Software Comment Goblin - One Strange Trick To Break Google Site Classification


A "Spinning Round Planet" With "Gravity"
BuSo Pro
Jan 29, 2015

Boost your engagement and take over the serps with realistic comments and questions.
Breddit did it.
They just took everyone's traffic.

Why shouldn't you?
99$ unlimited websites lifetime license.
49$ One website lifetime license.

Buy Now Right Here

2 Weeks full refund if you hate it no questions asked. Email

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Honestly - nice app!

Does it space out timestamps of comments?
LOL, love the headline.

Very intriguing. I'd bet that many of the content farms that got wiped out over the last 3 updates had very little interactions in the comments.

Buying a license to see two things:

Can I move stuff on page 1 higher with frequent activity that pulls the spiders back more frequently?

Can I move pages by stuffing keywords and other relevant content into the comments (diff DOM than the main body) and will Google treat this differently?

2B: Can I use it to deoptimize overoptimized pages en masse? Hmmm....

If I had a penalized content site, I'd try and see how much activity it takes for Google to reconsider previously applied penalties.
Awesome! I used a plugin like this a few years back, WP Comment Booster. Was helpful but had a few issues including spotty support. It was also entirely manual. Leveraging AI here is a very smart move.
Well shit. This forum aint dead yet.
Thanks for all the sales and support guys.

Anything you want changed or added?
I was thinking we would add Shopify if we hit 100 sales and maybe an option to buy gtp credits with out an open AI subscription.
Speak up if you want something.
I am interested in the lifetime licence. Does this plugin leave a footprint? Like, a way for people to know the comments are AI generated - maybe through source code inspection and the likes?

Its a plugin.
And it makes comments.

It works on the backend of things so not really much to worry about. Wordpress being wordpress you can uninstall it after using it if you're concerned about people looking for it or just keeping your bloat down.
Be smart about your date ranges and run it appropriately. Google crawls a lot.
If you back date to aggressively I'm sure you can find a way to nuke yourself.
Don't be dumb.
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