2024 Election

The funniest thing to me is that every negative thing in this thread that's being spewed (and repeated from 2016) has not only been admittedly a lie, but they're so out of touch that they frame him as some kind of COMIC BOOK supervillain:
  • He's got 54 convicted felonies!
  • He's raped endless kids!
  • He's a nazi!
  • He's a super spy for Russia!
  • He's on film peeing on prostitutes in Russia!
  • He wants to eradicate transvestites!
  • He wants to put minorities in work camps!
  • He said the KKK were "very fine people"!
  • He had his followers try to overthrow the government!
  • He was the worst jobs and deficit president ever!
  • He's the one with a cognitive deficit, not Biden!
  • 19 intelligence officials all agreed that this lie was true!
  • They had a fake electors plot!
Meanwhile in reality, he hasn't been convicted of a single felony. He was impeached for something Biden did, in one of those "blame them before they blame us to create confusion" moves. He actually is the ONLY person to inform on Epstein. Every bit of the Russia hoax was recycled from the hoax they used on John McCain and fake. He told his followers to protest legally and peacefully and then to go home once it got out of hand, and there were FBI agitators who were the worst people that never got charged. He never said the KKK were fine people and actually condemned them in the same sentence they used to lie about it. Jobs and deficit came with covid, and before that it was glorious. You can legally send alternate electors when the ones you have are faithless, and it's been done many times in the past.

It goes on and on. Nobody cares about all the lies. We know they're lies. You know they're lies (or do you if you only listen to CNN, Fox, and MSNBC). Who are you trying to convince at this point? Nobody believes a comic book version of reality. Those are cartoons for children.

The real question is what else is being lied about that you're being distracted from by this other set of lies?
The funniest thing to me is that every negative thing in this thread that's being spewed (and repeated from 2016) has not only been admittedly a lie, but they're so out of touch that they frame him as some kind of COMIC BOOK supervillain:
  • He's got 54 convicted felonies!
  • He's raped endless kids!
  • He's a nazi!
  • He's a super spy for Russia!
  • He's on film peeing on prostitutes in Russia!
  • He wants to eradicate transvestites!
  • He wants to put minorities in work camps!
  • He said the KKK were "very fine people"!
  • He had his followers try to overthrow the government!
  • He was the worst jobs and deficit president ever!
  • He's the one with a cognitive deficit, not Biden!
  • 19 intelligence officials all agreed that this lie was true!
  • They had a fake electors plot!
Meanwhile in reality, he hasn't been convicted of a single felony. He was impeached for something Biden did, in one of those "blame them before they blame us to create confusion" moves. He actually is the ONLY person to inform on Epstein. Every bit of the Russia hoax was recycled from the hoax they used on John McCain and fake. He told his followers to protest legally and peacefully and then to go home once it got out of hand, and there were FBI agitators who were the worst people that never got charged. He never said the KKK were fine people and actually condemned them in the same sentence they used to lie about it. Jobs and deficit came with covid, and before that it was glorious. You can legally send alternate electors when the ones you have are faithless, and it's been done many times in the past.

It goes on and on. Nobody cares about all the lies. We know they're lies. You know they're lies (or do you if you only listen to CNN, Fox, and MSNBC). Who are you trying to convince at this point? Nobody believes a comic book version of reality. Those are cartoons for children.

The real question is what else is being lied about that you're being distracted from by this other set of lies?
Ugh, I wouldn't go as far as you to defend Trump. I do agree with you that it was BS that they charged him a felony *for having sex*. Come on. America is so puritan and prude. It's like the Scarlet Letter, the book, was still in place today. Jesus christ. That was trump up charges for sure.

January 6th... Ugh... yeah he went too far there. He tried to make a coup. The only reason he isn't charged is because he has political power.

Also, I totally agree with you that the FBI are pieces of shit. They're all democrats there. FBI and DOE are democrats land. DOD and CIA is republican land.

Also, I'm just going to post this here. As a brown person, the people I find the most racist are not republicans. They're democrats. The same fuckers who say republicans are racist AF, are the same people who will get jealous that a minority has $10.50 more than them in their pocket and will *personally* try to fuck them over. They claim that facism is terrible, but they still want a white-first country where white people are earning more than non-whites. That's facism.

Republicans IMO are totally fine if you're brown, worked hard, and made it. It shows that America works.
The 2024 Election is both an IQ test and an ethics test. Anyone still supporting Biden and the left has failed both, miserably.
I guess the intersection of Michelle Obama fans, Oprah fans and Taylor Swift fans must be the Democratic Party's voter base?

That video is an instant American classic. The photos of him with raised fist are insanely patriotic. I also saw a few people posting about how it was staged. Really makes me think about going to the voting booth.

I've been on the fence about Trump for a long time. Most of my immediate peers hate him with a fiery passion, at least the ones who vocally discuss it. The rest keep our mouths shut about how we don't hate Trump. Talking about it in public is instant social suicide. If you say you like Trump, it's game over.

I don't believe the Project 2025 stuff. I saw a bunch of liberals posting it on their Instagram stories, and my take is that it's rage bait. I wouldn't be on board with certain parts of that proposal; it's way too hardcore. I don't believe Trump would get behind all of that. I think the left latched onto it as a weapon because they saw how radical it is.

I think the right needs to give up on the abortion and anti-trans issues and just let it happen. Those people aren't trying to reproduce; they don't want to reproduce. They just want to live, fuck, and be gay, and we should let them do their thing. It's really not a big deal.

Marijuana needs to be federally legal. It's BS that it is still an illegal drug.

I want to see a candidate who goes right down the middle and makes everybody happy.
I think the right needs to give up on the abortion and anti-trans issues and just let it happen. Those people aren't trying to reproduce; they don't want to reproduce. They just want to live, fuck, and be gay, and we should let them do their thing. It's really not a big deal.

Abortion is not an either or thing. It's a complicated ethical question. The US left is waaaay more radical compared to Europe in this issue. Most european countries have stricter laws on abortion than the previous US laws.

Trans is something different entirely. It is something that is destroying children's lives and literally sterilizing gay children ("trans the gay away"). England has already permanently shut down their child gender clinic and banned puberty blockers. It is one of the most evil things I have seen in my life.
destroying children's lives

This is one of the topics that bothers me the most. There is no "pausing" puberty. Puberty has a set length for a reason. But the saddest part is how this lady explains it, it's a fight to the death for transtioned children because their moms, sold them a bill of goods they can't paid:

When this fad moves on, there are going to be long term consequences that cannot be reversed.

Think about this, when a boy blocks puberty, then they tries to un-do that, they'll have a micro-PP for the rest of their life. Puberty is when the growth happens of the sex organ for males. It also means they'll be sterile forever. How do you have intercourse with women? You can't. And that in-itself will destroy a male's self-confidence- which is dangerously because that leads to, well - mass shootings.

Imagine all the dumbshit you wanted to do as a 13 year old and having to live with that consequence in your 30s and 40s. Jesus.

I can't wrap my head around cutting off a body part and my parents thinking it's okay to let me do that. It's not going to end well for a lot of these kids that are subjected to these ideologies.

We need to return to God. Otherwise it's Sodom and Gomorrah - and that doesn't end well.
Fucking Warrior. Some gangster shit right there.
I don't own any guns personally, but was in the Army. I think he got like 3 rounds off from the video. 1 hit out of 3 at 110m is not good. Sure, his adrenlin must have been going hard as he knew going up the roof was a one way trip, but it seems to me he was aiming for trump's head and not center mass (chest). He should have aimed center mass at that range.

That kid was only 20 and some people will hate me for saying this, and what he did was wrong, but he was more passionate about politics then a lot of other people I know. He's also going to go down in the history books too.

In the realm of shooters. School shooters and active shooters are bitches who prey on the innocent. Presidential assassinator? crazy AF but not the lowest. Weird that he was registered republic but made a $15 donation to ActBlue. I really want to find out his motive.

And, oh, yeah, America has a gun violence problem. Friend of mine moved her kids from public school to home school out of fear that they'd die in a shooting. Thank god I moved to Germany where there's rules!
CCarter beat me to it, but we just got handed the election for sure.

I mean, I already figured we had been handed it months ago.. but this seals the deal and puts the icing on the cake.
CCarter beat me to it, but we just got handed the election for sure.

I mean, I already figured we had been handed it months ago.. but this seals the deal and puts the icing on the cake.
I hope you're right man.
We need to return to God. Otherwise it's Sodom and Gomorrah - and that doesn't end well.
We do need a return to God and each other as a society. We can't live in our own individual worlds and expect everyone else to adjust. We have to go back to respecting our grandparents, god, our neighbors. Take compassionate responsibility for each other. That includes setting some boundaries and limits for each other, but doing so wanting to include, not exclude.
I'm seeing the WSJ and other outlets report that he had explosives in his vehicle.
Fuck the Wokes. I went to a radical woke school for two years. Guess what! They lost 50% of their students after Covid. Wokeness doesn’t sustain itself. You need people making kids to keep a population up. Most of them there had some trauma with men who became men hating feminists or they were Jewish and had inter generational trauma from the holocaust.

And they were racist as fuck. They were shocked when Miami voted for trump, assuming all brown people were the same. If people who left Cuba wanted socialism, they would have just stayed in Cuba!

What idiots.

And they complained about paying for subscription like Netflix and Disney plus as if there wasn’t a socialist broadcaster in the US already: PBS. What un resourceful idiots.

Societies with their values will implode and has imploded.

And fuck the BLM blacks! They’re just as racist as the KKK! They only care about themselves and won’t help any other races. Exclusion is racism. Fuck them!
^^ Knowing what I know, I'm not sure what to think.

If this is truth, or if this is master level trolling.

I'm stuck in the middle honestly.

A source has told Dan Bongino the roof post never showed up, conveniently freeing up an easy, unchallenged direct line-of-sight shot for the would-be assassin.

For those who don't know, Bongino spent eight years as a Secret Service member. He might be the most consistently in-the-know source in political talk. I believe him.

It's looking like an inside job, folks.

I don't want it to be so, as I have no doubts these desperate, cornered animals will try again. I'd much rather it be a fluke situation with a lone nutjob--a one-off threat that's been eliminated--but I'm not that naive.

Let's remember, leftists originally scheduled Trump's "hush money" sentencing for July 11th (last Thursday), before it was postponed indefinitely. Their plan was to jail Trump prior to the Republican National Convention, denying him the nomination, and freeing it up for a "safe" swamp creature like Nikki Haley.

That failed.

It looks to me like this was their drastic fallback plan to solve the Trump problem once and for all. And like everything else these real-life Wile E. Coyote ****wits do, it backfired. Trump not only survived, he took it like a champ and looked like the coldest, baddest mother****** on the planet.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

For those unaware of how close they came to JFK-ing Trump, an X user put together a graphic showing the path of the bullet with an overhead view of Trump's head:

We're talking a 90° head turn and a single second--if that--from a successful gruesome assassination, and God knows what would have followed.
Societies with their values will implode and has imploded.

This is also what my analysis is fundamentally.

If looking at things detached and having watched enough Youtube podcasts and documentaries (joking, I also read Wikipedia), it becomes very obvious that almost all great civilizations eventually decay into degeneracy and a sort of apathy. The barbarians stand ready to replenish those civilizatons, but usually not before spilling some blood.

The truth is that woke won't win wars. The Ukraine war being the greatest example. We've already forgotten the extreme propaganda, the intense psychological, financial warfare that was done against Russia. It seems to me that covid was essentially a trial run for the bigger price, the dismantling of Russia and China through never before seen planetwide psychological warfare.

What we've seen however is that reality is actually the material,. Reality can't be manifested with words and agendas and perhaps, that faith is much stronger than ideology.
^^ Knowing what I know, I'm not sure what to think.

If this is truth, or if this is master level trolling.

I'm stuck in the middle honestly.
One man's truth IS another man's shit talk. The only difference is the person... or persona... saying it. In any case, it keeps things interesting...