Focus, Fear Of Failure - The Great Reset

Nov 13, 2021
I have a problem.

My focus is bad. I keep working on a new product, site or whatever.

And then I just give up. That's not because I didn't do good it's just that I started 2 ideas at same time.

My energy drains. From start I get really interested in idea. Then it just slowly fades.

Right now I am doing on a product. My goal is to start selling, but I am just scared of losing money.

When I go into projects:
1. I want to go all in
2. At the end I get scared of failure.
3. When I go into project I want to do high quality.

Especially now I feel a bit down when my sites are down.

I know that product got potential. I just feel like i will fail and I haven't even tested market.
I don't think I can put it better than Steve Jobs.


Everyone thinks failure is bad because it didn't work or you made a mistake.

That is incorrect.

The fact that it didn't work means that there was a gap in your knowledge which means that it is an opportunity for you to learn and fill in that knowledge gap. If you manage to solve the problem you can think of it like opening a reward chest.
My advice, and this dovetails with what @JOoa0ky is saying, is to limit the number of things you're actually focused on. It appears that we didn't evolve to be particularly good at focusing on a lot of things at all, and when we try to, it drives stress through the roof and kills our drive.
My energy drains. From start I get really interested in idea. Then it just slowly fades.
So figure out what you need to do to prevent the energy drain. Figure how to keep the energy going. Figure out what you need to do to renew it, so it never runs out and you're constantly able to go. To do so you'll need to ask yourself some questions, be willing to be honest with those answers, then execute. If you're not able to be honest with yourself (most people aren't), you won't make it.
So figure out what you need to do to prevent the energy drain. Figure how to keep the energy going. Figure out what you need to do to renew it, so it never runs out and you're constantly able to go. To do so you'll need to ask yourself some questions, be willing to be honest with those answers, then execute. If you're not able to be honest with yourself (most people aren't), you won't make it.
Thank you. I agree my overall stratetgy is not bad. My motto is always build quality first.

But where I did mistakes are :

1) lets say with this product instead of starting with 1 version first I started with 3 different versions. That took from me a lot of energy instead on focusing only on 1 product first.

2) I was used with content sites that there's easy entry. Compared to products which needs far more money, but the scalling can be also quicker / reaching more markets and so on.

I would say my overall thing was doing product fast wasn't bad at all its still quality made. I worked 10h a day+ but problem was focusing on 3 products at same time. That comes with a hefty price (loss of focus, calculating stock prices, inventory) i should focus on 1 and get that product to test as fast as possible as I said before.

Now I will focus on that first product version and test the markets. Goal is that I start selling till end of February.
That is part of it but I was more specifically talking about other aspects of your life. The way you schedule things throughout the day, figuring our what your psychological hangups are, figuring out what your strengths are, organizing your life in a way that capitalizes on your strengths while naturally reducing/negating the impact of your weaknesses. Putting your life together in a way where the natural outcome is success. So it's not even something you work at, rather it just is.
You have an advantage. You consciously recognize one thing that is holding you back: Fear of failure.

Many people will not succeed due to this fear (or something else), but they don't know why they aren't getting to where they want to be.

So now your next steps is to begin to change your mindset around what failure is.

You have to recognize that failure is just a part of the learning process. It is a necessary thing. Making mistakes, doing something wrong, having a business not turn out. That is the path of all entrepreneurs. Just know that when you 'fail' it is really just an opportunity to learn and grow.

When you have the mindset of welcoming failure, the fear is eliminated.

And as far as motivation goes, find a big enough 'why'.
I feel like this is often an issue of subtle unrealistic expectations. Many people dream of business and envision success until they're actually getting in the trenches, then shit gets real and the fear of failure rears its head for the exact same reason: we expected to win. This can happen even to the most seasoned person, too, on the 2nd and 3rd business, etc.

The fact is you will fail here and there. It's baked into the game. There is zero way around it. Failure sucks but it's how you refine the process until you win big.

Another way to look at it is that the fear of failure should never outweigh the fear of not-winning. The person who's afraid of not winning should be eager to go through failure, because each time is another step on the path towards success. Your hunger for success / fear of not winning can replace or at least weigh more in your personal algorithm than the fear of failure.

If you let the fear of failure rob you of momentum there's likely something providing complacency, too. Like people with a day job who won't let it go in order to take their business to the next level. Sometimes people are already sitting on cushions and aren't going to get up and do something else that has the reward of sitting on super-duper luxury cushions if it comes with the risk of losing the couch altogether.

It's a question of what you want more: comfort or success. And that's often a question of having the right "why's", which is to say the right reasons for risking it in the first place.
If you're constantly changing projects, my guess is that you haven't done enough research on your niche and method.

I'm a similarly scatterbrained type, but when I find a niche and project that I really believe in, then I just stick to that and completely commit to it. I dive into every little detail and know every youtube vid, every blogger, every equipment. I talk to vendors, product owners, etc. Once you live and breathe a niche or method, then success is much easier to achieve. It also becomes its own self fullfilling prophecy, because the more you know, the more interesting it will usually seem. The more skilled you get, the more you want to be better.

I think if you don't get to that point, you might either have selected a niche or method that you are simply not interested in, in which case you should drop it. You might have chosen a niche that is simply too competitive and you don't get that initial small success that leads you try more. You might also just not have the right mindset, like Ryu was alluding to. You need to do a leap of faith and believe in the hustle.

You can actually run multiple projects, but I would still advise to only do so in niches and methods that you strongly care about or know about. Can't half ass multiple projects unless you really know what you're doing. If you're doing multiple projects that you don't care about, then your recruiting game must be on point. You must know how to hire people who care about your niches and topics.
Thank you so much everyone for this great discussion. One big advantage I have is I'm really good at finding right people to work with me and big con. is I take projects way to serious & fast! I made this custom product in one month. That came with a price...

With speed main problem was that I got tired and of course tiredness impact the mood. Big time! I changed last week that I go to sleep sooner and wake up at 6-7am. I feel like i'm reborn. Energy went up by x5 :smile:

I am going now to this product with totally different mindset.

What I will do in upcoming weeks. Better organization. I won't think so much of money i can lose (which is stupid anyway i got enough that I can spend and actually lose who cares if everything flops I can get a job)

With that said I'm changing some plans to product that I'm working and in 2-3 months I'll get back with you if I've made any sales. In 1 month i want to really launch it properly.
To add to what everyone here has said, you might want to ask yourself why you fear failure. Some of it might just be that we get unhealthy messages about failure from society, but maybe some experience you had growing up ingrained the belief that "failure = unacceptable"? If you can figure out why you feel that fear, it will make it easier to see past it and rewire your beliefs in a positive way.

The fact is you will fail here and there. It's baked into the game. There is zero way around it.
I love this. If you're failing, at least it means you are giving yourself the chance to succeed. If you are not willing to fail, you are guaranteeing you will never succeed.
To add to what everyone here has said, you might want to ask yourself why you fear failure. Some of it might just be that we get unhealthy messages about failure from society, but maybe some experience you had growing up ingrained the belief that "failure = unacceptable"? If you can figure out why you feel that fear, it will make it easier to see past it and rewire your beliefs in a positive way.

I love this. If you're failing, at least it means you are giving yourself the chance to succeed. If you are not willing to fail, you are guaranteeing you will never succeed.
In one way why because i got also loan. That may be main reason, but that is fueling me to work "harder" more focused.

So far it's going much better. I'm still working on product idea. I hoped to launch at start of March but i need a bit more time. Quality first!
Product eCommerce failed. Lost bunch of money. Someone willl most likely buy my inventory (USA buyer).

eCommerce is not for me. I enjoy more other stuff. Reason : too much stress.

Now back fixing those sites I have after mayor traffic drop happened.
Product eCommerce failed. Lost bunch of money. Someone willl most likely buy my inventory (USA buyer).

eCommerce is not for me. I enjoy more other stuff. Reason : too much stress.

Now back fixing those sites I have after mayor traffic drop happened.
Read, or re read and apply tim ferriss 4 hour work week

Watch/listen to hormozis podcast on doing the boring work and not getting distracted (and his stuff in general too)

And for the physical/energy side of things so your body and brain work at max capacity
Dave asprey
Paul saladino
Are great resources

Learn what it actually means to 'eat right' and workout properly, stack that with a regular meditation routine and your light years ahead
Read, or re read and apply tim ferriss 4 hour work week

Watch/listen to hormozis podcast on doing the boring work and not getting distracted (and his stuff in general too)

And for the physical/energy side of things so your body and brain work at max capacity
Dave asprey
Paul saladino
Are great resources

Learn what it actually means to 'eat right' and workout properly, stack that with a regular meditation routine and your light years ahead
Thanks. So far I am getting so much better. Doing various of sports weekly + having coach is amazing!

Thanks I'll get this Thims book really curious what's all about.
Thanks I'll get this Thims book really curious what's all about.
It’s a fun read but it’s basically a lesson on outsourcing everything and giving workers more permission to deal with bigger tasks until you aren’t needed. Like “decisions up to $400 in value” was a customer service example. That’s the whole book. It sinks in better if you read it, and it’s an enjoyable ride.
It’s a fun read but it’s basically a lesson on outsourcing everything and giving workers more permission to deal with bigger tasks until you aren’t needed. Like “decisions up to $400 in value” was a customer service example. That’s the whole book. It sinks in better if you read it, and it’s an enjoyable ride.
Ahh i already outsource 99% of work ahh thought is something better :smile: well i'll still read it. Just ordered it..