Roll Call: Who's Grinding Late on a Saturday Night? (Aussies, You Can't Fool Me)

Grinding it out past midnight officially on the 4th. We all have problems. About to kick my feet up and watch some LOST though.


2nd time through the show is as good as the first, given enough years went by (a decade).
Grinding it out past midnight officially on the 4th. We all have problems. About to kick my feet up and watch some LOST though.


2nd time through the show is as good as the first, given enough years went by (a decade).

I've watched that show start to finish multiple times. Each time I pick up more in terms of the writing and connections.
I am hard at it... or will be, haha! Edit: holy fuck, how do you make pics smaller on here when you share one with url? maybe i got goofy when i took the pic and screwed something up.
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Saturday mooorning grind. Got 5 more money articles to review, optimize, format, and post today. Going to get those done and then write some category content too.
We all we got, we all we need.
I Hope u dizzy fuckers are having a good day. Get it done.
Time to get the next chapter...
Still awake. 20 hours awake, about 16 hours working.

It's not healthy, it's not even smart. Sometimes you just can't stop buzzing with excitement about what you're doing.

Anyone else get that? Where it makes it impossible to sleep?
Is tough falling asleep when u got antz in ur pants, and when u finally do fall asleep, u wake up when u hear a mosquito fart...haha

Why do Thursday nights always feel like Saturdays? Too many all nighters I'm thinking.. lol
Here's a real test...

Who celebrated Halloween over the weekend so they could grind uninterrupted throughout the week? It's a ghost town in the digital mines today... surely I can't be the only one?



~ Happy Halloween! ~

I wish I had more time, but we're all out... and it's grind season, holidays are here and it's go time for the Holidays 2018.
Im' putting in work. Trying to use life's motivations for gains.

A down time is an up time with learning for me but I hope to never be bck in this hole again. I promise i wont be.
Setting up an email server for a client this eve/morn. None of that "mail in the box" mess that has to have everything its way and gets stupid with custom configs, I'm doing everything from scratch. One-click stuff generally sucks the second there's a need outside of the premade config. Also going to set up Gogs ( because this client will be outsourcing some of their dev work (some to me) and wants to self-host their own git repos rather than use github.