Google Algorithm Updates - 2024 Ongoing Discussion

The debate kids with 4.0s wanna feel smart and feed their egos.
Not work a job. lol.

What was the point of jumping through all the groomers hoops if you gotta office to slave like the rest of us,
Damn. good clip. He said there'll be an AI bubble and it'll burst. Better make your AI startup now, cash in on VC cash when you can, and hope that it suffices for you to get a hold in whatever market you're competing in!
If you want to know where people are heading, follow the money.

By this, I mean ad money.

Yes, it is true some people flock where there isn't an ad platform yet ( new trends that haven't implemented a paid ad setup yet ), but look at where ad money is going.

A lot of you will scream out, Google and Meta bring in the most.

That's not what I said, look at where it is going... moving, shifting, growing.

And I can tell you a big chunk is still flowing to and moving to TikTok. There is still a lot moving to Meta too.

It isn't moving to Google. It isn't new money flowing into Google.

How do I know?

I buy ads everywhere online. I see data in reports from these ad platforms. I invest in what I can and I see these companies ad earnings. Several tools that integrate with multiple ad platforms ( like NorthBeam ) will give you ad data of their users and where they are shifting their money.

As a side note to this, I do feel people are tired of the fuckery with ads and popups and more. Like @CCarter said:
Even this next generation is Tiktoking stuff that previous generations Googled. They don't give a fucking about the old guard - they want answered from a source they understand - short term video.

- and having to waddle through pop-up ADs, display ADs, interstitial ADs, and even more.

I recently cancelled my YouTube Premium sub to find more ads on a competitor and guess what I realized.

YouTube fucking sucks ass as a "normal" free user. For years I didn't realize this. YouTube was my favorite "ask a question" channel but that was because I was paying to see no ads.

Remove the paid sub and now I gotta watch 2 ads before the video starts? I gotta watch another ad in the middle or 1/3 through the video? I gotta watch another one if I skip 4 minutes ahead to the part I wanna see?


Same on the Google search engine, or the SEO'd page I click on to from Google.

Instagram ( Meta ) doesn't have this problem.

TikTok doesn't have this problem.

I can scroll right on past the ads, and it isn't a ton like it is on YouTube.

Radio is horrible also. I never listen to the damn Radio anymore. TV ads are horrible too, I don't watch TV anymore. Google and YouTube are horrible, guess what I hardly Google or YouTube anymore now unless it's me buying something ( looking up part numbers ) or me wanting to find out how to get the damn ABS wheels sensor off the left rear wheel of my 4Runner.

Otherwise, it's TikTok.

Otherwise, it's Reddit

Otherwise, it somewhere where Im not seeing a ton of ads and BS and having to pay for a better experience just to get data.

But guess where I can get that data also? ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, MSN CoPilot, Meta Ai, Qwen, Llama, etc.

I'm pretty sure these Ai platform will introduce ads too, when they do I will be right there buying them up.

I know Ford recently released a patent to show ads in the infotainment console of your car, but I think that's gonna be dogshit.

Follow the money. Learn how to follow the money. Put your time there where it is heading.

Wayne Gretzky - Skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been
Yes, good point, ads are not forever. People are tired of ads and with the whole indie hacking movement, there is also a supply side movement towards just charging people for services, instead of ads.

I look at myself and I am actually now paying a lot more people instead of ads. I pay people on Patreon, I pay them on Substack, I could pay for Medium subscriptions, I pay Premium on X to avoid ads (which in turn puts money in creator's pockets there).

It does seem as if the internet is maturing and moving away from ads and towards pay as you go. People are more willing to pay now that it also coincides with the death of trust in mainstream media and the lack of creativity in Hollywood etc.

Incidentally, blogging is actually have a resurgence again with Substack and X.
Eric Schmidt is a spook though, has some deep CIA connections, Julian Assange has written about it. Eric Schmidt is in many ways probably the reason Google is in its current predicament. It's more than suggested by Assange that he sold out to intelligence agencies and allowed them to use Google for their purposes.
I wasnt questioning you lol.

Damn that was a interesting read though.
Thought that was common knowledge tbh.

Guess I shouldn't assume that a bunch of people trying to take advantage of a company would learn everything they could about them.

Surprised the only reference to In-Q-Tel was footnote #43 though. That's where the real story begins.

Some thing to consider for those that aren't seeing similar improvements is @GeorgeG did the disavow method around the beginning of May.

If @Ryuzaki's theory on Googling taking one or two cycles for a core updates for the disavow to be considered and domains removed then this is right at the timing.

So ultimately people had nothing to lose in doing the disavow and potential a lot of recovery to gain.

Another example of a turn around after doing the disavow without doing the re-indexing of bad domains/URLs:

You're still in here fighting the good fight?

I commend you, sir. You're a better man than me.

I gave up trying to help people who would rather complain than do work some time ago.

At least for free.

I've got NDAs signed with some big sites so I can't divulge details but yes, you can go from almost a quarter million organic visitors/month to more than a half million just by protecting your backlink profile but...when the fresh spam shows back up, your rankings go back down over time as (my assumption here, no idea the actual mechanism that is being applied) your 'fresh' backlink profile is all out of wack with more bad links than good in the past 14-30 days.

If I'm going to work this hard it's back to the churn and burn machine for me.
I commend you, sir. You're a better man than me.

I'm tired boss... real tired... It's like pieces of glass in my head, all the time.

I'm really not a better man. The people that listened recovered and rose. Everyone else - well they're gone.

You know when you put out information that is designed to help there will always be people that are hating from the sidelines. But that shouldn't stop you from trying to help.

Now-a-days I mostly help people that reach out on Skype or in DMs.

Time is too short and precious to waste arguing with people on the internet.
look up adultbooklet com on Ahrefs. These guys are winning. Site started this summer and is at 5,000 hits/month with just 22 referring domains from bullshit spam links.

Grindstone's right!
So this site got posted on reddit.
This is not a low $ niche. Shocking performance given the backlink profile.
I'd expect it to be in the penalty box instead of wiping the floor with commercial keywords.
Anchors are really interesting to.
So this site got posted on reddit.
This is not a low $ niche. Shocking performance given the backlink profile.
I'd expect it to be in the penalty box instead of wiping the floor with commercial keywords.
Anchors are really interesting to.
They're 301 redirecting and to the new site though. Maybe they are hiding something behind the 301 redirects? Its not a totally new site if they are redirecting old domains to it. Something is definitely up.
November 2024 Core Update - COMPLETE

As of 1:30 PM EST yesterday (Thursday, Dec. 5th), the November Core update finished rolling out. It took 23.5 days to fully propagate across all the systems, which was nearly twice as long as expected. It started on November 11th.

Here's an example of the volatility across the time period:


It's become abundantly clear that Google has no intention of backing away from the HCU and especially not rolling it back, which makes you question what the point of having any more search updates is any more if you're just shuffling the same handful of sites around while giving them manual penalties (since there's so few of them you can do it that way) for still disrespecting you despite you killing 99% of their competition for them and feeding them the spoils.

Here's an example of the games people are playing (this person didn't, but it's a perfect example). Some dipshit will be all over Twitter and the like proclaiming they had a 50% traffic boost after an update, leading you to believe they recovered half of their HCU losses. When in reality they're still down by 80%:


Also note, that's not even pageviews. That's impressions. They chose not to show pageviews because the situation is so dire half of the readers might actually jump out their windows.

Expect some "volatility" in about 2 weeks after the assessment period is over and the unnamed tweaking begins.
Looks like I get double the bullshit impressions I was getting in search console.
Makes a cool graph but traffic didn't move a lick.
Site went from penalized but top 100ing big stuff to top 50ing some big stuff but still front paging for dick.
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I'm not taking the time to grab all the volatility charts this time but it's out of the roof now that the December Core Update is kicking off.

It's a total slaughter. Anything that was hit by the HCU that was still bringing in a couple 100 visits a day from Google is now dead in the water, down to like 10 visits. This is the sentiment across the community that I've seen and witnessed in my own sites.

Anyone hoping for a rollback needs to realize that ship sailed over 2 years ago. Google is doubling down on their decision to basically whitelist content sites. Other non-info seeking queries seem relatively untouched, but the content game is toast.

Also, apparently Google has once again reiterated that Core Updates will now be smaller in scope but more frequent.
It's a total slaughter. Anything that was hit by the HCU that was still bringing in a couple 100 visits a day from Google is now dead in the water, down to like 10 visits. This is the sentiment across the community that I've seen and witnessed in my own sites.
Not quite dead yet, but close to it.

I actually saw a 15% increase in November, but when you zoom out it is not significant. Similar to the screenshot you shared. It was enough to make me hopeful for a few weeks though.

All November gains have been wiped out in December.
December 2024 Spam Update
