free ebook on document sharing sites (Fiverr)
- finish GA ecommerce tracking
+ write script for first video and send it to the voiceover guy
+ create YT account
+ finish voiceover for video
+ create video
+ upload to Youtube and optimize video
+ hiring new writer (will deliver first article in 2-3 days)
+ embedded YT video post that gets most views to gain more engagement @ YT
+ fix missing onpage optimization before emp notices that I don't have real titles, descriptions or tags yet
- setup comparison site that reviews different products (main source of monetization atm) to increase conversion rate
+ writing content for comparison site
- find out how to setup subdomains with Ajenti
+ setup the comparison / review site
+ reread Ccarters onpage thread
+ check content quality of new writer (update: first article looks great!)
+ install search-meter plugin
+ add Facebook page banner to sidebar (only a static picture and no real widget to cut down on plugins and site speed)
+ setup exit pop with optin form (more details in a separate post later) I used MailMunch (update 13/12/14: don't upgrade to the silver plan if you're interested in the analytics. The stats only show two graphs and the conversion rate.)
- write content for email follow up sequence
+ hire second writer (getting good content up is my main priority atm)
+ finally finished the questionnaire / survey / configuration thingy. This allows people to interact even more with the content. Hope that this small tool will be shared everywhere.
+ added GA tracking for Youtube traffic (video got over 200+ hits since upload, will post full video stats on 15/12/14)
couldn't get anything done as I moved into my new house (kickass office, will post pics soon to revive @thehobbster s thread)
+ posted new article
+ GA ecommerce tracking done according to my dev (not sure if it works, we'll see in a few days)
+ outsourcing content creation for email sequence (after 3 days I'm looking at 37 subscribers with the exit pop. Not that great but it's a start)
gotta take care of some offline biz today and tomorrow so I won't get much more done
offline biz / day off
- setup test media buying campaign and send traffic to the survey / questionnaire (primary goal: convert the CPA offer, secondary goal: getting opt ins). I could not promote the CPA product directly on legit sources, so I hope that the legit questionnaire will get approved on traditional online media.
+ right now I'm only collecting opt ins with exit popups. I'll try to add links to the opt in forms in the content and sidebar area as well.
+ create first piece of newsletter content
+ bought 2k 'legit' high retention Youtube views, 50 likes, 50 shares and 40 comments for the video. Lets see if we can rank it faster that way.
+ fixed the GA ecommerce tracking which was broken
+ helped optimizing the main offer I'm promoting atm
+ offline stuff: surprised my girl with the new home. Great success!
+ researching the main audience / demographic using Facebook
+ researching for shareable content to post on Facebook. I'll probably sign up for something like Hootsuite to automate the FB posting. What I noticed is that a lot of people go through older posts and like / share them.
+ 80% of CCarters market research paper done
+ complete the first CC9 homework
+ created a script that dynamically generates links in pdf files. Will use this to track the performance of the second ebook I'll promote with the questionnaire.
Note: had to stop the paid campaign for now as I had to redo the tracking once again
+ finish research paper
+ review paid campaign performance of this week
+ create 3 troll accounts in 2 forums, participate in discussions and create a troll thread with a link to my site
Day off. Spent most of the day reading CCarters stuff and a few marketing blogs.
+ plan new content according to CCarters teachings
+ research new forums to create a few accounts and start socialising with people
+ compile list of related blogs that allow comments
Day off. Christmas.
+ writing a 1500 word post for the site (that got great feedback)
+ buy FB shares and FB posts on other pages to boost popularity
Spent some more time with the family for Christmas.
+ plan more content for content writers that will resume work in a few days
+ complete writing 1.5k word article
day off
+ finish CC9 homework
+ research pics, format article, post article
+ setup promotion on FB for the article. I'll drop 100 USD on the promotion of the article. I want to generate some buzz.
+ promoted the latest article to a custom audience on FB. Turns out that 50% of the audience are hardcore vegans / vegetarians and hate the article... on the other hand there are people defending the article. 17% CTR on FB and 3 cent clicks: tons of shares, comments AND opt ins on my site.
+ interacting with the crowd on Facebook, we got a few discussions going on. Lots of traffic.
+ giving the content writers new tasks and a new direction. Will aim for 2 massive posts (2k+ words) per week.
+ finish setting up the questionnaire campaign
+ schedule and post new articles
+ setup more FB ads to expand FB audience and boost optins
+ research the best setup for sending out automated emails / autoresponder
+ setup newsletters in new mailing system
+ brainstorm more article ideas for the writers (using Ccarters compelling titles doc as a guideline)
+ increase interlinking of questionnaire / survey
- research paid apps that can be quickly coded and launched for iOs. Define features, setup meeting with developers, define deadline.
+ had to move the whole project to a new server as the old one had some issues
+ tested and implemented the standalone homebrew Mailmunch script (will share it soon if you guys are interested)
Flying out, (hopefully) closing a profitable business deal. Can't get any work done till Monday.
+ spent most of the time doing due-dilligence for the new business purchase
+ post and schedule new posts
+ rip pics of hot bikini models, watermark, post on FB to increase likes / reach (not sure if that's a good idea)
Note: low clickprices resulting in 500-600% ROI for the paid campaign so I'm looking at 1-1.5k in profit a day at the moment.
+ setup more accounts for traffic linking
+ setup more FB campaigns that promote the posts of the site
+ found new type of pictures that lead to tons of likes and shares
+ researching new ways to increase the growth of my FB page (now over 1k+!)
+ optimizing questionnaire / survey for mobile devices
+ setup campaign for mobile devices. goal: capture optins for newsletter
+ prepare fourth newsletter mailing with buy link
+ prepare survey for newsletter subscribers to get more insight of my audience
+ posting 6 blog comments with links to my site (3 have already been approved)
+ building credibility for my reddit account to post my introduction thread later on
+ played a bit with my armada of accounts I have on a popular question / answer site. Managed to place my link right below the question with ease. I think I can use this to place links on questions that get a lot of traffic.
+ commented on 5 relevant blogs, got 4 comments approved, one blog is linked to a big national newspaper. Got flamed by the author (contradictory views and he's butthurt now), ended up with only a few clicks (7 so far).
+ over the last two days I've experimented more on the q&a site and created a process on how to swoop into old questions, post answers while dropping links, upvoting to the top and staying under the radar at the same time. Already got 8 legit accounts up I can use, until next week I should have 20 in total. High volume questions have answers with up to 15 votes, so it'll be easy to rank them there. Now the only question is how to find high traffic questions but my developer is already at it.
+ got my aged and legit account canned on one of the biggest forums in my niche. Turns out their 'no link policy' means no fucking links allowed, not even to a .gov site I linked in a helpful comment. Fuck them. Next.
+ reddit is very small in my GEO but I created an account and posted in the subreddit of my GEO. Lets see if I can get the homework done under those shitty circumstances.
+ outline forum posting plan (what where when how) and get accounts ready. Introduction post in 3 forums.
day off
+ finished 15 accounts for the Q&A site (incl 3-5 posts each). no link dropping so far.
- researching more forums to post in
- preparing content I'll drop in 5 days in one of the forums. hope this shit will get a sticky there (high quality content, one link to my project, one link to one competitor).
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