Leaked Internal Google Engineering Documentation

Never trust Google.

That's what I get from all this.
@mj22 @Politico ok im wrong then. Do you have anything to share?
Not much publicly. If that is all you got out of that statement that was leaked, im sorry.... there have been other senior players on here trying to sound off about this to wake/help your asses out for over the last 1yr+, if you look. (i am not here to spoon feed anyone this info, nor or others, we don't work for you...psssshhhh, wtf?!?- go fuck yourself). You are one of those sheeple that follow the other sheep to the slaughter/or off the cliff arnt you?. Fucktards like you are why there is less shared knowledge publicly, I'd prefer this to be a paid forum so we don't let in people like this. you have my vote for it. This might be why we cant have nice things anymore....
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Not much publicly. If that is all you got out of that statement that was leaked, im sorry.... there have been other senior players on here trying to sound off about this to wake/help your asses out for over the last 1yr+, if you look. (i am not here to spoon feed anyone this info, nor or others, we don't work for you...psssshhhh, wtf?!?- go fuck yourself). You are one of those sheeple that follow the other sheep to the slaughter/or off the cliff arnt you?. Fucktards like you are why there is less shared knowledge publicly, I'd prefer this to be a paid forum so we don't let in people like this. you have my vote for it. This might be why we cant have nice things anymore....
LOL Like that "secret" about disavowing links to recover from the March core update? That was a load of bullshit. I tried it myself and it didn't work and I asked anyone else who tried it if it worked for them, and there was no reply. I knew that coming in and I even emailed the guru there from this forum if he wants to get involved with a deal with me to scam a mother fucker and he backed out! Yeah, sure buddy, keep your "secret" to yourself even though you said it was mentioned elsewhere.

I'll repeat my point since I know people here have low reading comprehension: If I were to start a new site (and I am), I'd put SEO in 3rd or 4th priority. First priority is to get traffic and brand recognition. Its clear that the algo boosts links w/ traffic and sites with clickstream data. Maybe a year later, when I get 1,000 branded searches/month from social media, PPC, google discover, or google news, I'd even bother to do SEO and content marketing. Maybe not even content marketing depending on how Google Gemini plays out.

And to give credit where it is due @CCarter said this ages ago with traffic leaks and before that the porn guys were just doing traffic sharing without Google rankings. So yes, this was mentioned 20 years ago.

Making SEO your priority marketing channel is a recipe for disaster. But, you know, you have a secret that's powerful. Good for you!
a deal with me to scam a mother fucker
people here have low reading comprehension

Why are you such a dick?

And why are you trying to scam people?

Are you that shit at business that you need to steal instead of delivering value?

I mean for fuck sake... sell toaster ovens... get a job at Mcdonald's... wash fucking windshields at stoplights... figure it out man!

There are so many fucking ways to make money... to get traffic... to be a better person... maybe you should try a few of them.
Just because someone like @BakerStreet says they did a method doesn't mean they did it correctly.

A example is @chubes, no offense to him, he stated he was doing the method yet then turned around and admitted he didn't have money to pay for ahrefs or semrush. So in the end he didn't do the method correctly and failed.

Just because people are saying they are "doing the method" doesn't mean they are doing it exactly correct. 99.999% of the time they'll do it "their way", fail - which if you step back is a self-sabotaging activity.

If you know you aren't doing it the exact method from the beginning that has been re-iterated multiple times, but then add your twist to it, and then fail - did the method fail or did you?

People aren't willing to admit the truth. In @BakerStreet's example he most likely took lots of shortcuts, failed, and said it doesn't work. I know him, I can bet my left nut he took shortcuts or didn't even bother doing the method and is just trolling for reactions because he is bored.

Meanwhile there are countless screenshots here and on TwitterSEO/XSEO showing people recovering - when they do the method exactly like it was stated.

Why are you such a dick?

@Smith, you're wasting your time arguing with him - there was a reason he was banned 3 times already from this forum over the years.

He's bored and needs these adrenaline rushes by trolling and prodding people.

He's a smart guy that learned Traffic Leaks and the art of trolling. I hate to say it, but @BakerStreet is one of my greatest creations from the WickedFire days.

Like Frankenstein's monster returning home every couple of years looking for a spark of life to troll. He misses us - it's fine. This is how he interacts with the old WickedFire gang.

I don't hate him, I understand him. Being on the internet fighting to generate revenue and income and money gets very lonely. Basically the only warrior on the battlefield.

There are very few intelligent people around to interact with in real life who understand what we do. So here we are again, he's back.

Meanwhile there are countless screenshots here and on TwitterSEO/XSEO showing people recovering - when they do the method exactly like it was stated.
Wow, Looks like i missed something!.

Could you please share links to recovery stories? Because i don't think i've seen any (here & twitter).
A example is @chubes, no offense to him, he stated he was doing the method yet then turned around and admitted he didn't have money to pay for ahrefs or semrush. So in the end he didn't do the method correctly and failed.
To clarify I paid for 1 month of SEMrush plus the various recommended crawling/indexing tools. Followed the method as best I could, but yes, in the end I was not able to fully complete the process and I believe I had disavowed way too many "good links."

I never said I didn't believe in the process. I'm just not in a position to do it correctly so my anecdotal story is not sufficient to say it doesn't work.

I'm focused on other things right now because I can't currently get Google traffic to save my life and I need to eat.
He's bored and needs these adrenaline rushes by trolling and prodding people.
It sounds like he needs to get laid... or pick up an actual hobby.

He's a smart guy
I haven't seen anything to support this statement.

All I've seen so far is...

1. He was planning on turning the team running his failing affiliate site into an agency supporting other affiliate sites.

2. He was going to use someone else's recovery strategy to try and scam someone who apparently would write him a blank check.

3. He was trying to "raise capital" and/or sell homes in order to fund his website...

4. And let's not forget his advice to you that you need a CTO, CFO, CMO, CPO, COO, CGO, CLO, CNO....
LOL Like that "secret" about disavowing links to recover from the March core update? That was a load of bullshit. I tried it myself and it didn't work and I asked anyone else who tried it if it worked for them, and there was no reply. I knew that coming in and I even emailed the guru there from this forum if he wants to get involved with a deal with me to scam a mother fucker and he backed out! Yeah, sure buddy, keep your "secret" to yourself even though you said it was mentioned elsewhere.

I'll repeat my point since I know people here have low reading comprehension: If I were to start a new site (and I am), I'd put SEO in 3rd or 4th priority. First priority is to get traffic and brand recognition. Its clear that the algo boosts links w/ traffic and sites with clickstream data. Maybe a year later, when I get 1,000 branded searches/month from social media, PPC, google discover, or google news, I'd even bother to do SEO and content marketing. Maybe not even content marketing depending on how Google Gemini plays out.

And to give credit where it is due @CCarter said this ages ago with traffic leaks and before that the porn guys were just doing traffic sharing without Google rankings. So yes, this was mentioned 20 years ago.

Making SEO your priority marketing channel is a recipe for disaster. But, you know, you have a secret that's powerful. Good for you!
Hey dumb fuck, i never said SEO was the only game i do, just because i do SEO and am successful at it, even after all these updates doesn't mean i am not doing social, media buys, ect. The "secret" you hint at is from spending a shit ton of money and time testing and watching what works and what doesn't. The "secret" is actually doing the work, but i guess your too lazy, too much of a leech, and a pussy to do it on your own. I am not about to out what i know publicly so some jackass like you can reap the benefits from it, LOL.

I'm done with this conversation and blocking your ass, I'm losing IQ reading your bullshit posts. I remember who you are now, and see why you have been banned here 3 times... SMH
Slightly off topic here, but has there ever been a discussion on the quality of your offer vs your competition vs all of these algo changes? Sure shitters are going to bump you up or down based on various tactics, but how does that impact your conversion rate? How has that changed during the same time period? If it remains steady with a traffic drop I get the urgency and regaining traffic drops, but if your conversion rate is dropping as well then it's likely not only algo changes
Why are you such a dick?

And why are you trying to scam people?

Are you that shit at business that you need to steal instead of delivering value?

I mean for fuck sake... sell toaster ovens... get a job at Mcdonald's... wash fucking windshields at stoplights... figure it out man!

There are so many fucking ways to make money... to get traffic... to be a better person... maybe you should try a few of them.
I think you have a misunderstanding between what's theft (stealing) and scamming. Scamming is when you deliver something of value without any misrepresentation but you charge a much higher price than what it is worth. The client would have received consultation as advertised. They'd just pay a lot for it, since I knew they were in a desperate situation. I wasn't promising recover. I was promising consultation from a dude who said he knew how to do the recovery. I never said I knew and would never promise recovery.

Just because someone like @BakerStreet says they did a method doesn't mean they did it correctly.

A example is @chubes, no offense to him, he stated he was doing the method yet then turned around and admitted he didn't have money to pay for ahrefs or semrush. So in the end he didn't do the method correctly and failed.

Just because people are saying they are "doing the method" doesn't mean they are doing it exactly correct. 99.999% of the time they'll do it "their way", fail - which if you step back is a self-sabotaging activity.

If you know you aren't doing it the exact method from the beginning that has been re-iterated multiple times, but then add your twist to it, and then fail - did the method fail or did you?

People aren't willing to admit the truth. In @BakerStreet's example he most likely took lots of shortcuts, failed, and said it doesn't work. I know him, I can bet my left nut he took shortcuts or didn't even bother doing the method and is just trolling for reactions because he is bored.

Meanwhile there are countless screenshots here and on TwitterSEO/XSEO showing people recovering - when they do the method exactly like it was stated.

@Smith, you're wasting your time arguing with him - there was a reason he was banned 3 times already from this forum over the years.

He's bored and needs these adrenaline rushes by trolling and prodding people.

He's a smart guy that learned Traffic Leaks and the art of trolling. I hate to say it, but @BakerStreet is one of my greatest creations from the WickedFire days.

Like Frankenstein's monster returning home every couple of years looking for a spark of life to troll. He misses us - it's fine. This is how he interacts with the old WickedFire gang.

I don't hate him, I understand him. Being on the internet fighting to generate revenue and income and money gets very lonely. Basically the only warrior on the battlefield.

There are very few intelligent people around to interact with in real life who understand what we do. So here we are again, he's back.

I am bored. You're right. I appreciated the help 10 or so years ago. Sucks that SERPWoo closed. You're smart too man. Special thing we have here at BuSo. I really love it. I'm glad you tolerate me.

It sounds like he needs to get laid... or pick up an actual hobby.

I haven't seen anything to support this statement.

All I've seen so far is...

1. He was planning on turning the team running his failing affiliate site into an agency supporting other affiliate sites.

2. He was going to use someone else's recovery strategy to try and scam someone who apparently would write him a blank check.

3. He was trying to "raise capital" and/or sell homes in order to fund his website...

4. And let's not forget his advice to you that you need a CTO, CFO, CMO, CPO, COO, CGO, CLO, CNO....
I do get laid, thank you very much.

And, no, your impression of my business is wrong. I don't have an affiliate site. I have products. I also have a CPO who is in charge of the product line and a COO who is in charge of delivering the product to customers. As for my results, we're waiting on government authorization in the US, Turkey, and Vietnam in order to run ads. Because I have a CPO who is dedicated to making products, we add a new product to the product line every week. Ridicule it if you want, but I don't see you adding to your product line as a solo-entrepreneur :smile:

Since CCarter happens to be very right about it and I know myself pretty well too. I find your disrespect quite motivating and I'll be back in a year with a screenshot of how my products are selling, just to spite you. Just wait my friend. I'm inches away from government authorization. Once I have it, I'll be making a million dollars a month in sales. And yes, this product is a fucking scam. It's like those ads to "download more ram." It is stupid but, hey, I get richer from it! This is capitalism at its best... and once I get government authorization, it becomes a walled garden with a barrier to entry :smile: Hurray! I hope you are jealous!

@mj22 Oh come on man! Unblock me! I love to argue.
If this who I think it is.
Yeah he's wrong this time and being an argumentative sperg but....
You still gonna get dunked on. Dudes an evil genius.
Hope we get some good outing when it happens lol.
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I think you have a misunderstanding between what's theft (stealing) and scamming. Scamming is when you deliver something of value without any misrepresentation but you charge a much higher price than what it is worth. The client would have received consultation as advertised. They'd just pay a lot for it, since I knew they were in a desperate situation. I wasn't promising recover. I was promising consultation from a dude who said he knew how to do the recovery. I never said I knew and would never promise recovery.

I am bored. You're right. I appreciated the help 10 or so years ago. Sucks that SERPWoo closed. You're smart too man. Special thing we have here at BuSo. I really love it. I'm glad you tolerate me.

I do get laid, thank you very much.

And, no, your impression of my business is wrong. I don't have an affiliate site. I have products. I also have a CPO who is in charge of the product line and a COO who is in charge of delivering the product to customers. As for my results, we're waiting on government authorization in the US, Turkey, and Vietnam in order to run ads. Because I have a CPO who is dedicated to making products, we add a new product to the product line every week. Ridicule it if you want, but I don't see you adding to your product line as a solo-entrepreneur :smile:

Since CCarter happens to be very right about it and I know myself pretty well too. I find your disrespect quite motivating and I'll be back in a year with a screenshot of how my products are selling, just to spite you. Just wait my friend. I'm inches away from government authorization. Once I have it, I'll be making a million dollars a month in sales. And yes, this product is a fucking scam. It's like those ads to "download more ram." It is stupid but, hey, I get richer from it! This is capitalism at its best... and once I get government authorization, it becomes a walled garden with a barrier to entry :smile: Hurray! I hope you are jealous!

@mj22 Oh come on man! Unblock me! I love to argue.
I actually unblocked your ass out of curiousity to see what your reply was. I am glad i could motivate you like this, stop being a lazy biotch and get to work instead of running your fucking mouth on here being a kunt. Keep kicking ass/or go kick some ass, and when you do whatever the fuck it is you feel you have to do to come back and brag, id like to see those reciepts of accomplishment. Dont be a internet tough guy talking out of your ass. Let's see it.

I dont get jealous bro, im plenty plush the way it is. Good luck and godspeed to you and your loved ones, You fucking Psycho.

Operation "RE-Blocking Dumb Fuck" commencing.
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How long does this sort of thing take?
For the US the authorization is made by a court and the body there meets once a month. So if you have a message to the court, it takes a month for them to reply. Then if you reply back to the court, it will take another month to hear another reply. How long will it take??? Currently more than two months! :smile:
First priority is to get traffic and brand recognition.

@BakerStreet - do you have any resources you could share on this for an info site?
Once you've bought a vacuum or changed your insurance, you're not really going to go back and visit them often or search for their brand.
@BakerStreet - do you have any resources you could share on this for an info site?
Once you've bought a vacuum or changed your insurance, you're not really going to go back and visit them often or search for their brand.
I’m doing a PR campaign for this. We can chat and I can look at your site if you want idea. Just PM me.
I think you have a misunderstanding between what's theft (stealing) and scamming. Scamming is when you deliver something of value without any misrepresentation but you charge a much higher price than what it is worth. The client would have received consultation as advertised. They'd just pay a lot for it, since I knew they were in a desperate situation. I wasn't promising recover. I was promising consultation from a dude who said he knew how to do the recovery. I never said I knew and would never promise recovery.

I am bored. You're right. I appreciated the help 10 or so years ago. Sucks that SERPWoo closed. You're smart too man. Special thing we have here at BuSo. I really love it. I'm glad you tolerate me.

I do get laid, thank you very much.

And, no, your impression of my business is wrong. I don't have an affiliate site. I have products. I also have a CPO who is in charge of the product line and a COO who is in charge of delivering the product to customers. As for my results, we're waiting on government authorization in the US, Turkey, and Vietnam in order to run ads. Because I have a CPO who is dedicated to making products, we add a new product to the product line every week. Ridicule it if you want, but I don't see you adding to your product line as a solo-entrepreneur :smile:

Since CCarter happens to be very right about it and I know myself pretty well too. I find your disrespect quite motivating and I'll be back in a year with a screenshot of how my products are selling, just to spite you. Just wait my friend. I'm inches away from government authorization. Once I have it, I'll be making a million dollars a month in sales. And yes, this product is a fucking scam. It's like those ads to "download more ram." It is stupid but, hey, I get richer from it! This is capitalism at its best... and once I get government authorization, it becomes a walled garden with a barrier to entry :smile: Hurray! I hope you are jealous!

@mj22 Oh come on man! Unblock me! I love to argue.
if you have a shit product you won't be back in a year.
if you have a shit product you won't be back in a year.
That’s what I thought too until I meet this guy who owns a fake dating app company. They run those “hot horny singled near you” ads on porn sites. Those ads look as fake as fuck and the fine print even tells you the dating app is for entertainment purposes only, that all profiles are fake, and when you message a woman it’s actually a message to someone employed by the company…. And they make 43,000,000$ a year in profit.

to give you context, Wagner the mercenary group only make 250mm a year. They make one fifth of Wagner.

So yeah. Thank you for sharing. I’m gonna pursue my 85% profit margin product. Your hate motivated me.
That’s what I thought too until I meet this guy who owns a fake dating app company. They run those “hot horny singled near you” ads on porn sites. Those ads look as fake as fuck and the fine print even tells you the dating app is for entertainment purposes only, that all profiles are fake, and when you message a woman it’s actually a message to someone employed by the company…. And they make 43,000,000$ a year in profit.

to give you context, Wagner the mercenary group only make 250mm a year. They make one fifth of Wagner.

So yeah. Thank you for sharing. I’m gonna pursue my 85% profit margin product. Your hate motivated me.
Well that's more of exception to the rule, I was thinking more physical products. I'm sure simps will continue to piss money away on things like that.