STDDIOT - Stuff That Doesn't Deserve Its Own Thread

What do people want to read in a Lab thread?

I know, that I usually mostly either follow threads from senior members or those who do specific threads on a specific topic.

General progress threads, I find it difficult to keep up.

I was thinking about making a new Lab thread, for my new kitchen appliance site, where I put everything together that I've learned in 3 years on BuSo. Sort of a "putting it all together" thread, but not sure if it has any interest.

I could focus on a particular subset, such as outsourcing writing and tracking performance?
What do people want to read in a Lab thread?

I know, that I usually mostly either follow threads from senior members or those who do specific threads on a specific topic.

General progress threads, I find it difficult to keep up.

I was thinking about making a new Lab thread, for my new kitchen appliance site, where I put everything together that I've learned in 3 years on BuSo. Sort of a "putting it all together" thread, but not sure if it has any interest.

I could focus on a particular subset, such as outsourcing writing and tracking performance?

I’m always happy to read another lab thread. It’s a great way to see how others overcome problems, and also see if there’s any strategies and processes I can implement into my business.

I was debating whether or not to start my new lab as the method will be similar to my last couple of labs. I’m focusing more on automation and outsourcing this time, so I hope there will be something that people can take away from it.

I’ll also be trying out different affiliate programs, so that might help people who have always stuck to Amazon.

Focusing on tracking performance would be interesting, it’s one thing that I really don’t do enough of.
What do people want to read in a Lab thread?

I just like to see people win.

Progress reports are fun for me. Learning tactics is great. Seeing people work hard is motivational.

At the end of the day, though, I just like to see people win. That gives me more fuel than anything else.
Yeah, always nice to see success, but a lot of that can go in the Bragging thread.
What do people want to read in a Lab thread?

I know, that I usually mostly either follow threads from senior members or those who do specific threads on a specific topic.

General progress threads, I find it difficult to keep up.

I was thinking about making a new Lab thread, for my new kitchen appliance site, where I put everything together that I've learned in 3 years on BuSo. Sort of a "putting it all together" thread, but not sure if it has any interest.

I could focus on a particular subset, such as outsourcing writing and tracking performance?
Most people want to see revenue, profit, and loss. So if you want to get the most eyeballs, that should be a priority. Make sure your thread title is good. Treat it as an actual headline. No one cares about something titled "My lab thread...", "My journey", "Giving this a shot", etc.

Aside from that, personally, if you were to include marketing tactics and processes, creating processes to scale, and growing/managing tiers of teams, I'd follow. However, I think most newbies will rather see things specific to SEO.
Think of the thread in the same way as you (hopefully) would a new site. What is the USP of my thread? What would make it more interesting than the hundreds of others? Why would people 'buy' my thread? What problem am I potentially solving for them?

For example, if with your lab thread you were talking about a site that you were developing in another language and/or targeting another country than your own. You could concentrate on the potential and actual problems you face with that and how you plan to or do eventually deal with them.
Added: (i.e. domain, hosting location, more 'local' competitors, kw research and usage, copy sourcing and editing, etc., in that particular case)
I don’t give a shit about the world. Because I’m not going to be here when it all goes to shit. See I’m honest with you.

When I told the Oxford kids that I thought they were going to pass out.

And I’m part of the generation that ripped the ass out of the world in the 80s. You are looking at one of the biggest ass rippers on the planet.

And I’m proud to say. I don’t mind you saving the world but don’t look to me to save it.
” - Dan Peña
Q: Who was at this executive staff meeting?​
Gates: ... Probably members of the executive staff.​
Gate: "Well software that lets you do 'web browsing' is sometimes referred to as a web browser."

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“There is a mass grave - graveyard of ambition.”
Code Academy has a course on Android App design in JAVA:

Java is the worse programming language I’ve come across. I’ve learned 10 programming language and Java was the first one that actually wanted to make me throw up.

I rather use R before Java.

C is faster and easier than Java - yet with C you have to create all the basic functions yourself. LOL

But something to think about Apple iOS users generate more revenue than Android users when doing device comparisons. Apple users will readily buy and do in-APP upgrades versus the Android user that wants everything free.

The economic of who buys Apple versus Android, Apple iPhones are seen as a luxury good versus Android seen as a utility. Basically Android users are poor and never want to pay for software (I do like pissing people off on purpose if you are wondering).

Imagine sitting for 640 hours, 80 hours a week for 8 weeks, coding up some software then having some cheapstake ask you for a free lifetime discount trial. Wild.

Since code is an intangible product people take it for granted.

Just look at the Boeing 737 Max disasters - that was cause for the Max project they fired all the high paid engineers and outsourced the code to a 3rd world country - then planes started falling out the fucking sky. Don’t take code for granted! (Source: Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers)

You might be better off, financially, learning to code for iOS first cause long term you’ll make more money.

But if you aren’t in it for the money than- Java, Android, cheap customers... man that sounds like a 3 level Inception nightmare.

Great source: Apple versus Android

Good point.

I liked the idea of doing a Code Academy course, since it's been a long time and I got started coding with their Python course.

It does make sense to focus on Apple, I don't really buy apps myself and I have Android!

I also looked into mobile gaming like Unity. That's probably more of a pipe dream, but it would be so much fun to see your game finished.
I also looked into mobile gaming like Unity. That's probably more of a pipe dream, but it would be so much fun to see your game finished.
Damn, I forgot all about that. I need to add that to my goal plan.
Code Academy has a course on Android App design in JAVA:

I'm going to do that course. Going forward, I could see myself creating apps as well.

I agree with CCarter, I can't stand Java ethier. I use it for writing runescape gold farming bots but its the only reason I use it. If I can write it in Go and C I'll write it in Go and C
Finally I can retire from the internets:


I'll see you on the other side of the veil!
Haha @CCarter, you quote Dan Pena a lot, I haven't listened to the guy but came across this video recently, this channel is good entertainment :D

I haven't listened to the guy but came across this video recently


There is a reason Dan Peña lives in a castle and this clown in the video lives in a small apartment.

You may not realize this, but they only care about "views" so they can get their advertising dollars from Adsense from their YouTube channel. It's why everyone wants to cry "QLA doesn't work, Peña's a fraud in a castle".

People are interested in Dan and therefore the haters come out to make money off his name - best way is controversy (I write about this in Polarizing Content), so they state he's a fraud. That's fine - if you don't have haters you aren't doing anything worth a damn.

The reality is people are looking for an excuse to not believe what Dan says. Dan Peña says making millions and billions of dollars is hard work - you have to work 100-120 hours a week. He literally states that over and over and over again.

Do you actually disagree with that simple statement? Do you think making millions of dollars is easy? That you can do it in a 4 hour work week? Okay. You can go buy your next ebook/guru/course telling you that making money is easy - just buy my "bla bla bla" for $997.

Very hard to argue with the simplest facts: castle guy versus small apartment guy.

You're going to waste your time listening to the guy living in a small apartment? Fine. I don't give a fuck. I can assure you I'm getting mine, I hope you are getting yours - probably not if you spend your time watching YouTubes of small apartment guys.

There is a reason Dan Peña lives in a castle and this clown in the video lives in a small apartment.

You may not realize this, but they only care about "views" so they can get their advertising dollars from Adsense from their YouTube channel. It's why everyone wants to cry "QLA doesn't work, Peña's a fraud in a castle".

People are interested in Dan and therefore the haters come out to make money off his name - best way is controversy (I write about this in Polarizing Content), so they state he's a fraud. That's fine - if you don't have haters you aren't doing anything worth a damn.

The reality is people are looking for an excuse to not believe what Dan says. Dan Peña says making millions and billions of dollars is hard work - you have to work 100-120 hours a week. He literally states that over and over and over again.

Do you actually disagree with that simple statement? Do you think making millions of dollars is easy? That you can do it in a 4 hour work week? Okay. You can go buy your next ebook/guru/course telling you that making money is easy - just buy my "bla bla bla" for $997.

Very hard to argue with the simplest facts: castle guy versus small apartment guy.

You're going to waste your time listening to the guy living in a small apartment? Fine. I don't give a fuck. I can assure you I'm getting mine, I hope you are getting yours - probably not if you spend your time watching YouTubes of small apartment guys.
Haha like I said, haven't listened to Dan and this video was my only exposure to him. And you must agree listening to 'killing a bear' and 'testosterone levels' will make me skeptical lol

But yeah, what you quote is always sensible, hard facts. I'm kinda over the self-help industry and derive wisdom from the ancient knowledge like that of the Stoics or poets like Rumi.