Who's going in on CryptoCurrencies? XRP - Bitcoin


I mean - come on... You think mainstream consumers will be able to do 1/10th of that?

You guys are real zealots, but no. I can assure you bitcoin and cryptocurrency is not going to solve these problems.
Do you remember dial-up and BBS? I used to get the local Egghead (I think it was that) magazine to see if any new BBS to call into and play games like Pimp Wars. Everything starts in its way over the head of most but then becomes your Grandparents are now on Google sending/receiving e-mail. UX is improving fast, it will be EZ for everyone.
Everything starts in its way over the head of most but then becomes your Grandparents are now on Google sending/receiving e-mail.

I think the biggest thing between the Internet and Bitcoin is there wasn't a massive push of people trying to convince people. And every single person trying to convince people is simply trying to get rich by "being at the ground level".

The people that are peddling bitcoin and cryptocurrency are genuinely simple trying to get rich. They aren't showing how it's going to benefit the end consumer, because I go back to the same argument:

#1 it's not faster than cash and

#2 it's not easier than a credit card (literally has zero consumer protection as well)

Bitcoin has not solved either of the two problems above since it started and I was messing with it at $125 back in 2013. Remember Lukep, he genuinely believed in it. But now the only people that seem to be pushing it have a vested interest in it because they want to ride it upwards. Fine, but how does bitcoin solve the semiconductor problem? How does it solve the logistics problem? In fact WHAT serious problem does it actually solve?

If a white-paper is needed that means you guys can't explain it simply.

But I will give you this, in the late 1990s there were people that advertised in the yellow pages that said the internet was a waste of time. They thought the yellow pages would be around forever and people aren't going to use that "online thing" to find businesses. They were wrong. But the difference was people were jumping on the internet left and right because they saw the benefits.

What's the bitcoin benefits? And are the Zealots that are talking it up, what are they doing to showcase the benefits? Because I still can't see a single benefit for consumers. Blockchain yes, for transparency, but bitcoin it still doesn't solve one or both of the problems I continue to present.

And what's crazy is the #1 and #2 situations of cash and credit card, showcasing their current superiority, it just keeps getting ignored. If I was a Zealot and believed in this I would try to solve one or both problems above and THEN we're off to the races.
Early this morning I was on an analysis conference call with SoftBank and some others. The conversation started going towards cryptocrap and buttcoin, so I went to mute it. However one second before I muted I caught the news that China has banned buttcoin and crypto (Russia already did, I wonder what they know that everyone else seems to be ignoring):

"Virtual currency-related business activities are illegal financial activities," the People's Bank of China said, warning it "seriously endangers the safety of people's assets".
China is one of the world's largest crypto-currency markets.
Fluctuations there often impact the global price of crypto-currencies.
The price of Bitcoin fell by more than $2,000 (£1,460) in the wake of the Chinese announcement.
It is the latest in China's national crackdown on what it sees as a volatile, speculative investment at best - and a way to launder money at worst.
The statement makes clear that those who are involved in "illegal financial activities" are committing a crime and will be prosecuted.
And foreign websites providing such services to Chinese citizens online is also an illegal activity, it said.
China, with its relatively low electricity costs and cheaper computer hardware, has long been one of the world's main centres for mining.
The activity is so popular there that gamers have sometimes blamed the industry for a global shortage of powerful graphics cards, which miners use for processing crypto-currencies.
The Chinese crackdown has already hit the mining industry.
In September 2019, China accounted for 75% of the world's Bitcoin energy use. By April 2021, that had fallen to 46%.


Our Comrades know what's up.


When the system collapses buttcoin is not going to save you, Russia and China are doing everything in their power to insulate themselves from the eventually financial hit.

Ironically on the other side the West are doubling down on this crap. It's like watching kids play with a loaded gun, you can't stop them - all you can do is wait for the eventually disaster.

The good news is, if cryptocrap infiltrates the system a bit more and then everything collapses all businesses for sale will have to go through seller finance. :smile:
Here's some more info about this:

Except it was actually TODAY: http://www.pbc.gov.cn/goutongjiaoliu/113456/113469/4348556/index.html

Date: 2021-09-24 17:00:21

Headline: 人民银行有关负责人就《关于进一步防范和处置虚拟货币交易炒作风险的通知》答记者问

Headline: "The relevant person in charge of the People's Bank of China answered reporters' questions on the "Notice on Further Preventing and Disposing of the Risks of Hype in Virtual Currency Transactions"


Recently, ten departments including the People's Bank of China issued the "Notice on Further Preventing and Disposing of the Risks of Hype in Virtual Currency Transactions" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The relevant person in charge of the People's Bank of China answered reporters' questions on related issues.

1. What is the background of the "Notice"?

In recent years, Bitcoin and other virtual currency transaction hype activities have prevailed, disrupting economic and financial order, breeding money laundering, illegal fund-raising, fraud, pyramid schemes and other illegal and criminal activities, seriously endangering the safety of people's property. In accordance with the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the People’s Bank of China, in conjunction with relevant departments, has introduced a series of policies and measures to clarify that virtual currencies do not have legal tender status, prohibit financial institutions from developing and participating in virtual currency-related businesses, and clean up and ban domestic virtual currency transactions and token issuance financing The platform continued to carry out risk warning and financial consumer education, and achieved positive results. In order to establish a normalized work mechanism and always maintain a high-pressure crackdown on virtual currency trading activities, the People's Bank of China and other departments have combined the new risk situation and drafted the "Notice" based on the previous work experience.

2. How does the "Notice" characterize virtual currencies and related business activities?

my country's regulatory policies on virtual currencies are clear and consistent. The "Notice" once again emphasizes that virtual currencies that are issued by non-monetary authorities, use encryption technology, distributed accounts or similar technologies, and exist in digital form, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., including so-called stable currencies such as TEDA, are not It has the same legal status as legal tender and cannot be circulated in the market as currency. The "Notice" clearly stated that virtual currency exchange, virtual currency trading as a central counterparty, provision of matching services for virtual currency transactions, token issuance financing, and virtual currency derivative transactions are all illegal financial activities and are strictly prohibited. , Resolutely banned in accordance with the law; overseas virtual currency exchanges to provide services to Chinese residents through the Internet are also illegal financial activities.

3. What work measures are proposed in the "Notice"?

The first is to establish a normalized working mechanism of departmental coordination and central-regional linkage. At the central level, ten departments including the People’s Bank of China, the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, and the Ministry of Public Security have established a coordination mechanism to coordinate and promote the implementation of work as a whole; at the local level, the provincial people’s governments implement territorial risk handling responsibilities, and ban and crack down on illegal virtual currencies in their jurisdictions in accordance with the law. Financial activities.

The second is to strengthen the monitoring and early warning of the risk of speculation in virtual currency transactions. The People's Bank of China and the Central Cyberspace Administration of China have improved the functions of virtual currency monitoring technology platforms to improve the accuracy and efficiency of identifying and discovering virtual currency transaction hype activities. Financial institutions and non-bank payment institutions have strengthened their monitoring of virtual currency transaction funds. All departments and regions shall strengthen the effective connection of online monitoring, offline mapping, and fund monitoring, and establish information sharing and cross-validation mechanisms.

The third is to build a multi-dimensional, multi-level virtual currency transaction speculation risk prevention and disposal system. Financial management departments, cybersecurity and informatization departments, telecommunications departments, public security departments, and market supervision departments work closely together to cut off payment channels, dispose of relevant websites and mobile applications in accordance with the law, strengthen the registration and advertising management of relevant market entities, and crack down on relevant illegal financial activities in accordance with the law. Comprehensive measures are implemented in such aspects as illegal and criminal activities, and relevant industry associations have strengthened member management and policy publicity to prevent and deal with the risks of virtual currency transaction speculation in an all-round way.

4. What are the follow-up work arrangements?

Cracking down on the speculation of virtual currency transactions is an important decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. It is an inevitable requirement for the implementation of the people-centered development concept and the implementation of the overall national security concept. All departments and regions will conscientiously implement the various measures proposed in the "Notice", build a long-term work mechanism that is coordinated by the central government, implemented by the locals, combined with different disciplines, and jointly responsible, always maintain a high-pressure situation, dynamically monitor, and promptly deal with related risks. Resolutely curb the hype of virtual currency transactions, severely crack down on illegal financial activities and illegal criminal activities related to virtual currencies, protect the safety of the people's property in accordance with the law, and make every effort to maintain economic and financial order and social stability.


"When you have time to dispelling truth, forget about myth, your life is pretty fucked up."​

Why that twitter account is dispelling truth is beyond me, well not really, they want to quell the coming implosion.

If Twitter is your source for truth... well okay.

Lol China bans crypto every other month. China does have first-mover advantage with their digital Yuan.

What's funny is I worked for a local Yellow Pages in the 90's as a graphic designer. We had a companywide meeting and one guy asked "Why Aren't We Developing on the Internet"? The president asked everyone to raise their hand if they are using the "Internet", and about 95% of everyone raised their hand. By the time they tried in early 2000's it was too late.

I own exactly .002 BTC as Coinbase gave me because they made a mistake on my account and owned it and sent me BTC as a sorry. I use Bitcoin as the primary example and it's the most famous, and when it does well, everything in the space does well. I don't try to convince, I just enjoy talking about blockchain as I'm 100% in. I think I might buy $1,000 of ETH (that is not used as gas fees) and $1,000 of BTC and just hold it as a safe bet. You won't get rich off BTC but make a good return, and ETH you will make more, as it will flip BTC's market cap and is deflationary now. My primary holdings are with an NFT company I believe in and I participate with the community. I got in at .33 this summer and now it's around 1.00, but believe it will go over $50 in the next couple of years. I spent $10k total and now it's staking weekly APY 85%. So, I didn't bet the farm, but I'm gambling. The United States is so slow and hired MIT to come up with a digital currency that has yet to be seen.
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Billionaires are still investing................all i'll say
Visa and Mastercard..... are still going forward
Amazon, Paypal, etc are still moving forward.
They aren't showing how it's going to benefit the end consumer,
In full transparency.... I haven't read this entire thread...so maybe take what I say with a grain of salt. I also don't pretend to by a crypto expert...or even an enthusiast. I'm just speaking from a decade of experience working in financial services and the personal finance affiliate niche.

There are plenty of end user benefits specific to Bitcoin. Insinuating that there are none, or that the current benefits don't yet "beat" the available alternatives, is disingenuous at best.

Bitcoin benefits:
  • store of value
  • medium of exchange
  • metric of account
  • Lower fees than many alternatives
  • Lower regulatory restrictions than alternatives
  • Irreversible transactions
  • Transaction security
  • More autonomy than alternatives
  • Everything is peer to peer
  • Increased mobility
  • Accessibility (specifically for emerging markets where hyperinflation is rampant)
There's plenty of end user benefits. Whether or not those benefits make Bitcoin a more attractive investment than others is not for me (or anyone else to say). Everyone's situation is unique.

In regards to your "arguments"....

1. You're disingenuously insinuating that speed is the only reason a user would benefit from Bitcoin, or that a lack of speed is a trigger for failure. There are other reasons (see list above) to use Bitcoin, and not being "faster than cash" does not trigger failure. I'm no expert, but afaik, the powers that be are working on speeding up transactions anyhow. Regardless, there's still several reasons that a user would use a form of money outside of cash.
2. Crypto cards already exist and are becoming more common as time goes on. I also believe you can use crypto via your smart phone now, too. https://www.zdnet.com/article/best-crypto-credit-card/

Additionally, consumer protections on financial products are largely an illusion of safety. A run on those safety nets would quickly prove that they could have never "protected" anything to begin with...

Early this morning I was on an analysis conference call with SoftBank and some others. The conversation started going towards cryptocrap and buttcoin, so I went to mute it. However one second before I muted I caught the news that China has banned buttcoin and crypto (Russia already did, I wonder what they know that everyone else seems to be ignoring):

"Virtual currency-related business activities are illegal financial activities," the People's Bank of China said, warning it "seriously endangers the safety of people's assets".
China is one of the world's largest crypto-currency markets.
Fluctuations there often impact the global price of crypto-currencies.
The price of Bitcoin fell by more than $2,000 (£1,460) in the wake of the Chinese announcement.
It is the latest in China's national crackdown on what it sees as a volatile, speculative investment at best - and a way to launder money at worst.
The statement makes clear that those who are involved in "illegal financial activities" are committing a crime and will be prosecuted.
And foreign websites providing such services to Chinese citizens online is also an illegal activity, it said.
China, with its relatively low electricity costs and cheaper computer hardware, has long been one of the world's main centres for mining.
The activity is so popular there that gamers have sometimes blamed the industry for a global shortage of powerful graphics cards, which miners use for processing crypto-currencies.
The Chinese crackdown has already hit the mining industry.
In September 2019, China accounted for 75% of the world's Bitcoin energy use. By April 2021, that had fallen to 46%.


Our Comrades know what's up.


When the system collapses buttcoin is not going to save you, Russia and China are doing everything in their power to insulate themselves from the eventually financial hit.

Ironically on the other side the West are doubling down on this crap. It's like watching kids play with a loaded gun, you can't stop them - all you can do is wait for the eventually disaster.

The good news is, if cryptocrap infiltrates the system a bit more and then everything collapses all businesses for sale will have to go through seller finance. :smile:
Not sure how you're getting from "China banned crypto" to "China knows what's up." Would love to see you connect those dots.

Why are we trusting China's word again? These are the same people currently committing atrocities against their own citizens, no? Why on Earth would we trust anything they said when they don't even protect their own people.

If I had to take a very, very obvious swing at what the real reason for the ban was....

Could it be that crypto offered more freedom to the Chinese people and less control for the government?

hmmm... I wonder.

Except it was actually TODAY: http://www.pbc.gov.cn/goutongjiaoliu/113456/113469/4348556/index.html

Date: 2021-09-24 17:00:21

Headline: 人民银行有关负责人就《关于进一步防范和处置虚拟货币交易炒作风险的通知》答记者问
Headline: "The relevant person in charge of the People's Bank of China answered reporters' questions on the "Notice on Further Preventing and Disposing of the Risks of Hype in Virtual Currency Transactions"
Recently, ten departments including the People's Bank of China issued the "Notice on Further Preventing and Disposing of the Risks of Hype in Virtual Currency Transactions" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The relevant person in charge of the People's Bank of China answered reporters' questions on related issues.
1. What is the background of the "Notice"?
In recent years, Bitcoin and other virtual currency transaction hype activities have prevailed, disrupting economic and financial order, breeding money laundering, illegal fund-raising, fraud, pyramid schemes and other illegal and criminal activities, seriously endangering the safety of people's property. In accordance with the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the People’s Bank of China, in conjunction with relevant departments, has introduced a series of policies and measures to clarify that virtual currencies do not have legal tender status, prohibit financial institutions from developing and participating in virtual currency-related businesses, and clean up and ban domestic virtual currency transactions and token issuance financing The platform continued to carry out risk warning and financial consumer education, and achieved positive results. In order to establish a normalized work mechanism and always maintain a high-pressure crackdown on virtual currency trading activities, the People's Bank of China and other departments have combined the new risk situation and drafted the "Notice" based on the previous work experience.
2. How does the "Notice" characterize virtual currencies and related business activities?
my country's regulatory policies on virtual currencies are clear and consistent. The "Notice" once again emphasizes that virtual currencies that are issued by non-monetary authorities, use encryption technology, distributed accounts or similar technologies, and exist in digital form, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., including so-called stable currencies such as TEDA, are not It has the same legal status as legal tender and cannot be circulated in the market as currency. The "Notice" clearly stated that virtual currency exchange, virtual currency trading as a central counterparty, provision of matching services for virtual currency transactions, token issuance financing, and virtual currency derivative transactions are all illegal financial activities and are strictly prohibited. , Resolutely banned in accordance with the law; overseas virtual currency exchanges to provide services to Chinese residents through the Internet are also illegal financial activities.
3. What work measures are proposed in the "Notice"?
The first is to establish a normalized working mechanism of departmental coordination and central-regional linkage. At the central level, ten departments including the People’s Bank of China, the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, and the Ministry of Public Security have established a coordination mechanism to coordinate and promote the implementation of work as a whole; at the local level, the provincial people’s governments implement territorial risk handling responsibilities, and ban and crack down on illegal virtual currencies in their jurisdictions in accordance with the law. Financial activities.
The second is to strengthen the monitoring and early warning of the risk of speculation in virtual currency transactions. The People's Bank of China and the Central Cyberspace Administration of China have improved the functions of virtual currency monitoring technology platforms to improve the accuracy and efficiency of identifying and discovering virtual currency transaction hype activities. Financial institutions and non-bank payment institutions have strengthened their monitoring of virtual currency transaction funds. All departments and regions shall strengthen the effective connection of online monitoring, offline mapping, and fund monitoring, and establish information sharing and cross-validation mechanisms.
The third is to build a multi-dimensional, multi-level virtual currency transaction speculation risk prevention and disposal system. Financial management departments, cybersecurity and informatization departments, telecommunications departments, public security departments, and market supervision departments work closely together to cut off payment channels, dispose of relevant websites and mobile applications in accordance with the law, strengthen the registration and advertising management of relevant market entities, and crack down on relevant illegal financial activities in accordance with the law. Comprehensive measures are implemented in such aspects as illegal and criminal activities, and relevant industry associations have strengthened member management and policy publicity to prevent and deal with the risks of virtual currency transaction speculation in an all-round way.
4. What are the follow-up work arrangements?
Cracking down on the speculation of virtual currency transactions is an important decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. It is an inevitable requirement for the implementation of the people-centered development concept and the implementation of the overall national security concept. All departments and regions will conscientiously implement the various measures proposed in the "Notice", build a long-term work mechanism that is coordinated by the central government, implemented by the locals, combined with different disciplines, and jointly responsible, always maintain a high-pressure situation, dynamically monitor, and promptly deal with related risks. Resolutely curb the hype of virtual currency transactions, severely crack down on illegal financial activities and illegal criminal activities related to virtual currencies, protect the safety of the people's property in accordance with the law, and make every effort to maintain economic and financial order and social stability.


"When you have time to dispelling truth, forget about myth, your life is pretty fucked up."​

Why that twitter account is dispelling truth is beyond me, well not really, they want to quell the coming implosion.

If Twitter is your source for truth... well okay.
Since when are we relying on China to be a reliable source of truth? Why should anyone trust their words over Twitter, or any other source of information?

Not advocating to trust Twitter at all... but your point swings both ways. You've just pasted a bunch of text coming out of China and want to ignore that fact that China lies through its teeth?

It's a store of value because people say it's a store of value (just like fiat) and that's it. All of this other nonsense is just fear mongering.
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Regardless, there's still several reasons that a user would use a form of money outside of cash.

Like? You haven't giving a single reason a user would use bitcoin over cash or credit card.

Additionally, consumer protections on financial products are largely an illusion of safety. A run on those safety nets would quickly prove that they could have never "protected" anything to begin with...

If I see a fraud transaction on my American Express, I can call them up and reverse that transaction, The "Irreversible transactions" aspect are why scammers and thieves are thriving within cryptocurrency. It's why they are making Mt Gox level robberies and getting away. That's not a benefit to end consumers. Just a benefit to someone that's trying to do something disingenuine to their customers. Why would you tout that as a benefit?

Lower regulatory restrictions than alternatives

Regulation hinders a lot of bad actors from pulling Mt Gox level scams.

Accessibility (specifically for emerging markets where hyperinflation is rampant)

How come you don't accept bitcoin then? I even tried, got some transactions going, but it was more of a headache than it was worth so I stopped.

If it's a great payment method, shouldn't the people touting it walk their talk?

Could it be that crypto offered more freedom to the Chinese people and less control for the government?
hmmm... I wonder.

What freedom are you talking about? Do you really want your money to be controlled by random citizens in their basement? Doesn't sound smart, might lead to serious chaos with the money supply.

El Salvador tried making bitcoin it's primary currency, look at the results:


The system doesn’t work, the currency crashed, and the public hates it.

source: El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law Is a Farce

The citizen hate it, when the government gave them $30 in bitcoin, the market crashed and they quickly saw their $30 turn into $20s in real time. It's hard to use a currency when the value of that currency changes in swings. It's been over a decade since Lukep talked about bitcoin, the swings continue to make it not viable as a payment solution.

A country just did it and failed. I notice no one wants to report on that fact.

"It's too early?" it's been over a decade. And a decade on the internet is an eternity.

To put things really in perspective the first iPhone launched in 2007. Bitcoin was released 2 years later in 2009. Look at the way the iPhone has changed lives and out reality. If bitcoin is the savior of humanity, what has it done in the same timeframe? Nothing, except get riddled with scams and people looking to get rich quick.

"China banned crypto"

Until the recent crack down China was the largest bitcoin miner in terms of sheer volume, that's why then banning it means less bitcoin mining. I highlighted the impact of the shift above:

In September 2019, China accounted for 75% of the world's Bitcoin energy use. By April 2021, that had fallen to 46%.

That percentage is only going to continue falling, especially after now. That will impact bitcoin, hence why everyone is monitoring it.

Why are we trusting China's word again?

Are you saying they are NOT banning cryptocurrency? I don't understand this statement. Are you guys stating that 10 of China's ministers didn't just make the statements they did?

It's a store of value because people say it's a store of value (just like fiat) and that's it.

If you believe fiat is a stored value than anything can be a stored value, even JPEG. One day we might even see money laundering and ponzi schemes revolving around the trading of JPEGs.

Just because it can be done doesn't mean it's a good idea.

At some point you guys have to admit that if ponzi and pyramid schemes are abound within the industry you are trying to promote, you have an uphill battle.

Russia and China, were and are, the biggest players in cryptocurrency mining from the beginning, and their governments are attempting to get rid of the poison pill from their society. Why? Because when the cryptocurrency nonsense dries up and collapses, they'll be more insulated than the West, which are doubling and tripling down on this nonsense. And the West is going to be fucked.

Let's say all you guys are right, and bitcoin going to a trillion dollars, great everyone in it got rich, cause that's 99% of the reason for you guys in it. However even @NetZero doesn't use it for transactions, he uses it to "hold" and hope to get rich. In his example of the internet versus bitcoin, 95% of the people raise their hand to using the internet. 0.000000% of the people right now in bitcoin are using it for transactions in their daily life - perhaps a slight exaggeration, but even @NetZero is not using it everyday for transactions. That should give you a huge clue to the problem. If you guys are right that's great for you guys. Everyone magically is going to become millionaires and billionaires, sounds like fantasy, and I'll be in the soup-line asking for a bitcoin to spare. I'm good with that bet.

But let's say I'm right - When the dust settles, All the West financial systems that integrated this waste of time bitcoin stuff into their blood stream start collapsing, and yet 2 major economies and Super Powers, Russia and China, have insulated themselves from that poison pill. How do you think the world stage shift after that?

The more and more I dive deeper into the reasoning for bitcoin and cryptocurrency the more I come to the conclusion that's it's a poison pill where everyone in on it is simply trying to get rich, "quick" or eventually.

And at the end of the day it is still not faster than cash and not safer than a credit card.
It’s a hustle and a scheme. Why does everyone have to get all righteous on either side?

The entire financial system is a hustle.

It is a store of value and when it hits 150k USD I’m out and using the money to build a house.
It is a store of value and when it hits 150k USD I’m out and using the money to build a house.

That's perfect. You know exactly when you want to get out. I was in and got out. I've stated over and over it's a game of musical chairs. You I and both know this. Get your money. Even @EyesExist is in it for the money, whether he admits it or not.

But they aren't admitting the same reality that it's a game of musical chairs. They aren't admitting they are into just to make money. Their underlying thesis is bitcoin is going to save the world. Ok, if that's their thesis I'll attack that part, as I have.

Because when you enough idiots onboard of a bad idea you get situations like El Salvador, where it is completely fucked cause they drank the kool-aid. You may not care personally, but what about the citizens who are fucked right now cause people at the top? Go to El Salvador and talk bitcoin to them, see if you make it out alive.

As a capitalist, "that's not my problem." Fine. But when you open your mail or turn on the news one day and see your own bank or your own governments starts following in the same footsteps it quickly becomes your problem.

If other people drink the kool-aid it's one thing, fuck them. But when they start forcing feeding and serving you the kool-aid... Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Will SHIB become more powerful than DOGEcoin?

I think it has more international appeal. Thoughts?

Also, quite interesting that El Salvador made $4-Million dollars off their recent investment into Bitcoin. That President might end up being the Elon Musk of South America


I hope you guys are having fun here, because I'm having a blast!

You sold at the start of the final leg of the bull run?
I just wanted to get out at $60k, already had that planned. There is never a way to predict the top, could've have just easily stayed and it dropped.

Never doubt or regret your decisions. Take profit and move on.

Edit: it was a limit market order setup weeks ago.
I just wanted to get out at $60k, already had that planned. There is never a way to predict the top, could've have just easily stayed and it dropped.

Never doubt or regret your decisions. Take profit and move on.

Edit: it was a limit market order setup weeks ago.
I respect that.

I’m out at 135k
Bitcoin will not stop rising.

With all the countries that will have legalized Bitcoin/Cryptos completely by end of 2022, it will increase the amount of people using Cryptocurrency by 3x minimum. Likely closer to 4-6x I'd bet because of the help it gives to families doing international money transfers 'back home'

That will be a HUGE topic over the next 400 days

Only like 4% of the world is using cryptocurrencies currently

Crypto Credit Cards will Consume a ton of coins this holiday shopping season. The first time this has been available in Cryptocurrency history.

Im happy to see people are having fun on this but it's FAR FROM OVER.

It may touch $150k by the holiday season. This may sound crazy but with El Salvador raking millions in benefits from being the first............... Others will fall in line from smaller nations. This will force the bigger nations to take action.

Europe & US speakers have already said we need to do the opposite of China and go in on this now........... Russia's already said they are on board with the Bitcoin (this past week)

It's only a matter of time.

Satoshis will be future. 1/1-millionth of a Bitcoin.

And expect MINA to see a major jump if they complete the mobile tech project.

Solana, Ethreum, and Binance will be the jugglers.

I have the feeling nations are already strategizing how to de-power China to be honest. Im sure China's aware of this too. The Digital Yuan will be destabilized. Prediction of mine.

There's a major silent war going on between the lines. We may actually see a big war before it's all said and done.


And yes, I think it's a hustle and a scheme and agree with MrMedia, the final leg of the bull run is coming. After that the usual bear market for 3-4 years.
I just wanted to get out at $60k, already had that planned. There is never a way to predict the top, could've have just easily stayed and it dropped.

Never doubt or regret your decisions. Take profit and move on.

Edit: it was a limit market order setup weeks ago.
Awesome! How many times have you profited off of Bitcoin now? Didn't you buy one time when it was like in the hundreds?
SHIB Millionaires were a joke just 2-3 months ago

Sheesh how fast times change with cryptos


in June I got into SHIB

The full story on Dogecoin is on CNN:

It's only available to Coinbase pro users... I looked it up, it's there

Prices have risen about 10cents in the last 48 hours. A 30% gain on the dollar.

I didn't buy back in yet but it's supposed to go up again once it's available to the regular Coinbase users.

For me, I don't have enough extra money to make it a 'must have' situation. I missed that boat but for those who've got the bank to put down money for a healthier return, it's there.

I hope Shiba Inu actually catches. It's a long-shot but there might be some countries that go after this. The 'hype' is getting pretty big on it too in terms of getting some major sites to mention it. The "Doge coin killer" at this point, can change a $10 investment into $12,000 if it reaches .01cent

This and Casino Coin............... oh how i hope.......... I been saying since the beginning, crypto Coins is the biggest opportunity I've seen on the internet in my lifetime. IT' bigger than gold, stock market, and the PPC industry I dabbled in but you need the $$,$$$ to get in and get out for fast gains.

I was also told about "Mina" by a client.. It's supposed to be the 'mobile blockchain' and if they can reach goals they've put out. would revolutionize everything. Supposedly, they've already done what Cardano's founder said was impossible.

It's June.........

June is the worst performing month of Stock/Cryptos historically.

Also September.

it's quiet because smart people are just sitting and holding................

SHIB coins ............. i was up but no worries.. im waiting until Coinbase & RH
ETH ........ I was up until i had to cash out the other day. Next project begins!
I literally fucking hate crypto at this point. As soon as I hit my targets I’m out.
If BTC becomes a treat to dollar, you think your government wont ban it?

China made digital yuan, they now have more control over money, it's faster and easy to use internationally.

CCarter, if you want to send some money to a guy in Sudan at Friday, he can raise it only Monday morning, which is not the case with BTC.

And, you would have to rely on SWIFT which is US financial tool for imposing sanctions.
Biggest weapon that US have is not Nuclear bombs but SWIFT. China and Russia are trying to find alternatives. Sooner or later the world will find some other solution for international trade and US wont like it.

Its all play and games now, but once BTC become a real currency, you will see a big backlash from the real players.
If BTC becomes a treat to dollar, you think your government wont ban it?

China made digital yuan, they now have more control over money, it's faster and easy to use internationally.

CCarter, if you want to send some money to a guy in Sudan at Friday, he can raise it only Monday morning, which is not the case with BTC.

And, you would have to rely on SWIFT which is US financial tool for imposing sanctions.
Biggest weapon that US have is not Nuclear bombs but SWIFT. China and Russia are trying to find alternatives. Sooner or later the world will find some other solution for international trade and US wont like it.

Its all play and games now, but once BTC become a real currency, you will see a big backlash from the real players.
That's why you buy Shiba Inu coins. If they ban that, they'll look like fools!