STDDIOT - Stuff That Doesn't Deserve Its Own Thread

The stuff you can do now with AI and APIs is incredible in terms of saving money and time.

Copy Paste is dead basically. Everything can now be automated with a few prompts, Python and an API key.
So what happens a few years from now when a guy is on trial for murder, and the murder is on video, but his lawyer claims that the video is AI-generated, and there's no way to prove that it's not?
So what happens a few years from now when a guy is on trial for murder, and the murder is on video, but his lawyer claims that the video is AI-generated, and there's no way to prove that it's not?
will be back to how we used to do before camcorders and cctv were invented
will be back to how we used to do before camcorders and cctv were invented
There will be a lot of challenges once AI and machines become increasingly present in our lives. The co-existence of humans and machines will re-shape our society. The ethics of it will really be a problem, and we don't have a "happy" solution yet.

Let's say we both crash our cars, in a head-on collision - what happens if my car's AI is smarter than your car's AI? Who should be blamed for the accident? Can you get a better AI for your car? Will you have to pay for "smarter" updates? What if you miss payments? Will your car "dumb down"?

And there are some funny examples - let's say BMW will use a more "sporty, brash, aggressive" AI, just like the BMW driver memes we all know. On the other hand, my Hyundai has a more down-to-earth AI. What will happen when their decision-making will collide? Will the BMW bully the Hyundai?

A lot to think about if you are a legislator, that's for sure.
You are welcome, i hope it sticks and the situation has been "un-fucked".
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I will come back out and play, if you guys stop hacking my shit.

That is all.
-As you were.

-written in crayola crayon, just in case...
Google. LOL

"There is a man in a cave that is training for the day that he has to fight you. He has no running water, no medicine, no gym, and no girlfriend. Someday you will face him in the field of battle and if you do not train for that day he will defeat you.
While you shitpost on the internet and masturbate to chinese cartoons and consume thrice your daily caloric requirement, the man in the cave continues to prepare for the inevitable day of battle."​

Got in my first auto accident as an adult. Someone backed into me in a parking lot.

It really gave me an appreciation for how many times over the past two decades I've driven past someone who was about to back out of a parking space who DIDN'T hit me.
how long do broken ribs take to heal? I have been layed up going on week three. This shit sucks donkeyballs. At least it only hurts when i breathe, otherwise this shit would really suck.. laughing hurts as well.

Gonna walk it off... lol
how long do broken ribs take to heal? I have been layed up going on week three. This shit sucks donkeyballs. At least it only hurts when i breathe, otherwise this shit would really suck.. laughing hurts as well.

Gonna walk it off... lol
Took me over a month.

Laughing was the worst, hah. That and sitting up to get out of bed.
How to win at TikTok?

I have a girl who has built up a social media presence over the past few years. She worries too much about looking stupid sometimes, and it holds her back.
Business Social = Business Society NOT # Bussine$$ Social <haven for the lost boys club)

IF I said phone uncharged phone me on my landline what would you say?

LL COOL J = CC Carter (JJ Smithe)
Illiquid = elliquid right or not
Engineer extraordinary = ordinary alien
Ridyaku = Ridiculous or alien or Asian

Jasmin or Jazz* or Jasmine ¿

Pps. Queen Nefertiti Regone and her son

Pss. Rastafarin is the G.O.A.T. # Rastafa
Jas-mine name <Jasmine>
Continue et al

"Everything you have been taught is a lie, and that's the reason you are poor" - Dan Pena​
"you are here to LIVE, not to sleep." "who is pulling your strings"
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