Coronavirus Hysteria

The problem is that the health organisations are misleading and being incompetent.

Why don't they tell us exactly who dies? Age, existing conditions?

Why don't the media report from those who are ill, but not terminally ill? Why don't we get to see what this disease look like?

This level of incompetence seems weird. They're fueling the conspiracy theories, by treating the public like we're hysterical imbeciles.
It's like they're scared of losing control.
Walked by a location yesterday, they had the car marked off with tape, of a person who had the corona (supposedly) in Dominicus. I'm still moving though....... but seems like everybody has a flu/cold around here lately ... Hopefully unrelated

I think ti's crazy , there's not a cure released yet. I def feel like there's an alternative intention behind all this.
I think ti's crazy , there's not a cure released yet. I def feel like there's an alternative intention behind all this.
That's odd that our in-house virologist hasn't responded to this... However it takes on average 16-24 MONTHS for a vaccine for this type of virus to just get to clinical trials. In this instances they are attempting to half that, but the earliest humanly possible - which is really pushing the boundaries would be in the Fall of 2020.

To put into perspective Malaria which has been around forever got it's first vaccine in 2015.

There is a whole process of reviews, animal testing, human testing, human trials, double blind bla bla bla. You can't just spin something up in a lab and start injecting a population with it without a time period to see if there aren't any side-effects. That would REALLY create a potential for the Zombie Apocalypse!

You hear all those TV commercial for drugs that have thousands of side-effects, it's cause those side-effects happened to humans in clinical trials. You can't just start pumping shit into people.

AND if there WAS a vaccine YOU BETTER NOT TAKE THAT SHIT cause YOU might end up being the guinea pig. Take that vaccine years later when years have passed and the side-effects have been well documented.

Think about it from a logical standpoint - do you want to have some untested vaccine pumped into you, your wife, or kids that has not been tested for more than a couple of weeks or months? NO.

My parents have sat on boards and consulted for the CDC, I have family members that work at the W.H.O. One family member is the North American expert in a certain type of poisoning in the public health sector and when China started sending those toys full of it several years ago that person were the go-to expert on the potential crisis.

CDC, FDA, WHO - these are all acronyms I knew before puberty. I never paid attention cause I went the programming route but growing up you hear enough conversations to understand the field of your family members.

That's why these Reddit posts are so hilarious. As a marketer I see the game, but as someone that grew up with doctors, MDs, and PhDs in the family I just shake my head, cause ALL people have to do is wash their hands and 98% of their potential germ problems are solved.

In all seriousness - this panic is blown way out of proportion and shutting down stadiums, cancelling Ultra, and outdoor festivals is just continuing to play into the fear and creating more panic. It's like a "Run on the Bank" - if people think the bank is failing, they all run to the bank and then enough capital is pulled out where the bank does fail due to liquidity.

But this is worse cause this is fear of an invisible microscopic enemy. Even if there is a cure - there is no way for you to know that COVID-19 is what the person that just coughed next to you just had.

Here is a direct link to anyone that's interested in knowing the process: Vaccine Test Approval - CDC

Here is a nice infographic from the CDC (notice there is purposely no timelines on it - you know what that means):


You'll quickly realize you can't do half that shit above in 4 weeks let alone 4 months.

That's 14 years of flu deaths packed into a two-month period. It's also one of the least-deadly estimates I've seen yet. If the U.S. only gets half a million deaths out of this outbreak, it's time to pop the champagne, because that's a huge victory.

It's only a matter of time (1-2 weeks) until the U.S. is gaining 1,000+ cases a day, and unless we shut entire urban centers down, it will then be 10,000+ cases a day.

China has (reportedly) gotten it (mostly) under control, but they've used Nazi-like tactics to make it happen. Will the U.S. be willing to do the same?
Just so the effect is right, for all my chums here on BUSO. Please play this before reading:

I'm not sure what will come in these coming 12 months. However, I can say what i'm seeing happen here in DR.... the town where the infection hit.. is a little concerning. We make fun of the things but anyone with half a a brain can see, there's something spreading ..... A cold/flu , quickly. However, there is hot weather here and humid air. A virus like the Corona, can not have the same effect. BUT, something swept the community fast.

I've had a great life, these past 2 decades. I've traveled the world on the cheapest flights, with a self-employed schedule even when my Achilles was weak. Made love to the woman of my dreams like Zeus in Italy. I Had an ex who was an exotic Aphrodite in my mind, perfect. I've bought the motorized chariot I dreamed of. I won parlay bets in Vegas from which I reaped fruit rich as Ambrosia and Persimmons. I've swam with the mighty Sea Turtles in Curacao as if blessed by Poseidon. I snorkled with Lion Fish in the Dominican Republic, increasing my strength like an aquatic Hercules. I've toasted rakija in Serbia looking the role of Apollo. In short. Life's been great.

In case this thing wipes us out. I just want the world to kno BuSo was the greatest forum i ever participated in. Who knows, maybe I'm a carrier now ... so i'm going to stay planted for 2 months. seriously. But........looking back on life, it's been great and even though I've done many things wrong.. i would never change to a life of working for someone else EVER. Even if I fuck everything else up... and end up broke (which i wont) ..... Nothing greater than knowing you did it all your way.

Meanwhile on Miami Beach 20 mins ago:


There is only one type of Corona we're thinking about!

Darwinism theory will get put to the test during all this if it's really this serious as ita ppears

May the strongest bodies survive!

Hot Take: I'm starting to think they're not going to get this contained. /sarcasm

We're going to see worldwide lock downs over the next month. Pretty much all major events are going to be canceled/postponed, or performed in empty venues. It's going to be a strange time, but it'll be something interesting to tell the grandkids about.*

Everyone reading this should stock up with at least a month's worth of food and necessities. If you can afford more than that, do it. Better to be safe than sorry.

Hunker down, enjoy the hermit lifestyle for a while, and hope this is all cleared by the time summer gets here.

"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
-- Winston Churchill

(I think I already used that quote in this thread, but damn is it a classic)

*assuming you survive
Oil is a good play. I also think buy Amazon on sale (Home food delivery when we go on lock down/schools close etc..). This will play itself out like all viruses, but this one is going to cause major financial pain and lots of inconveniences. I am worried about clients freaking and cutting marketing budgets, domino effect. Hold on to your seat, this one will be a doozy. Ohh refinance your homes now while this will be the lowest rates ever.
now is the time to have ""

Dr. John seems high on the idea of vitamin D supplements fighting upper respiratory infections, including the symptoms of coronavirus. They're very affordable -- I'm seeing 180-count bottles for $5 at Walmart (and 30-count bottles for $1 at Dollar Tree).

It seems like a low-risk, high-reward investment.
SARS and MERS were contained, so even though they both had higher fatality rates than this coronavirus, there were (relatively) few infections (3,500 for SARS, and 135 for MERS), and so they killed far fewer people. A virus can only kill those it infects, after all.

The flu isn't contained, but it has a low fatality rate (0.1%), so its annual damage is capped (relatively) low.

The issue with this coronavirus is that it's even more infectious than the flu, yet with a fatality rate 10-40x higher. That's why we're seeing travel bans, cities in lockdown, and public events being canceled. Does that not throw up big red flags that this is more than a flu?

We have something which is killing 1 in 25 people who catch it. That's not such a big deal when you're dealing with a handful of infections, but when you're looking at potentially billions of infections, the death toll becomes enormous -- potentially nine figures. And then there's all the indirect issues to come along and kick us when we're down.

Fun times.
Breaking News:

March 3rd, 2020: 3,287 deaths in a single day. The cause - car accidents.

March 4th, 2020: Project death toll from car accidents: 3,287.

“Each year nearly 400,000 people under 25 die on the world’s roads, on average over 1,000 a day.”

The injuries - in the milllions. (Source)

Car accidents are not exponentially contagious otherwise iPhone production will be delayed over car accidents too.
Italy Virus Containment Measures Extended to Entire Country - The Wall Street Journal

Italy's gained nearly 2,000 infections in a single day, and now the entire country is going on lock down (emergency travel only) -- that's 60 million people.

It's coming soon to a country near you.

What a mess.

Italy is the worst-hit nation in Europe with 463 virus-related deaths, an increase of almost 100 in a 24-hour period, and more than 9,000 confirmed infections.

Around 60 million people will now effectively be placed under quarantine by the strict measures which had already been introduced in northern and some central areas over the weekend.

EVERYBODY is getting sick with some flu like symptoms here since the person came week ago....... I mean.. LITERRALLY.. everybody that's really living a Dominican or Italian culture lifestyle.... however, nobody's dying yet and i dont think this virus is going to survive in hot climates.

All the countries where things are fatal have fall/winter weather
I am worried about clients freaking and cutting marketing budgets, domino effect. Hold on to your seat, this one will be a doozy.

One of my biggest clients paused their marketing campaign yesterday and I suspect there will be more to come. Good thing I'm in the death business (Ecom site selling caskets/funeral supplies). That will surely offset any losses. This is going to get pretty crazy for the next few months.