What happened to Guerrilla from WF?

Nov 22, 2015
Was a big fan of his and we sometimes interacted on PM. He was sick or taking of his sick mom or something before WF went down and he got silent. Never really got to know him..

Also are any of the older popular folks currently popular in the IMO scene on Facebook groups etc? If it is no secret, I would like to place names on some of the guys. Were the guys from Authority Hacker on WF?
A lot of the old guys got silent.

Mt Green of STM were popular then. I am not talking about Bofu, Eliquid, Eli, Jason Akatiff etc They always had a face.

Just feeling nostalgic in the quarantine. I have been working from home from my den from a long time, right from digital point days, with ups and downs and long breaks, but damn this quarantine has been claustrophobic . I mean I always panicked if the light goes out in an Elevator, and this is the first time i am getting that feeling. Corona seems like a fucking extinction event.
Guerilla had a stroke and had to step back from business at the level he was operating at. He's doing okay now, all things considered.

Most of the Wickedfire guys were spammers and after Penguin they all went to the next "easy" gold rush which they saw as cryptocurrency. I'm "friends" with a lot of the big faces on Facebook and many of them have day jobs now. Some survived and went on to do great things, some tanked and gave up, and some are no longer spamming but moved into services and consulting. Some went into domaining. It's the service guys and white hat guys that are succeeding. You can catch a lot of people still micro-blogging on Twitter.

Corona seems like a fucking extinction event.
It's not. Don't let the media bullshit you. States in the United States got the go ahead to start opening up in phases starting today, but will wait till May 1st. We're over the peak in most places now, nothing but progress from here out. Stay positive, because that's what the data is showing, but not what the media is reporting.
A lot of people, splintered in different directions.

It was kind of odd. I tried to keep up with a lot of people, even if it was just for my own notes.

The break down seems to be mostly that people went into:
  1. Day jobs as an employee at a company they didn't own
  2. Freelancer/consultant/gig type worker ( upwork, elance, SEO expert consultant, etc )
  3. Start a small agency of their own
  4. Try to "guru" out or become an authority with an ebook or course
  5. Built a SaaS - very few did this
  6. Crypto trading or investing
  7. Start a regular business ( Real estate, bakery, gun shop, etc )
  8. Moved to another country in SE Asia where their dwindling income bought them more and then they faded away
  9. Moved to another country in SE Asia where they could take advantage of the fact rebills hadn't came to the country yet and abused the hell of it there in local Asian lang.
  10. Just dropped completely off the radar with no word
Corona seems like a fucking extinction event.
I try not to talk about non-related topics here, as it's similar to - and about as useful as - discussing politics on football forums.

But look at it this way. If you end up dead, you end up dead. If you don't, you might as well carry on grinding and take advantage of any opportunities coming your way.
Day jobs as an employee at a company they didn't own

"If you're a pretender you will suffer." - Dan Peña

There are literally people in the bragging thread bragging about company revenue - yet they don't even own the company, simple 9-5 employee, yet attempting to throw rocks at the throne. WTF is going on...


Nothing wrong with being an employee, but - there is a vast difference in depositing a 9-5 paycheck versus making sure you have bank to make payroll so your employees can cash their paychecks. #DifferentLeague #StayMuted

A whole lot of pretenders out here. We'll see who survives the coming nuclear winter.
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I kind of just assumed everybody from WickedFire either bought islands with BTC or hung themselves
Slightly OT, but what happened to Shoemoney?

No clue but I removed his site from my RSS Feed after it was like 2 years straight of him selling the most horrendous guest posts and never posting on topic. I actually feel like I remember seeing him on Youtube pushing some real estate stuff now.
Nicky cakes was also in some reality show lasy i checked. I trolled a few yesterday. He is getting older lol

I checked twitter.
What happened to Wes Mahler. He was the OP nerd and he could have grown prosper in a 100 million. He was onto other things but now sure what's up now

Benji (he was a fin subscription guy) out of canada, not sure what his company was though.

Riley pool showed up on Twitter too. I he was one of the younger folks.

Not sure whatever happened to Martin Grunnin after that whole fb thing.

Besides Smaxor, any other popular names on wf got charged for rebill?? He admitted made a million dollar fine on rebills on over 400 million

Slightly OT, but what happened to Shoemoney?
Not wickedfire but remember seobook aaron wall

And the digital point founder was jailed. He might be out now


You know, this really is a good post. You're right.

This one is to.

Probably the most I learned from a carter post in one sitting.
Wasn't there a dump of enlightened section somewhere?
Wasn't there a dump of enlightened section somewhere?
pay up lol
There's a surprising amount of Jon donors.

Aaron Wall is the smartest guy in the business.
If I ever made an all time greatest outers list he'd be number 1.
pay up lol
There's a surprising amount of Jon donors.

Aaron Wall is the smartest guy in the business.
If I ever made an all time greatest outers list he'd be number 1.
There indeeed are :smile: You are still posting there lol
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Eli closed his affiliate agency and kinda retired. At least was going to retire, i'm not sure if he can just sit still.
I mostly visited to buy links. I fell for the GoogleHammer a few times. lol

What was the real story with the feud between OnTheWay up and Nanexo who took him down and basically out of business with DoS attacks?

What is the story behind you guys always saying to new people "PM Grindstone". There was a lot of insider club stuff I never got because I was just a buyer and lurker. Good times though
What was the real story with the feud between OnTheWay up and Nanexo who took him down and basically out of business with DoS attacks?

What is the story behind you guys always saying to new people "PM Grindstone". There was a lot of insider club stuff I never got because I was just a buyer and lurker. Good times though

You gonna have to PM Grindstone for that bruh
I think my brain has removed the finer details of the googlehammer from my mind as it was just too much to handle. Something about a dick and loud music. Scared the shit out of me at the time, working in an open office
I was there thru that bullshit, onthewayup reminded me of someone who is on here now, popping off at the mouth, beating their chest, and lying out of thier ass. (not going there here at this time). I did a shit ton of business with nanexo and im not sure wtf happend with him, did a cpl years of good business together which i appreciate then all of the sudden shit went to hell between us business wise ( IE crazy late work, not fullfilling orders to where i got left holding the bag at one time of over $1200, and was prob not his direct fault, but still hurt) Anyway, on wicked id had bad business encounters with the both of them eventually. That on the way up douchefuck high jacked some shit i was exploiting and publicly advertised it on wickedfire( was talking about in confidence i was assured..., and within 6 months it was spammed to death and devalued. it was some shit i was using to crush the e-cigs market. (yep, i was that crazy cracka ranking pos 1 for electric cigarette and electronic cigarette pos 2 on the GORG with an internal page, making BANK (900-1100/day commissions) at the time of riding that wave as it came through.)

Anyway, thru that lesson, i learned along the way (and why i joined here) was i found out there are not many you can trust, I seen @CCarter , @Grind, @emp, @eliquid, ELI and only a handful more were who i could trust and were worth my time to even deal with. Bofu, and Guerrilla were also among the same circle. There are GIANTS here, pay attention guys. I am sorry i left the skype group, but it was distracting from work and those pics of those naked guys trying to sit on traffic cones "coning" were a bit weird to me haha

Where the fuck is Zingo haha, that dude cracked me up, he was a great market place mod.

Mike h - from formerly known extremesmartproducts.com, or those that were whining and bitching on msm (micrositemasters) blog about how i was dominating anti wrinkle creams kws with a brand new site and how google updates were having no effect on my rankings.. lol, that was flattering. how you are seo'ing now, is how i have been seoing all this time and succeeding. *grins* Aint no rocket surgery.
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I was there thru that bullshit, onthewayup reminded me of someone who is on here now, popping off at the mouth, beating their chest, and lying out of thier ass. (not going there here at this time). I did a shit ton of business with nanexo and im not sure wtf happend with him, did a cpl years of good business together which i appreciate then all of the sudden shit went to hell between us business wise ( IE crazy late work, not fullfilling orders to where i got left holding the bag at one time of over $1200, and was prob not his direct fault, but still hurt) Anyway, on wicked id had bad business encounters with the both of them eventually. That on the way up douchefuck high jacked some shit i was exploiting and publicly advertised it on wickedfire( was talking about in confidence i was assured..., and within 6 months it was spammed to death and devalued. it was some shit i was using to crush the e-cigs market. (yep, i was that crazy cracka ranking pos 1 for electric cigarette and electronic cigarette pos 2 on the GORG with an internal page, making BANK (900-1100/day commissions) at the time of riding that wave as it came through.)

Anyway, thru that lesson, i learned along the way (and why i joined here) was i found out there are not many you can trust, I seen @CCarter , @Grind, @emp, @eliquid, ELI and only a handful more were who i could trust and were worth my time to even deal with. Bofu, and Guerrilla were also among the same circle. There are GIANTS here, pay attention guys. I am sorry i left the skype group, but it was distracting from work and those pics of those naked guys trying to sit on traffic cones "coning" were a bit weird to me haha

Where the fuck is Zingo haha, that dude cracked me up, he was a great market place mod.

Mike h - from formerly known extremesmartproducts.com, or those that were whining and bitching on msm (micrositemasters) blog about how i was dominating anti wrinkle creams kws with a brand new site and how google updates were having no effect on my rankings.. lol, that was flattering. how you are seo'ing now, is how i have been seoing all this time and succeeding. *grins* Aint no rocket surgery.
What was the thing you were doing with ecigs if you don't mind since ut has now been spammed to death and probably not working

And since you had good seo, sucess, when you discover a new linkbuilding method that works, hoe did you scale? Did you automate, hire people or do them manually on your own. Just wanted to know you opetate since you ranked and banked competitive words.
Everything we do is manually done, im doing the same thing as back then now, just cleaner content for better UX on everything. I cant take all the credit, my right hand helped us grow staff for labor, took a small army to rank a lot of bigger keywords. Aways be testing new stuff out, youd be surprised at what you find out by doing so. Yeah that was a spammy niche, one of the more crazier ones i have been in. anyway, enough about that, i didnt mean to hijack the thread.
Someone sent me this thread on Telegram...one of the unexpected benefits of having my contact info on my site is I get to reconnect with old WF heads from time to time. PM Grindstone indeed.

Haven't talked to Guerilla in a minute, he dropped off Zuckbook around Covid start but the last conversations I had with him were excellent.

He had gone full Carnivore diet and healed about 99% of his health issues and was looking forward to taking it all the way home. Living in a beautiful place in interior BC, surrounded with family and friends. A life worth living.

If any of you other fat fucks (can I talk to you guys like this here? it is a WF reunion thread after all...keeping to the spirit of things) are going through life with health issues, try eating nothing but steak and eggs for 30 days.

My money says you'll never look back, even tho most people add back in some low sugar fruits (berries, melons, honey, etc) after they lose all the excess weight and their hormones 'normalize'.

I dropped (and kept off) 46 pounds, got my six pack back, turning 50 this year, zero medications, train all the days. No reason anyone else couldn't do it too.
