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"Some of them even have working websites..." LOLz
No but seriously now: "The Greater Fool Theory"
And don't think I am not paying attention - CCarter was AGAIN the first person to talk about something then someone turns around ands re-states it at their OWN idea, wtf.
Today's case: FedNow - the Federal reserve - the #1 center bank in the world, is coming out with a solution that bypasses banks and all this crypto-crap WITHIN THIS THREAD, a month later the "XRP Expert" is quoting "central banks are coming out with their own digital currency" - WHAT?
What's so ironic about that quote is it directly states “Not only you don’t need crypto, you don’t even need Venmo. You don’t even need a bank account. You don’t even need a check.” (Direct link: https://www.buildersociety.com/thre...currencies-xrp-bitcoin.5018/page-8#post-56340)
What? What in god's name is going on here? How about you follow the logic of YOUR OWN QUOTES!
Anyways, let's get down to business:
"Cryptocurrencies basically have no value and they don't produce anything," he told CNBC's Becky Quick in a 'Squawk Box' interview. "In terms of value: zero."
"I don't have any cryptocurrency and I never will," added Buffett, who was interviewed two days after he released his annual shareholder letter.
Buffett has been a long-time critic of the world's largest digital coin. He called bitcoin "probably rat poison squared," ahead of the 2018 Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder meeting. A "mirage," "not a currency," and "tulips" are among the descriptors Buffett has used for bitcoin, according to CNBC's Warren Buffett Archive.
Berkshire Vice Chairman Charlie Munger has called it a "turd," and said that trading cryptocurrencies is "just dementia."
Source: Warren Buffett: Cryptocurrency 'has no value' – 'I don't own any and never will'
"If you wanna gamble somebody else will come along and pay more money tomorrow, that's one kind of game," Buffett told Yahoo Finance in 2018. "That is not investing."
Another source: 4 Reasons Warren Buffett Can't Stomach Bitcoin
More in-depth:
"Rat Poison Squared" - Warren Buffett.
"Anti-social", "Stupid", "Immoral"
"Bitcoin is almost as bad as trading baby brains. What! How have I never seen this interview before. "Combination of dementia"
"There are some thing beneath you that you just don't do, and this is one"
"So it's more expensive rat poison"
These are actual quotes from Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger. They have NEVER reversed these quotes or their position on buttcoin or Cryptocurrency.
If you people stopped for half a second to look at what is actually coming out of Warren Buffett's mouth instead of your Wordpress default themed "buttcoin news-site/blog" you would realize Warren has been saying the same thing. He brought up a great point how the only way you can value buttcoin is by hoping some other idiot buys it when you sell it at some point. At least with stocks you have dividend payouts, can control corporations and governances when you control enough shares.
A Japanese monk coder in a cave created buttcoin... Are you people stupid? The Japanese monk in a cave story is from Miyamoto Musashi - the greatest swordsman who ever lived. He lived his last years of his life in a cave where he wrote "Go Rin No Sho" (The Book of Five Rings).
ALL you have to do is go to the search within BuilderSociety.com and type in "Miyamoto Musashi" in the search - scroll and see who is the one person quoting that guy the most on this forum... Fuck.
If you guys really think you guys are going to become millionaires, billionaires, and trillionaires by "investing" in something that a vaping CBD oil digital gangster who was pushing Forex, an MLM, or some e-cigarette vaping products last year recommends to you, come on guys.
You guys want success, but want easy success, you want to bypass the "hard work" part of becoming wealthy. You don't want to hear that Elon Musk sleeps at his office and works 18-24 hours days. You don't want to hear how all the people that actually create real serious wealth spend years away from their families. I'm not in the office on Saturdays and Sundays and Holidays coding on SERPWoo just because. I know that to take anything to the next level will require a ton of work, sacrifice with a ton of ups and downs in the road towards success.
But most of you want to skip the sacrifice part.
It's a game of musical chairs, it'll go up, and hopefully you sell before it drops - but how do YOU know when the top is?
Let's say you want to build muscle - is there any serious way to build muscle without lifting heavy weights and eating? No. But some magic pill comes along and magically you are going to build muscles without tearing them down and eating protein to replace the muscle? HOW? What in the world is your new "muscle" going to be made out of then? No magic pill is going to have you gaining muscles without putting work in at the gym and in the kitchen.
Same with losing weight - increase energy expended and reduce calories, THAT IS IT! But then a magic pill comes around and - people are buying it but people are also stupid. In the scenarios with the muscle building pill popper and the weight loss pill solution it's the same thing, they want it "easy", no sacrifice, just the end results. Exact same thing happening with this buttcoin euphoria.
At the end of the day, no matter what you do, if you want something you have to make sacrifices for that thing.
If you want to build muscle you have to lift heavy heavy weights, not for 3 sets but 20 sets, then eat a ton of protein and carbs to repair the muscles - daily, PERIOD.
If you want to lose weight you have to reduce your calorie intake and increase the energy your body expends.
If you want serious wealth you'll have to work harder, smarter, and put in more work than the competition.
These are all things you guys know inherently and instinctively. Deep down you know these truths.
You can play your game of musical chairs, but how do YOU know when the music will stop spinning? Cause at the end of the day if you don't cash out before the next idiot comes along you'll be stuck holding the turd bag.
And don't let these vaping CBD digital gangsters fool you anymore, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger are Anti-Cryptocurrency PERIOD. You can't dispute the fucking videos guys. It's from their own mouths.
Unless you see a direct video of this reversal in an interview with a respectable news station or respectable individuals DO NOT BELIEVE THESE CBD oil pushing digital gangsters!
There is literally video of Warren Buffett stating his position! I have a feeling he hates it more than I do since every dumbass reporter that interviews him bring this crap up.