STDDIOT - Stuff That Doesn't Deserve Its Own Thread

We need to return to God, fast! This is what happens when the nuclear family is dissolved and men want to be women and women want to be men.

When you look up how Rome fell, one of the ingredients was gender “bla, bla, bla.’

Otherwise this it folks. Ask yourself: ‘how could it get any worse?’ Well, let’s check back in 5 years.

MEN need to stand up and say “NO.”

The more I think about it, the more I understand that everything is about identity.

Humans have a couple of identity layers. Your first layer is being human, then you identify as man, then maybe as American, or Asian(whatever other race). Perhaps before that, you identify as Christian or Irish.

This is why when you watch movies from the 70s or 80s they attack your religious identity. They made fun of Christians, nuns, etc. Little by little, they were also attacking your racial identity making it sound like a racist if you identify yourself by your race.

Now, most people don't connect their identity with race. One layer down.

The way they manage to destroy it is by diving it. If you ask people today do they believe in God, most of them do, but they all have 'their own version of it'.

This is exactly what they are trying to do with gender. So in 20 years when they ask an average American, what gender is he, he will either tell you one of 123 genders or, even better, they say non-binary.

That non-binary thing really hit me, because that is when I understand what their goal is.

Their goal is that we become undefined. They want us to be confused so we don't know if we are men, women, or straight...

They want us all non-binary, undefined because then they can put in your head whatever they want.

Now, one of the last identity layers is your name. So they will attack that soon. You will be called an egoistic fascist if you give your child a regular name instead of some number.
When you have no identity you'll follow whoever seems to be in power.


"They" continue to erase Jesus on purpose in the media:

What I've seen in recent years is the result of the "godless" individuals coming of age. Free from God they are free to go down rabbit holes of deplorable activities. "Erasing" God, Jesus in particular, was a great way to start the sliding slope.

And now here we are "men can get pregnant", "what is a woman?", mutilation of children with irreversible consequences. What "they" aren't telling you about puberty blockers is you will NEVER have sexual desires if you block puberty.

Doesn't that lead to less sex and destroys a nation? Birthrates dropping dramatically to unsustainable level. In Europe the "native" population is too old hence why they are allowing migrants to flood the place because the natives aren't having enough babies. Well that was even before this "gender fluidity" stuff which already leads to lower sexual activities. Imagine what will happen here in the USA and sex rates crashing once these gender fluid people come of age and starts really impacting the society.

I've returned to God and Jesus, because these people are leading us down a dark path, that can only end in suffering. It's why I have a cross in my new avatar.

When you destroy "structure" and "order" aka masculinity aka the patriarchy you allow chaos to reign. The opposite of order is chaos.

How long do you think chaos can fester before collapse?

It's fun and games until you don't have any water to drink or food to eat. "That'll never happen?" Really? because those store shelves got empty real quick during COVID.

If you want to survive stay away from people that do not want structure in their lives. No structure leads to obesity, lack of employment, no goals being achieved, and a myriad of entitlement that cannot be sustained.
If you want to survive stay away from people that do not want structure in their lives. No structure leads to obesity, lack of employment, no goals being achieved, and a myriad of entitlement that cannot be sustained.


Also, more and more people are turning to Orthodox Christianity.

I just say to people to be proud of who they are and know their identity and not to let someone confuse them or their kids.

I have also been watching Dr. Shanna Swan on why our testosterone is so low. People in 50's had much higher testosterone than people today. One of the reasons is plastic usage.

Stay away from it.


This is sperm count but the graph with testosterone is also similar. Check her out on JRE.

I removed plastic items from my life as much as I could. First of all, that keyboard that you are typing at is the worst kind of plastic and if you use a laptop, it's heating. So I bought silicone protection. Plastic bottles(even the ones with code 1 or 2) are leaking micro-plastic that screws up your hormones.

I bought glass bottles and put my water there.

Polyester bags, I throw them out, and now I use paper bags for my bread. Tea bags also, don't use tea with plastic bags.

When you see a person and you are not sure if it's a man or a woman, keep in mind that some powerful people want you to look the same.

Remove plastic, hit the gym, work, and keep your identity strong.
When you have no identity you'll follow whoever seems to be in power.

"They" continue to erase Jesus on purpose in the media:

What I've seen in recent years is the result of the "godless" individuals coming of age. Free from God they are free to go down rabbit holes of deplorable activities. "Erasing" God, Jesus in particular, was a great way to start the sliding slope.

And now here we are "men can get pregnant", "what is a woman?", mutilation of children with irreversible consequences. What "they" aren't telling you about puberty blockers is you will NEVER have sexual desires if you block puberty.

Doesn't that lead to less sex and destroys a nation? Birthrates dropping dramatically to unsustainable level. In Europe the "native" population is too old hence why they are allowing migrants to flood the place because the natives aren't having enough babies. Well that was even before this "gender fluidity" stuff which already leads to lower sexual activities. Imagine what will happen here in the USA and sex rates crashing once these gender fluid people come of age and starts really impacting the society.

I've returned to God and Jesus, because these people are leading us down a dark path, that can only end in suffering. It's why I have a cross in my new avatar.

When you destroy "structure" and "order" aka masculinity aka the patriarchy you allow chaos to reign. The opposite of order is chaos.

How long do you think chaos can fester before collapse?

It's fun and games until you don't have any water to drink or food to eat. "That'll never happen?" Really because those store shelves got empty real quick during COVID.

If you want to survive stay away from people that do not want structure in their lives. No structure leads to obesity, lack of employment, no goals being achieved, and a myriad of entitlement that cannot be sustained.

Patriarchy will always exist. A small % of men will always rule the world. And they will literally decide how we are influenced.

Whoever is in power decides how society thinks and acts.

It's like when women got the right to vote. This wouldn't have happened if the people in power (patriarchy) didn't want them to have it.

The more I think about it, the more I understand that everything is about identity.

Humans have a couple of identity layers. Your first layer is being human, then you identify as man, then maybe as American, or Asian(whatever other race). Perhaps before that, you identify as Christian or Irish.

This is why when you watch movies from the 70s or 80s they attack your religious identity. They made fun of Christians, nuns, etc. Little by little, they were also attacking your racial identity making it sound like a racist if you identify yourself by your race.

Now, most people don't connect their identity with race. One layer down.

The way they manage to destroy it is by diving it. If you ask people today do they believe in God, most of them do, but they all have 'their own version of it'.

This is exactly what they are trying to do with gender. So in 20 years when they ask an average American, what gender is he, he will either tell you one of 123 genders or, even better, they say non-binary.

That non-binary thing really hit me, because that is when I understand what their goal is.

Their goal is that we become undefined. They want us to be confused so we don't know if we are men, women, or straight...

They want us all non-binary, undefined because then they can put in your head whatever they want.

Now, one of the last identity layers is your name. So they will attack that soon. You will be called an egoistic fascist if you give your child a regular name instead of some number.
I don't think humans don't just have a few layers of identity. Can't humans can have as many identities as they want? Most people tend to have a lot of different identities tbh. Your mind can change into any identity it wants. Many people would die for their country, that's because their identity is nationwide. So, even if their body dies, they (the nation) still live.

Wouldn't having fewer identities bring us closer together? (Like we are all human/living beings)
I had some free time this morning AND I didn't feel like working.

It happens, deal with it.

So I decided to go through this thread I have been ignoring on purpose and write some comments.

Hey guys, I was wondering how many hours per day you guys work? I noticed some threads on here people who do well they tend to build their own computers, do their lawn/weed removal, have time for camping, watch movies, play video games, talk with friends, read books, date multiple women, cook food, clean, go to the gym, sleep early?

I assume most of you guys are millionaires, and Idk how some of you guys don't just pay people to do things for you while you just do business? I am assuming most of you guys work 8-12 hours.

Also, don't you have only so much willpower to let's say do extra shit like cold showers, eat super healthy, chew your food well, breathe slower and deeper, meditate, work more efficiently, workout hard, fasting for health, proper posture and healthier habits?

^^ There are a lot of assumptions going on here. You're only seeing people's highlight reels on the internet and you also assume these people are successful. I am not saying they are not, but what's successful?

Middle income? Bill Gates? You need to define some things and then evaluate.

Don't assume most people on here are millionaires. They aren't. Some are, but most??? No. What's a millionaire anyways.. someone with $1m in assets, or someone with $1m liquid in the bank every month?

Honestly, for me, I think it's only someone with $5m liquid.

As far as everything else, it's habits and systems.

If you have a system to only buy healthy food that is prepared and it's your habit to eat that daily at 11:49am for lunch, it doesn't take any work. Same with breathing ( meditating ) and working out and proper posture. You have to develop the habit and make it a system over time.

Some days 18 hours (for months).

I don't play videos, have friends, watch sports, go to the bar, etc. Too much nonsense.
Still have time for guns, wife, home-building, cooking, dogs, farm animals, hiking, etc.
Some days I'll do the hobby/life chores for the full day or an hour here/there.

I'd rather mud drywall than pay someone else. Personal satisfaction in doing business on top of all the other life stuff. Paying for everything and doing nothing yourself, I can't do it. I loved doing the plumbing in my own house, I know how it all works, can repair anything quickly, etc. No "emergency" plumbing fees, stupid hourly rates, bs repair quotes, random people coming into my own, etc. I could be a billionaire, chump change, and still want to do it myself or at least oversee the process.

Screw paying some of these clowns handsomely to take advantage of you.

^^ I can see this if you love it. But if not, I cant say this advice makes sense to others.

For example, I don't enjoy it. I mean, I enjoy the parts I like doing... but that isn't 100% of the project.

I know people screw up and charge fees and mess it up. But my house needed to be repainted and I could have done it myself since I had the paint, the airsprayer system, paint guards, tape, plastic, etc.

But over 13 months I never did it.

So I paid someone a little over $6k to paint the house for me finally and they were done in 2 days.

Was the job messed up? Some.. overspray and some missed areas ( hard to tell, but I could see it ).

I could say, "man I could have done this myself for free and also done a better job!". But the reality is, I never did even though I had everything.

So I turned that into a lesson that I'd rather pay someone to get me 90% of the way there in 2 days, then me do it myself over 13 months. I can cleanup and fix the 10% they messed up and it will only take me like 4 hours tops.

But again, if you love to do it, I see your point and way and I think it's great. But for others, I would suggest if you don't love it and can't do it, have someone get you 90% of the way there.

What are you guys doing at night in your free time? I can work 16 hours a day, but gotta rest the brain every now and then..

Movies are okay.
Reading forums is okay.
Hobbies are okay.
Shopping for junk is okay.

But what about being at home at night, equipped with your laptop or even offline..? What sites do you browse, news sources, youtubers? At home hobbies? I already do enough DIY/house stuff/construction. Sometimes I just want to sit on the couch with my laptop and click away to recharge a bit.

Honestly, most forums/social media/news it's the same things over and over... I'd love to read books, but I can't take "experts".. not just self-help/business gurus, seriously anymore.

I do enjoy stuff like this, China from a glance (the guy below is cool). I don't live there, or even plan to visit, but seeing different culture/powers at play is interesting.

Or gun/freedom podcasts.. IRV8888 is a another cool dude.

Society will always try to buy weight loss products, with the dream they will magically make them lose weight. The same is true for dating, business, etc. Not a single guru out there can sell forced personal motivation. It's all "distraction" for sale.

^^ I do ZERO.

When I relax, I want my brain to relax. I don't want it watching movies and trying to figure out a plot or to read and comprehend.

I wanna be basically in the same state as if I am on the toilet waiting for a turd to plop out. Or the same state as if I am in the shower. I let me brain do whatever it wants.

I come up with some crazy shit in those times.

What info based YouTube channels do you guys recommend watching while eating?

^^ I've trained my youtube to show me videos and channels of things I wanna learn more about in the upcoming year.

For example, I want to learn more about:

Credit Card hacks
RE Investing
Tax reduction
Offer building

So anytime I get on Youtube, that's the default shit I see. I make sure I get my learning and self-improvement in if I happen to stumble on YouTube.

If you had 4.5 million in the bank, would you still be here on BuSo?

^^ Yes. That's not a lot of money

It could be $100M and I'd still be here.

^^ Eh. At this amount I would have to say I wouldn't be.

Things like this is when I think I am not made to be a business owner and also why the "antiwork" movement and all that is based on false principles.

I don't think the average person understands just how much attempted scamming a business owner is subjected to and there's zero consumer protection.

There can be consumer protection, but you have to set it up and regulate it.

For example, did you pay by Paypal with your Amex?

Did you set up milestones or did you send a 1 off payment in full upfront?

You gotta set up your own protection.

Yes sir! Couldn't agree more.

I seriously don't know how these median income folks are surviving without getting full gov handouts. Real estate, food prices, electricity costs, fuel prices, mortgage rates, etc. all skyrocketing. 9-5 employers still wanting people to operate six figure machinery for $20/hr.. But only if they have years of previous experience, pass a drug test, go through multiple interviews, etc. Meanwhile even a $100K salary, gets turn into $60K or less after taxes. LOL.

Can only imagine how the clown world will continue to develop as the Russia conflict continues.

^^ I could tell you how they survive, but Im thinking you already really know. Hint, a lot of it is lines of credit, credit cards, parents/family, tax returns in May, and a few other things...

The Jeffrey Dahmer Starter Pack.


"Makes everyone taste so good!" LOL

Has been a good nflix series to watch, twisted. Better than i thought it would be.

^^ you gotta complete the package.


We need to return to God, fast! This is what happens when the nuclear family is dissolved and men want to be women and women want to be men.

When you look up how Rome fell, one of the ingredients was gender “bla, bla, bla.’

Otherwise this it folks. Ask yourself: ‘how could it get any worse?’ Well, let’s check back in 5 years.

MEN need to stand up and say “NO.”

^^ This
The Social Justice Warrior / Woke Nation propaganda mouthpiece is getting a severe blow at 12 noon EST / 9AM PST tomorrow:

I was in a branding meeting where this consultant was saying we need the brand to be "inclusive and diverse", I almost lost my mind. You know what I said? "No."

That's it, end of conversation. It is that easy. "Just Say No".

The Woke Nation has gone too far, and the pendulum is finally swinging the other way - and maybe it's even too late to fix the damage Wokeness has done, but we have to start rebuilding from somewhere.
Just got off a call with Elon. I explained to him how my mutuals are GOATed with the sauce; he understood and said no more suspensions. I just wheel and deal like that.

Little brother had me do a sweep of HQ and I found a "secret closet", voice was supposed to be modified but whatever, of shirts:

Now I'm not saying there might have been some bias but... There might have been some bias. The woke nightmare is almost over...
Elon feels like #oneofus, in that he's that kind of 00s internet personality, that is down with controlled chaos, freedom of speech and the lulz.

You almost forgot the internet could be a lulzy place right?

With the happenings here with Elon, I am reminded how fragile power structures are. Even though it has seen as if the big-tech neoliberal cartel has squashed everything, all it takes is just one guy with a lot of money to shatter that perception.

Why is that? It's the important of freedom of speech, to be able to think it, say it and find others that agree. When you can't do that, you get this strong feeling of isolation. What if I'm the only one with these opinions. And that's the goal of all authoritarian states, to make you feel as if you're facing insourmountable odds on your own.
What if I'm the only one with these opinions.

The masses of people had outsourced thinking for a long time. In elementary school years you were taught "critical thinking", well those days are gone.

Now its "trust the authorities" so they can control you easily.

It's why I believe the Covid vaccine was a test, to see who would comply. And the fact that so many people thought it was a bad idea to inject yourself with an experimental drug gives me some hope. Because you had ALL of society trying to push that down our throats.

And the media, they were all in sync, somehow:

Again outsourced thinking leads to people regurgitating "ideas" that seem to come from singular sources.

And if you just went AGAINST the crowd, when everyone is moving in one direction, move the other way, cause the masses of people are generally stupid and that crowd is going off a cliff anyways, you wouldn't be in trouble like this now: Vaccinated Americans a majority of COVID deaths for first time in August: analysis

And that's not even counting the deaths BECAUSE of the vax that are getting covered up due to heart problems. How are 20 year old athletes just dropped dead??? Experimental drug. Now Pfizer and the Vax gang are studying it, wow:

Myocarditis after Covid vaccination: Research on possible long-term risks underway

You're not crazy. They just want you to think you are. Critical thinking is required for a strong frame, strong masculine frame of reference of your reality.

Even when the whole world is telling you to go right, you possess the self-belief in your own brain to go left. It's how Steve Jobs created Apple. It's how Henry Ford and Rockefeller dominated their realities. They didn't listen to what the "experts" said. They made their reality exist.

They don't want you to have a strong masculine frame, because they cannot control you if you do. Critical thinking is the main ingredient to that. The unframed men are destroying the world by going along with crazy. And they will call you toxic and all the other insults to try to get you in line.

Stay framed son, hold the line.
Yeah, well, with the vaxx it was the one situation in which winning just meant doing nothing.
Me, trying to get through the busy season.... I can finally see the light.... LOLZ

Once you understand this mentality you'll be free:

Warrior in the garden...
There weren't that many lines I wouldn't go over:

The story of Elon rising:

Yeah, I'm reading his biography now and he had it pretty rough.

It's strange to me the people that the mob choose to hate, when to me Elon always seemed relatable and real.
First ChatGPT, now Andrew Tate stops by South Park:

Grant Cardone's twin brother Gary runs Chargebacks911. This hasn't made the internet marketing newswire yet but the FTC and Florida this morning sued Chargebacks911:

FTC, Florida Attorney General Sue Chargebacks911 for Thwarting Consumers Who Were Trying to Reverse Disputed Credit Card Charges

Complaint charges that “chargeback mitigation” company used misleading screenshots, bogus transactions on behalf of scammers.
The Federal Trade Commission and the State of Florida have filed suit against Chargebacks911 for unfairly thwarting consumers who were trying to dispute credit card charges through the chargeback process.

In a complaint filed in federal court, the FTC and Florida charged that, since at least 2016, the “chargeback mitigation” company and its owners, Gary Cardone and Monica Eaton Cardone, have used multiple unfair techniques to prevent consumers from successfully winning chargeback disputes.

“Chargebacks911 helped scammers stay in business and defeat chargeback attempts by consumers hit with fraudulent charges,” said Samuel Levine, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “The FTC will continue to take aggressive action against those who undermine consumers’ ability to exercise their rights.”

I would strongly suggest anyone using these types of services, stop.