2024 Election

For home owners who do not plan to sell, the increased taxes and insurance premiums are certainly a problem.
So, for people who have a hard time paying their bills, such as tax bill or insurance bill, the hard truth is that voting for either party won't cause much of a difference for them at the end of the month. Yes, the democrats will give the people some crumbs here and there because they don't want to see people suffering, but in the end of the day, they'll still be struggling. No one ever gets rich off of welfare. Not legally.
Republicans make rules that benefit white christians. That's their target audience. They don't want money going to non-christians and non-whites.
Don't you know that poor is a race???

So, for people who have a hard time paying their bills, such as tax bill or insurance bill, the hard truth is that voting for either party won't cause much of a difference for them at the end of the month. Yes, the democrats will give the people some crumbs here and there because they don't want to see people suffering, but in the end of the day, they'll still be struggling. No one ever gets rich off of welfare. Not legally.


Republicans make rules that benefit white christians. That's their target audience. They don't want money going to non-christians and non-whites.

Republicans are racist with Trump's anti-immigration rules and such, but that's racism against poor people. They don't want resources to go to non-white Christians who are not Americans.

Republicans make rules that benefit white christians. That's their target audience. They don't want money going to non-christians and non-whites.
I knew if I waited long enough, I would not be let down.


Immigration is a security and border issue, not a "we against non-whites and poor people".

We are simply asking for you to come in legally, not illegally jumping the fence or swimming across with no paperwork or knowledge of you being here.

I'm sure you understand @BakerStreet, considering you had to have a passport to go to Germany and other countries in Europe, being American when you first left America?

Was that policy set up by Europe to be racist towards you, or more of a "security check"? I guess every country that requires a Visa, security screening/immigration checkpoint, or passport when you enter their country is racist... which means the whole world is racist and not just Trump/Republicans?

Or again, would that be a security issue instead?

Also crazy to think about....

Most of our "non-big government" and "small business/business friendly" policies have helped countless:

1. Asian immigrants that came here, looking to run a business and help their families
2. Arab families come here and start and run a business
3. Not to mention the countless Irish, German, Mexican, etc families too

Many of them are not Christian ( Catholicism is not Christianity, neither is Judaism ) and many of them are not "white". There are women business owners too...

I guess you being "non-white" means you don't benefit from those Real Estate tax loopholes and polices we have? Eh?

I guess you didn't take advantage of the QBi deduction either because you're non-white and neither did the millions of business owners that are also non-white, non-christian, non-male? Eh?

This is just 1 specific aspect I picked out, I could go a lot broader and deeper.

But I have work to do today.
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First BuSo thread in months, did not disappoint.

Two thoughts while reading all that:

1 - Ranking #1 for Trump University in two weeks was my first clue I'd be good at SEO. Or maybe the SERPs were just that easy back then.

2 - Pretty damn sure many of you fall for your own landing pages, holy mainstream media regurgitation nonsense narratives. Be better.
Any final predictions before the election tomorrow?

It's not looking good for Harris, but we'll see what happens.
Democrats were touting a 500k early vote advantage in Pennsylvania as their target number to feel like Kamala has a decent shot at the state. They're well short of that, with only 412k -- almost 20% below their target. Ouch.

So far, enthusiasm is way down for them, and it's way up for Republicans. I'm not surprised. People on the right feel like their fighting for their lives and the future of their children. What's there to fight for on the left? Killing the unborn? More of the garbage we've seen for the past four years? Not exactly inspiring causes. The difference in ethusiasm/turnout could be the difference between winning and losing in a close race.

Personally, I don't think it's all that tight, and Trump wins it with 300+ electoral votes.


Pre-election polling tends to overestimate the left by 2-3 points on average (they were off 3.4 points in 2020, as seen in the Wiki screenshot below). If they're showing the race is essentially tied (I'm seeing a 0.8% average lead for Kamala in the major aggregates), I'm assuming Trump's up around 2-2.5 points nationally, which should translate to leads across all, or at least most, of the swing states.

Add in the aforementioned significant enthusiasm advantage Trump's side has, and the fact Republicans finally have guards in place to (hopefully) nip rampant fraud in the bud, and I'm feeling mostly confident Trump pulls it off. If we're lucky, the margin is so great there's no reasonable doubt by midnight, so we don't have to drag this out for days.

As for specific predictions, I've got Trump winning all the swing states, and stealing New Hampshire, thanks their local Liberatian Party endorsing him. New Hampshire's one of the few states where that's actually meaningful, for a final score of:

Trump: 316
Harris: 222

Oh, and he's taking the popular vote, too.

Pre-election polling tends to overestimate the left by 2-3 points on average (they were off 3.4 points in 2020, as seen in the Wiki screenshot below).
Polling was adjusted after 2016 and 2020 to give more weight to non-college educated respondents. Simply put, it was mostly white collard, college educated folks who bothered to pick up the phone when the pollers called, hence why it always leans left.

They've supposedly fixed that now. But who knows. Let's see how it turns out tomorrow.

I'm with you though. I think Trump's going to win. When the popular vote is this close, its not good for the democrats.
Something to consider is the echo chamber effect that's very real. If you go to Reddit and Imgur - you see these places has been overran by liberals to the point they will never put a positive photo of Trump in /r/pics

Then you have the other side that's believe they are fighting for the soul of the nation. That believe the left are after killing babies. I personally think that seem to be the left's only agenda, but that's me.

I was at a Halloween party and talking to the women - they seemed to ONLY be focused on that one issue. But talking with the guys they were focused on the economy. And of course the SIGN (SHAME, INSULT, GUILT, NEED TO BE RIGHT) language came out from the women calling every one voting for Trump misogynists, sexists, racists, and homophobes.

Ironically there were Hispanic, blacks, women, and gays at this exact party that were voting for Trump. When that part was pointed out they didn't bother to acknowledge what they said contradicts the reality. They went on and on about women's rights. Then returned to the misogynists, sexists, racists, and homophobes insults.

I stepped back and realized this whole thing was a complete waste of time.

Regardless of whether Trump wins or Kamala loses - 3-6 months from now nothing is going to impact anyone on a daily basis from what happens today. It'll take 6 months to a year before people on the ground level start see any impact of policies.

But the echo chamber is real. And this election should just re-confirm that we can use this to our advantage.


Trump 2024.
Not to beat a dead horse, but there's something Darwinian about trying to convince other people that it's a virtue to kill their children.
Kamala didn't outperform Biden in a single county:


I started this thread...

The way Im gonna end this thread, lol.

I've officially seen my first batch of people claiming that Russia rigged the election.
I've officially seen my first batch of people claiming that Russia rigged the election.

Haven’t came across that yet but the day is young. I’m sure I’ll get there soon, it’s straight out of the playbook
Something definitely was rigged, at some point, There is a missing 20+ million democrats that no longer exist:

2020 was a blatant steal and maybe now we will finally get the truth. All it takes is for one whistleblower and then to lean to get names.