Links Powerful Niche Backlinks - Limited Time Offer + Bonus

"Enjoy Valhalla brothers, while it still exists. We can all see the sky darkening. We can all see the twilight of the Gods. And I trust to be with you in that great defeat."​

10 Day Left: The End of Valhalla


The only way to enter Valhalla is to die with a weapon in hand. Sadly in this airy-fairy world very few pick up a weapon anymore. Weakness prevails. Yet the strong, they are taking whatever they want and not saying sorry.

When movie stars are your heroes instead of men that went into war, into the action, into chaos, and brought order, then that world you live in will start dying. The ones that admire fantasy versus the hard grit of reality are the ones that will suffer the most.

The world is a dark and dirty place. For all the fantasy they tried to cloak your eyes with in the end the world is a jungle. And the strong survive. And when they are finally defeated, it's usually with a sword in their hand, giving them the right to enter Valhalla - as legends of the past have.

The question remains, where will you be when Valhalla finally closes up for good, because there are no more heroes willing to fight and give it all.


Search Volume: 4,400+ Monthly Visitors

99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

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"In the Kamigata area, they have a sort of tiered lunchbox they use for a single day when flower viewing. Upon returning, they throw them away, trampling them underfoot. The end is important in all things." - Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai

9 Days Left: The End Is Important In All Things


Here we are, nearing the end. 99 Days of psychosis. There were a lot of people that made a lot of money, their bellies are going to be full this Thanksgiving. Yet even more didn't take advantage, shame. But we are were we are.

Looking back I always thought there was going to be some great battle to end it all. But if you are good enough you outlive your enemies, so there is just silence left.

I'll leave you with this, we are living in unprecedented times - the world is not well. You are not going to save it. Save yourself first, then save your family and then friends, then save your network. That's all you can do - because that's all you can impact, you aren't going to save the world.

One of the wealthiest men on earth, Elon Musk, talks about die on Mars or on the way, he never talks about returning. He has surmised too that it will be the "haves" versus the "have-nots" because eventually someone will push the button, it's going to be MadMax, and it will be all over except for the shouting. We had a good run. Hopefully you pillaged and raped your way through the world before the button is pressed, cause it could be tomorrow, a month from now, but hopefully 200 years from now. That's why if you don't live every day like it's your last you got shit for brains.


Search Volume: 9,900+ Monthly Visitors

99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

8 Days Left: The Eternal Shore


"I am the rocks of the eternal shore. Crash against me and be broken!"​

In that great defeat... None of us make it out alive from this realm. Eventually the final battle against time defeats us all. The time we do have is precious and it's important to utilize it wisely. Take advantage of every potential opportunity to get ahead and that's what you should do during the 99 Days of Summer. I've already said that some very massive events are coming at the end of summer and they've already started to unfold. A part of me hoped that I was wrong, there will not be endless chaos, but that was wishful thinking at most.

Big Sur is changing. I've been coming here for over 80 years. I've seen a lot of people come and go. In the past people were in a rush to get to a place, they were in a hurry to go after something. But this time around the air people has changed. Now they are still in a rush, but it seems like it's to escape something. Their faces are different, more nervous, more scared, more alone. Even while they are glued to their screens they feel more isolated.

What's happened?

All those freedoms that we have an endless supply of have created too many opportunities that turn into paralysis by over-analysis. No one takes action anymore because they are scared of making the wrong decisions.

The only solution for ANY problem is action, literally. If you want to solve a problem, you need to take action. If you want to get to the top of the SERPs, there is only one action to be taken:


Search Volume: 5,200+ Monthly Visitors


We all eventually come to meet our oblivion. We're all energy. And that energy lives forever. While you are floating through the eternal void, do you want to look back at your life and ask "What if?" or do you want to remember the good times. The fun times, when you took the most risk and conquered your competitors? When you decided it was time to take serious action and dominate. Are you going to let this summer escape you?

99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

7 Days Left: The Warrior Of Light


"I shed no tears, the weak deserve to perish." - The Last Warrior of Azra

And they should and the sad thing is they do. The one thing most of the weak have in common is they don't take the chances, opportunities, and risks when they are right in front of them. They sit on the sidelines - like they've done their whole lives.

If you have the opportunity to destroy your competition, without mercy, without afterthought, without remorse, why wouldn't you take it? Fear.

At some point you have to ask yourself when it is time to fight for the riches you believe you deserve in this life?

When do you pick up the sword and attack the world relentlessly? Pick up the sword like your ancestors did. Pick up the sword like a warrior ready for Valhalla.

You need to make that decision sooner rather than later, especially since the hands-down most powerful links in the realm are right at your fingertips. Attack before the 99 Days of Summer end, otherwise you are going to get clobbered:


Search Volume: 6,100+ Monthly Visitors


99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

6 Days Left: Victory Or Valhalla


"For me it's Victory or Valhalla. No in between."​

That in-between shit doesn't work. Either it's Victory or Valhalla. We don't leave any meat on the bone, we don't even leave them the bone!

It is important to understand that Valhalla's doors are closing. We don't have a lot of time left, and if you aren't in that great defeat, you'll get clobbered. Me and my clients are going to continue dominating through the end of Summer and long into this harsh Winter that's approaching. Days are long and years are short. We're taking everything in sight. "All your base are belong to us. You have no chance to survive, make your time."


Search Volume: 10,000+ Monthly Visitors

99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Whatever happened to that one client that wanted to rank #1 and #2 for a keyword over a year ago? They were dominating for a while:

Upto July 16th 2020:

Upto Oct 14th 2020 (3 months later):

Upto Nov 3rd 2020 (4 months later):

Upto May 7th 2021 (~10 months later):

Let's see where they are at now (~14 months later):

Search Volume: 1,000+ Monthly Visitors

MASSIVE 14+ month ROI.


"My specialty is the RED ZONE. When you have the ball at the 20 yard line I'm the guy you come to to get it in the net. I'll get it in the net, by hook or by crook. We're going to get the god-damn ball in the net! FULL STOP"​

5 Days Left: Legacy

Legacy: what we leave behind when that's all she wrote for us, what we leave our families, friends, and most importantly our children. Did we instill that killer instinct into them, make them demons and release them onto the world to take whatever they want, whenever they want? You'd better believe that's what I'm teaching these mini-me over here.

Now imagine these demons going up against your mini-mes. You think we're going to leave you any meat on the bone? I don't think so. My kids are going to eat your kids for breakfast AND THEN their breakfast, so you'd better be prepared.

99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

"The best of us always comes out when we are against the wall, when we feel the sword dangling overhead. I wouldn’t have it any other way." - Carlos Castaneda

4 Days Left: Savagery


The savage needs to come out when it's crunch time. When your back is against the wall and the sword is dangling over your head, that's when it's time to show the world what you're made of.

And we do that every fucking day to our competitors. We have no problem taking what's ours AND YOURS then we'll stay at the top of the SERPs for months and years at a time. We're savages, we don't care about your feelings, we'll eat the food off your plate just for fun afterwards.

"If it inspires you - great, if it doesn't then maybe I'm not the person you should be following." - Michael Jordan

If you follow me, we're going to go into the depths of hell and come out the other end victors. But to be willing to go into hell - you have to be a savage. You need to be willing to risk it all, otherwise don't even bother.


Search Volume: 2,700+ Monthly Visitors

99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

3 Days Left: Dominancy


I don't need friends, I've got death advising me. Who do you have advising you?

"The thing to do when you are impatient is turn to your left and ask advice from your death. An immense amount of pettiness is dropped if your death makes a gesture to you, or if you catch a glimpse of it, or if you just have the feeling that your companion is there watching you.

Death is a wise adviser that we have... One... has to ask death’s advice and drop the cursed pettiness that belongs to men that live their lives as if death will never tap them!

If you do not think of your death, all your life will be just personal chaos!

Life for a warrior is an exercise in strategy.

Without the awareness of death everything is ordinary, trivial. It is only because death is stalking us that the world is an unfathomable mystery.

You have little time and no time to waste. A wonderful state! The best of us always comes out when we are against the wall, when we feel the sword dangling overhead. ... I wouldn't have it any other way."
- Carlos Castaneda

I know my time is almost up, they'll be coming for me soon. Until then though we are going to keep attacking and keep taking from our competitors non-stop.


Search Volume: 1,900+ Monthly Visitors


99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

2 Days Left: Don't Even Leave Them The Bone

"I'm still fucking hungry. I have no capital, no connections, so I'm still hungry."​


Hunger makes beasts of men, and demons of beasts. When we're out there we aren't operating on an action plan, we're operating on a war plan.

We're here to eat the competition's breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Forget leaving meat on the bone, we don't even leave them the motherfuckering bone.


Search Volume: 4,500+ Monthly Visitors

99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Right on time :smile:
Today is one of my last days at Big Sur. I woke up and turned on my IBM Intel 8088 PC (4.77 MHz boys and girls) and let my modem warm up. Once I got back from my morning calisthenics I logged into CompuServe. I loaded up the order form and found a LOT of new orders over-night. WHAT? Why wait till the last second? Come on guys... It's going to be an all nighter.

Today we discuss Winter and Death, because it's coming.

1 Day Left: The Winter Of Our Death

The winter of our death and the summer of our rebirth... BUT in this case I don't think a lot of you are going to make it to next summer. I see it over and over, a Google update or two and the spirit is broken and extinguished from the user.

They took the SEO blogger's advice: "You don't need backlinks to rank"


That's like telling someone you don't need oxygen to breathe.

We've been here going on 2 years, and ALL of our clients are still here ranking and banking. Some have legacy rankings from the very first batch that's still printing them money. MASSIVE ROIs.

That's what I wanted for you too! We got 1 day left though and then the 99 Day of Summer is over. What are you going to do??

I already know half the audience will wait till the form is closed then message me "Hey is it over???" Why? Self-sabotaging activities. What were you doing for the last 99 Days? Watching Netflix with your thumbs up your ass?


For those that chose to win, we're still doing numbers for them:


Search Volume: 29,200+ Monthly Visitors


99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.


"It is said that what is called the Spirit of an Age is something to which one cannot return. That this spirit gradually dissipates is due to the world's coming to an end.

In the same way, a single year does not have just spring or summer. A single day, too, is the same.

For this reason, although one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation.
" - Ghost Dog's interpretation of Tsunetomo Yamamoto, Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai

0 Days Left: Death Is Stalking Us

What is death? Death is the end. There are those of eastern philosophy that also state death is the time for the beginnings.


Death is the end of something that was, to make room for something that is yet to come. Death is change. Don't fear death, embrace it. Only when you truly accept death can you fully grasp what it means to be alive. You can enjoy mornings more knowing that one day it will be your last morning.

Ghost Dog: Everything around us seems to be changing, huh, Louie?
Louie: You can say that again.

In order for you to get to the next level the old self has to die. The mind continues to expand, but it can only do that when you let go of the baggage of the past.

Bushido is realized in the presence of death. In the case of having to choose between life and death you should choose death. There is no other reasoning. Move on with determination.

To say dying without attaining ones aim is a foolish sacrifice of life is the flippant attitude of the sophisticates in the Kamigata area. In such a case it is difficult to make the right judgement. No one longs for death. We can speculate on whatever we like. But if we live without having attaining that aim, we are cowards.

This is an important point and the correct path of the Samurai. When we calmly think of death morning and evening and are in despair, We are able to gain freedom in the way of the Samurai. Only then can we fulfill our duty without making mistakes in life.

When you look back on your life, an overwhelming amount is concentrated on regret, the things you didn't do, ask that girl out, buy another SGW package, participate on the kills during the 99 Days of Summer. Minimize regrets, take that leap, and jump towards death. Only then can you really live.


Search Volume: 18,400+ Monthly Visitors

The 99 Days of Summer ends TODAY.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.


P.S. Chaos

X: Ash 393 is near, I can feel his presence. His scent has no life, his path has no purpose, his tracks only exist in the past. Its like following a ghost.
Y: Ghosts have souls, he does not.

We're living in unprecedented times. Things are going to get really chaotic and ugly after the 99 Days of Summer. First it'll start with the crash, that will wipe 80% of the people reading this. Gone - forever. You ain't coming back cause the tides coming in and only the strongest will survive.

Then will come the collapse, of everything. One by one dominoes will fall and confidence will be lost in the system. Trivial problems will be completely disregarded. You have to be ready folks, financial strength is one thing, but mental strength is how you'll survive.

I'm in the trenches on Saturdays and Sundays, very few of us will make it to the other side. People are talking about the roaring 1920s, that's what it seems like right now. But what happened after the 20s? 14 years of depression is what. There are cracks in the system and the piper has got to get paid.

Good luck and godspeed. If I never hear from any of you ever again it'll be too soon.

End Transmission.
Time To Start The CountDowns!

Time for the real fun. As marketers the Holidays are our time to shine, it's our Super Bowl and that means it's time to pull out all the stops.

Days Until Halloween: 38

Days Until Thanksgiving: 63

Days Until Christmas: 93

Days Until New Years: 99 (hmmm I like that, had a nice ring to it)


Search Volume: 2,300+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Results, Rankings, Revenue

"When you realize every hour you are asleep that you're not making money you'll never sleep ever again."​


Search Volume: 1,800+ Monthly Visitors


Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Results, Rankings, Revenue

"When you realize every hour you are asleep that you're not making money you'll never sleep ever again."​


Search Volume: 2,900+ Monthly Visitors


Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

CountDown: 60 Days Until Thanksgiving

"When you realize every hour you are asleep that you're not making money you'll never sleep ever again."​

Days Until Thanksgiving: 60

Days Until Christmas: 90

Days Until New Years: 96


Search Volume: 1,500+ Monthly Visitors


Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

CountDown: 52 Days Until Thanksgiving

"When you realize every hour you are asleep that you're not making money you'll never sleep ever again."​

Days Until Thanksgiving: 52

Days Until Christmas: 82

Days Until New Years: 88


Search Volume: 18,000+ Monthly Visitors


Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Limited Time Offering

Things are a bit backed up (ETA is still good), like the cargo situation, but it seems to be because everyone is RAMPING UP for the holidays! The smart money is getting ahead of the crowd.

Unfortunately that means we'll probably have to start limiting future orders to past customers for awhile. We don't want to take on too much and start not hitting ETAs. Get in before have the flood becomes unbearable!

Days Until Thanksgiving: 37

Days Until Christmas: 67

Days Until New Years: 73


Search Volume: 2,600+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~8-16 Days.

Go Time!!

When it's time to get back to serious work, we pull out this bad boy:


Turn-around time has been restored to 7-14 days, you might be able to squeeze in the next round right before BFCM!

Days Until Thanksgiving: 7

Days Until Christmas: 37

Days Until New Years: 43

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.


TweakSeason Season Finale

For the smart people that figured it out, the 99 Days of Summer special continued well into the fall...


We got one more big push until BFCM! Time to get it in. Go into the holidays strong.


Days Until Thanksgiving: 6

Days Until Christmas: 36

Days Until New Years: 42

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

BFCM: All Hands on Deck!


It's go time folks! Hopefully you have your rankings squared away and are ready to hit the ground running! We do.



Days Until Thanksgiving: 1

Days Until Christmas: 31

Days Until New Years: 37

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

I've order from CC for a couple years now and TAT is on point and unmatched compared to anything I've seen. The fastest TAT along with the best quality I've seen out there. This needs to be a consistent monthly order for anyone looking to scale.

"Move fast. Speed is one of your main advantages over large competitors."
Go Time: Countdown to 2022!

That was an interesting holiday run. Now it's time to get ready for 2022! Go home or go hard into the New Year!


Search Volume: 16,300+ Monthly Visitors


Days Until New Years: 12

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Go Time: Countdown to 2022!

We get the job done.


Search Volume: 1,400+ Monthly Visitors



Days Until New Years: 9

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.
