Introductions Thread

@bennyruby, Where in Thailand are you? Chaing Mai has a good expat network of people escaping Capitalism. You can connect there.

The YouTuber who made Best Ever Food Review Show was in your same boat. He now has like 3 million subscribers.

As for visas, you can get on the culture visa and learn Thai or Muay Thai to stay in thailand longer. If you really like it, learn the langauge, as you'll need it to integrate. I know a guy who did PPC who ended up marrying a thai girl and, last I heard, lives in Portugal with her.

Good luck! Your desperate, naive, hopeful energy spirits me! It's good to see people do this! I hope you succeed!
@bennyruby, All the best with your journey. Recently visited Asia for a few months and Thailand was an amazing country. On our list to possible settle there in a few years.
@bennyruby, Where in Thailand are you? Chaing Mai has a good expat network of people escaping Capitalism. You can connect there.

The YouTuber who made Best Ever Food Review Show was in your same boat. He now has like 3 million subscribers.

As for visas, you can get on the culture visa and learn Thai or Muay Thai to stay in thailand longer. If you really like it, learn the langauge, as you'll need it to integrate. I know a guy who did PPC who ended up marrying a thai girl and, last I heard, lives in Portugal with her.

Good luck! Your desperate, naive, hopeful energy spirits me! It's good to see people do this! I hope you succeed!
I am actually in Koh Samui right now. I was in Chiang Mai last week, but the air quality started getting bad because of the Burning Season. I'll be back in Chiang Mai hopefully before my visa runs out if it gets better. But yes, as you mentioned - I went there specifically for that. To surround myself with those kinds of people.

I didn't know about the Muay Thai for visas - that's an idea I'll explore. Thank you for your wishes

@bennyruby, All the best with your journey. Recently visited Asia for a few months and Thailand was an amazing country. On our list to possible settle there in a few years.
Thank you. It is a great place. There are interestingly tons of Russians that moved here. I see a lot of Russian shops/restaurants, Russian owned businesses. Families walking through the larger supermarkets. Germans and French too. This is in Koh Samui by the way. 10 years from now this will be another international hotspot, with Thailand making it so easy for foreigners to come and start businesses.

Hi all, for the purpose of this forum I’m Robyn based in the UK and in my late 20’s. Been learning a lot of internet marketing over the years and have been relatively successful in building sites getting them up to profit and then flipping them.

Currently working on a big seo heist targeting a site with high vanity stats thousands of pages and potentially a poop ton of ad revenue.

Go big or go home. It’s time to create a legacy that outlives me so why not do it doing fun.

I am not adverse to a few black hat tactics but nothing to shady (especially if you want to flip)

Probably like most I heard of this place via Kyle and the avalanche method.
That's pretty cool. How did you learn to do that? Are we talking just blog type sites?
Hey everyone

I've been working in the field of SEO for quite some time now. Currently I'm searching for nofollow backlinks to enhance my backlink profile. It's all about maintaining that balance..

If any of you have recommendations on places or services to acquire nofollow backlinks I'd really appreciate your input. Also, feel free to reach out if you want to exchange tips and stories about SEO – I'm here for that too.

Thanks for welcoming me! Excited, for some discussions!

Hey there BuSo community !

I'm a programmer in my late 20s, I mainly do freelance work but I've had quite the experience with personal projects here and there.
My main goal going forward, is to generate a substantial enough "passive income" through affiliate / SEO / pSEO / similar sites that are mostly automated in nature so that I won't have to freelance anymore or worry about money for that matter. My living expenses are on the low end of the spectrum, so I don't expect this to be that hard.
Especially since we now have LLMs such as GPT-4 that can generate quality content given the right prompting and strategy and given my programming experience, I can automate a good chunk of that work

I hope to be able to both benefit from the collective experience of the BuSo community and give back wherever I can.

Hello Everyone,

I joined this community based on a recommendation of another SEO.

I've been in Digital Marketing and SEO for several years professionally. I'm also an expert at Domain Valuation.

I've begun trying to build out my own projects so I don't have to go back to a regular job. The search gods have definitely made it much harder.

My goal is to learn, grow, and share my knowledge here.

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Hey all, another casualty of the latest Google changes checking in! After seeing my 5 year old site with over 700 handwritten posts each with custom illustrations get smashed against the rocks in this latest update I've decided that I need to find a way to pivot!
Morning Builders.

I'm here because Twitter sent me! In all seriousness, I'm here to develop my marketing skills beyond SEO given the recent Google shitshow.
Hey there! I'm Marcus and I'm excited to be joining the Builder Society! I love exploring technology and marketing, and I'm excited to share and learn from this amazing community. Excited to meet everyone and learn from each other!
I've been a lurker for a while now. I work in house in a law firm doing SEO and PPC (active in the work and also managing a team). Really just getting tired of all the other SEO forums that parrot what Google is saying and not showing much testing themselves. It's good to see people here sharing tactics that have and have not worked for them. It's given me some good ideas to test out on my own.
Hi Builders,
I feel honored to be accepted into this prestigious society.

My name is Kaj and I'm a veteran of computing and the Internet. I used Yahoo, when it was a directory and text bulletin boards with 300 baud acoustic couplers before the Internet was accessible and the WWW was invented. The first computers I owned were a ZX80 from Sinclair and an Atari 800 (non XL). My first website I created in the early 90s, likely 1990. It still exists - https : // ma /kzilli/index.html

These days I'm heavily into schema markup and the Google Knowledge Graph. As a matter of fact I specialize in optimizing for it.

I have followed these forums for a long time. I studied the CC Carter's avalanche method and followed it to an extent. CC's post about schema markup prompted me to join and it is a pity I can't reply to his post right away. I'd love to help him to achieve his goal. DM me if you read this and let's see how I could accelerate your learning about this fascinating topic.
Hello Everyone,

I'm brand new to SEO, and not so new to the digital era :-) I learnt COBOL and can boot the heck out of Windows 95.

I've started out on my own after working for the big Corporates for 20 years. I love writing and coaching, and have been looking for ways to grow traffic to my brand new website and substack. I didn't want to do social media marketing (because I just don't like it) and been thinking about SEO for a while. I came across this forum in an online course and have been lurking for the past 2 days, and I liked what I read.

I have been reading about the SEO Avalanche Theory and am looking to start my own 180 day project (not using AI) and to write all of my content.
Hello everyone,

I just got started trying my hand at building an affiliate website. I'm following the Matt Diggity Affiliate Lab steps, and I hope I'm doing them right haha.

I'm here for any tips and anything new that I can learn on Web building and building my online business.

Nice to e-meet everyone :smile:

I think I saw this forum recommended on YouTube by Kyle Roof (maybe?). However I found it, I think it was divine intervention. This past year, I went from making a full-time income to under $300 a month.

I started my hyperlocal website in 2015 with very little guidance. While I eventually figured it out (or so I thought) I made the very crucial mistake of not diversifying traffic or income.

Miraculously I hadn't ever been affected by updates until around August of 2023. It began as a slow descent. Initially, I just attributed it to changes in the SERPS, but obviously, I can see now that it was more than that.

I'm trying to follow the advice here to recover my site, but I'm also pivoting to a new non-information-based niche (revisiting really) that more easily lends itself to gaining newsletter subscribers, producing content in higher volumes, and selling digital products.

I plan to do it right this time using Carter's avalanche method and really, I'm just so thankful to be here.
Hey everyone.

Happy to see forums are still very much a thing in 2024. Joined since I've been building micro-services for a few years, looking to share my own experiences and learn some additional tricks from others.
Found this place by accident, someone shared it in Reddit out of all places.

Looking forward to see what is being discussed around here! :smile:

Some of you might remember me from WickedFire (Ishmael).

Started affiliate marketing in 2009 and built a solid high 6 figure yearly income. Then Penguin came and ended that... for a time.

Currently I run a 7 figure SEO agency. I still love the craft and learned a lot about building solid digital brands over the years.

I have been reading BuSo for years and thought it was time to contribute more.
Hey there,

I joined this community based on a video I found on YouTube where the person had a bookmark in his browser to this site.

I have been working in Marketing and SEO for a while now (started to build my first website in 1996) but did in between also other things.

At the moment I am working with a couple clients but also on my own projects and going to start a podcast soon.

I was curious what the building society is, and now here I am. Looking forward to learning and sharing with you guys.

Hey All - I'm MelH; came here from a Reddit thread. I was active in building websites and made money 20- 25 years ago, then got busy with life. Started back up about 6 months ago - and hey! Things have Changed! :smile:

I'm realizing I have to get over my distrust and distaste for social media and PPC, and I also realize I have a lot to learn!

So here I am.... learning....

looking forward to drinking from the (new) fire hose and sharing my journey with you
Hey Everyone,
I've worked in SEO and digital marketing as a whole for several years now. That time has been with a few agencies as well as a lot of freelance work and most recently a bit on the AI side of things with a startup.

I'd like to talk to people that I can run ideas by and to help keep up to date on trends in the online marketing world as I am now attempting to get some of my own websites off the ground that I've neglected due to life stuff. Might also be nice to find someone to work with. I like talking to real people and not just listening to guru-babble.

My background involves IT (sysadmin, tech), digital marketing (SEO, PPC, content writing/editing, newsletters) and being an AI enthusiast.

I'm not new to forums at all, so I think I can find my way around but I always welcome help from new friends.
Hi Everyone,

Stumbled upon this forum and glad to have found this community from what I've seen so far. I've been in the Digital Marketing Industry for 10 years with extensive PPC/Social/Youtube/Programmatic/CTV/E-Mail experience both agency side and in house for a fairly large brand. Starting to dabble in SEO and other ways to expand my skill set and adapt to the lesser effectiveness of paid as of late. Happy to answer any questions in those areas and learn more from everyone!
Hello Everyone,

I am unemployed currently, by choice. I used to work for my local government but it became too much of a toxic work environment that all i did was work and sleep. I came across internet marketing in a sub reddit. Builder Society was mentioned so I thought I check it out. I have been reading posts and forums and getting familiar with terms. I am a complete newb to all of this though but, it gained my interest because it was a different type of stream of income that i can learn. I don't have specific plans with internet marketing but I know that it can help me achieve a more balanced lifestyle by working remotely and that is what makes me interested.
Hello Everyone,

I am unemployed currently, by choice. I used to work for my local government but it became too much of a toxic work environment that all i did was work and sleep. I came across internet marketing in a sub reddit. Builder Society was mentioned so I thought I check it out. I have been reading posts and forums and getting familiar with terms. I am a complete newb to all of this though but, it gained my interest because it was a different type of stream of income that i can learn. I don't have specific plans with internet marketing but I know that it can help me achieve a more balanced lifestyle by working remotely and that is what makes me interested.
Welcome to the party. How local is local? like municipal? state? local federal representative?

Did you do anything related to marketing for the local government or was it unrelated?

I would really like someone to share how to achieve a more balanced lifestyle by working remotely through internet marketing...

Just this morning, I was riding the elevator with several neighbors... I looked at them and thought to myself "I bet it's really nice to just go to a 9-5, get paid, and then spend money on shit you like".

What are you planning on doing, learning, trying? Where are you going to make your first dollar?
Hi guys I'm Paul and working in the SEO and IT field for about 10 years now. Based in Western-Europe, I hope to develop some interesting SEO tools which can help me (and also BS community) improve some of ours Goolge rankings :smile:.

I'll be sharing interesting observations on the forums if I get to the three likes :wink:

Just joined after seeing this forum on a @jdcharnell video. I'm surprised I didn't know about this forum earlier as I've paid for "premium" forums just to find the kind of community I can find here

I'm a digital nomad from Spain who has been in the game for 5 years or so. Right now I'm in Florianopolis but I've lived in Turkey, Philippines, Thailand and Argentina before

I do mostly SEO and my main earnings come from generating leads to local businesses (one of them is my girldfriend's design agency)

After the killing Google updates I'm trying to focus on something that is working for me now: expired domains + programmatic SEO

I love to share and read others sharing and I'm excited to start finding peers here!
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