2024 Election

^^ Knowing what I know, I'm not sure what to think.

If this is truth, or if this is master level trolling.

I'm stuck in the middle honestly.
LOL, thats funny bro. He got me good on the rage bait earlier, haha. I didnt realize who it was until it was too late. Got a good laugh out of it.
I'm interested what the Gen X/Older Millenials on this board think about this Tucker intervivew:

This guy is fucking hilarious.

It's long but a lot of laughs and to be real, this fully encapsulates of my experience as a "Xentennial". I know there's bunch of you here, also the younger Gen X.
^^ Knowing what I know, I'm not sure what to think.

If this is truth, or if this is master level trolling.

I'm stuck in the middle honestly.
It’s true. There were jealous as fuck professors at the school I went who were communists in disguise who used their classroom as a secret way to indoctrinate people into communism. Duck them.

They also cancel you too and reject you. Seems like the common route out of wokeism is to get cancelled by then and join the right. They did it to themselves.

"Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year"​

I don't know how off his meds Joe Biden is but - Let's hand the microphone to AOC:

Let's hear from Kamala herself:


Kamala is absolutely awful, I don't think they can really run her. Even if you put some popular VP, Kamala is just so annoying it won't matter. No one likes her.
Watch Big Mike will somehow end up running from democrats.
As someone who is practicing digital PR campaigns to get the media's attention, I really respect Trump now. He did PR using FREE campaigns based upon him saying shit. Then they go crazy for it. and he did this so much that he became president. The balls on that mofo.

Yeah sure, they hate him; but here I am and I can't get any coverage on my top 100 cities for pet owners piece :( God damn.
This is who you guys will be voting for:

“Google, nobody called from Google. One of the things like doing a show like yours, your show, you know, you see it on Fox, but when you really see it is all over the place, they take clips of your show that you're doing right now with me and if I do a good job, they're gonna vote for me, they're gonna vote for me because it's not just on Fox, it's on Fox is a smaller part of it. You're on all over this, those little beautiful cell phones you're on, you're all over the place. You have a product, you have a great product. You have a great brand. So you have to get out, you have to get out, you have to do things like your show and other shows and Google has been very bad. They've been very irresponsible and I have a feeling that Google’s going to be close to shut down, because I don’t think Congress is going to take it. I really don’t think so. Google has to be careful.”

Also, a whole lot of rape apologists in this forum. I'm extremely disappointed that many of my favorite marketers support this vile human.
This is who you guys will be voting for:

“Google, nobody called from Google. One of the things like doing a show like yours, your show, you know, you see it on Fox, but when you really see it is all over the place, they take clips of your show that you're doing right now with me and if I do a good job, they're gonna vote for me, they're gonna vote for me because it's not just on Fox, it's on Fox is a smaller part of it. You're on all over this, those little beautiful cell phones you're on, you're all over the place. You have a product, you have a great product. You have a great brand. So you have to get out, you have to get out, you have to do things like your show and other shows and Google has been very bad. They've been very irresponsible and I have a feeling that Google’s going to be close to shut down, because I don’t think Congress is going to take it. I really don’t think so. Google has to be careful.”

Also, a whole lot of rape apologists in this forum. I'm extremely disappointed that many of my favorite marketers support this vile human.
Do you think any other choice is not vile?

Meaning, show me a person running that is not vile.

Side note, just because someone hasn't been tried, convicted, or brought to justice on charges yet.. doesn't mean they are not vile.

Many people out there, have not had charges pressed on them yet for X reasons. And then some people that did get charges pressed on them, got overturned.

Bill Cosby is the perfect example... took decades to get convicted.


1. Many people you think aren't vile, are just basically Bill Cosby before the conviction. If you think Trump is vile, I ask you to show me someone that is not who is a better choice.

Feel free to elaborate. Perhaps you could start with who raped who, when she said it happened and what evidence there is for the claim?
More than likely, reference to E. Jean Carroll
More than likely, reference to E. Jean Carroll

If that's the case, then the answer to the two following questions are:
  1. When did she say it happened? She couldn't remember which year.
  2. What evidence is there for the claim? She said it happened.
I was personally hoping for the Katie Johnson one, which was fabricated by a Jerry Springer producer.