STDDIOT - Stuff That Doesn't Deserve Its Own Thread

THEY sent their guys to talk to me about the Negative SEO topics. One of them, I guess the handler assigned to me, said "Don't give monkeys hand grenades."

"I'm not, I'm giving them nukes."

This is stuff that does deserve its own thread.
What are you guys doing in your free time that makes all of this worth it?
I'm spending my days doing things...

You guys have free time? What the fuck am I doing wrong?

I've been working 80 hours a week for a decade... I guess I'm less motivated by "is it worth it" and I'm more motivated by "I don't want to be controlled, work in a rat hole job, report to a mouth-breathing boss, or be forced to conform to the norms of society because my benefits, retirement, and children's education all hinges on me being a "good citizen"... as defined by a bunch of rich politicians."
What are you guys doing in your free time that makes all of this worth it? Or how do you personally justify it.

Women, houses, vehicles, toys, vacations... All get boring after awhile.

Next generation (kids) is a good motivator but is there something else?
I'm in it for freedom & the power to make a positive difference. The idea of spending my whole life to make money for somebody else goes deeply against my core belief system.

I used to get so pissed off seeing my paychecks while knowing how much my dipshit boss was making off my service. Even in a well-paying job, the only reason they can pay you that well is because they're making many multiples of what you're making.

That shit just does not work for me. I need to be the one in charge.

Like @Smith says though, I'm glued to my computer 18 hours a day, most of the time.

I do get to attend concerts and music festivals for free, take psychedelics, carry a notebook around and talk to people and call it "work," so I have that going for me. That feels like freedom, even during hard times.
THEY sent their guys to talk to me about the Negative SEO topics. One of them, I guess the handler assigned to me, said "Don't give monkeys hand grenades."

"I'm not, I'm giving them nukes."

Great song, i love it....
Dont be worried about stepping out of your comfort zone. It only creates "pressure", in a good way. What does pressure do? It creates DIAMONDS. (life lesson) go get it fellas.
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I wish these wars would stop. I am a combat vet (OIF03-04), I will cut your throat if need be, but this shit has been crazy. Madness. Our people don't want any of this. Corruption, disgusts me. There is enough of me, to cause a civil soon enuff.

pay attention....
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I guess that is it for me SEO career:

Not that I'd ever work for someone else, but my god..

There are countless multi-million dollars companies out there, offering $50K-$80K for a marketing director.



Consider inflation, and you're basically a SLAVE at that point.
So now there are two carter posts that warrant their own thread.
When we gettin the long story?
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@secretagentdad - In regards to the Negative SEO - it's still on-going. We're actively trying to combat it and find solutions. But my client has made enemies throughout the years and their competitors have figured out that Google uses Click-thru rate as an SEO ranking factor.

Since Google's leak that Click-thru rate is a ranking factor, shit that we've been saying for YEARS, now more than ever people are just going to ramp up Negative SEO going forward.

It really is giving nuke to monkeys. What a time to be alive.

Ironically I'm not mad that all the stuff we've published is now being confirmed and vindicated - I remember fighting for my life when we dropped that Domain Age is a ranking factor. But it's all water near a bridge...

I might as well drop it - someone that can put 2 + 2 together can figure out what's going on.
Me to.
They've totally destroyed my rankings and gotten my ass kicked out of auto complete.
If you want to get into this topic I will try to make the greatest effort posts I've ever made. This shits killing my income and I'm fucking beyond pissed off. We need some solutions.
I've never done anything other then buy a news release service and some forum threads for this site but Google treats it like I'm out bug spreading to the local nunnery.

From what I can see, a bunch of douchebags with residential bot nets are power bottoming all over everyone and basically just running the serps as they see fit.
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From what I can see, a bunch of douchebags with residential bot nets are power bottoming all over everyone and basically just running the serps as they see fit.

That's exactly what's happening. In the first attack they used residential IPs from a specific city - Ashburn Virginia, and just pummeled the site for a whole week. They were using Firefox browser with 360x800 viewpoints using mobile Android 13.0 phones.

When we caught that, they changed to residential IP Address across the whole USA. So they are getting smarter.

Their problem is that they are still using Firefox browser with Android 13.0.0 mobile phones with 360x800 viewpoints so we can see them in action.

They like targeting the big money pages too, and the results are catastrophic.

I gotta a whole X-Files folder on these fuckers.

One of the way I think we'll have to stop these fuckers is to simply block all Android 13.0.0 users using FireFox. The client HAS to go for that shit, cause otherwise they'll be dead soon.
Ashburn Virginia caught my attention because I have seen traffic pop up quite a bit in my visitor recordings (Fullstory), more so in the past than I do now. I had just assumed it was some kind of bot. They load a single page scroll down, then back up, then bounce or sometimes just load the screen and sit there.

Drilling deeper by narrowing down to google as the referrer (excluding cpc) it narrows the volume down quite a bit from 2k visits in the last 30 days to 434. I'm seeing it from iOS / safari but similar small screen size. In my case it's likely real traffic just not interested in what they're finding but I'll keep an eye out.

What kind of volume where you getting?

If you block that traffic wouldn't that mean they still could bounce back to the search results?
What kind of volume where you getting?

The bot army that was used on us were all Android Firefox. They would go to a single page scroll to the bottom and stay on the page an average of 11 mins, then leave after some more scrolling. Avg time on page is usually 1/2 that.

They were hitting about 10k users per day for 7 days straight. Don't quote me exactly I'm going to have a case study on it. What ended up happening is the amount increase past the Google threshold they are willing to send a site, hence dropped ALL other traffic from Google.

The traffic was not just organic, it was direct AND from Bing as well. They were really testing a complete blanketing.

Don't quote me on exact numbers and scenario, i'm going off memory, and am away from my laptop. When i get back I'll try to go into better details.
That's more concentrated than what I'm seeing.

Direct and Bing traffic makes sense but only if using Chrome, that way it could send poor UX experiences signals to Google. But from Firefox, I'm not sure how that would work. Or is that Google is looking at Android traffic as well? (I haven't read through that whole algorithm leak yet).
Or is that Google is looking at Android traffic as well? (I haven't read through that whole algorithm leak yet).

That's what I suspect, but more so they are using click-thru with Google analytics data. Could be using Bing and direct to just mask it.

However the new attacks only focused on Google organic, so they were experimenting or have fine tuned it. Since the new attacks aren't concentrated on Ashburn but nationwide, they definitely are upping their game.
Counter measure idea: run your own bot network on your own sites to increase upstream engagement through chrome/direct or chrome/bing. I'd be leery of sending too much through Google.

But wow that's some shit.