Making sense of GSC

Sep 18, 2023
We have a few websites

website 1: B2C

website (subdomain) 2: B2B

website 3: B2B

We have website 4 too: B2C
But this is not actively worked upon.

By 'active' I mean publishing articles, which we are doing on the first 3 sites since a few months.

Here are current Google Search Console Screenshots.
The first screenshot for each is from Dec 2023, whilst there were no interlinking done. The second and third are recent screenshots of Performance on Search results and Indexed pages.

Website 1: B2C



Website (subdomain) 2: B2B



Website 3: B2B



1. Our company offers a service/SaaS product, traditionally sold at a physical location. We've recently expanded to selling this service/SaaS product online as well.

To support this, we're focusing on enhancing our B2C website.

2. However, we also serve B2B customers with this SaaS product, which they in turn provide as a service. For these customers, we maintain a separate website on a subdomain.

3. Additionally, our SaaS product is featured on our company's main website.

Therefore, we have three distinct websites.

To give you a bit of context
A new topic was introduced in our niche last month and a few of our articles on that topic from 'website 3' ranked immediately. But soon there was a mix up in canonical and htaccess file, and we got redirect error everywhere, which we have fixed more than a week ago.

Also this month we got a few backlinks for each site. Though most of them are no-follow.

Now the main concern is website 3, where you can see that pages are getting indexed, but traffic went down. This site always had brand searches, which you can clearly see from high CTR.

How come even that traffic went down?

Thoughts please.
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Cannot really tell if I'm oversharing and you're being sarcastic.
I would not be sharing the domains publicly if you are using any AI tools to create the content.

Maybe that's just us being paranoid lol. @saeja
How come even that traffic went down?
There's been a series of updates in which the vast majority of sites have gone down. You should stay in tune with the SEO industry and what Google is doing and when they're updating. That's the answer to your question. The entire industry has been crying about it since last September.
Thanks a lot for all your replies, and I did not mean to be annoying.

I know about September HCU, and one of the reasons that we started posting now was that we had brand searches and a physical location. So we thought maybe there is an opportunity that we or our competitors can capitalise.

In any case, the brand searches are from B2B's users, so that made me wonder why it went down.

To give you an update: Number of impressions have started climbing up after posting here.

Sorry for the trouble!
Cannot really tell if I'm oversharing and you're being sarcastic.
He is messing with you. Don't share your domains

How come even that traffic went down?
No one would be able to tell you that without getting access to your GSC, checking your website data, history and 100+ other things. It could be because of the updates, onsite issue, offsite issues, etc.. I would read @Ryuzaki kitchen sink method and go from there.
Yes, I should have been looking at the 'kitchen sink' without even posting here. I read it last year, but got overwhelmed with the amount of things need to do.

I even half-expected that someone will say that your graphs go down when google is re-evaluating the authority of website.

Anyhow, as you've suggested.. there may be 100 things at play here, so I may need to start by trying to fix the most obvious issues.
In my experience, such mess-ups can take a while to clean out. I think the best way to get Google back on track is to foster more branded searches.

Start a social media campaign, which deliberately seeks engagements, but does not link to your products/websites. Figure out how to get reach with humor, and controversy around the ideal customers, and maybe buy some influencers to mention the product.

Maybe even buy ads on Facebook or Google to show you are a serious brand.

Another option is to look at your brand entities in the Google knowledge graph and optimize those with clear brand messaging, cross-linking, and schema markup. That is hard to say without a good conversation about your brand, brand strategy, and current online profile.