Introductions Thread

Welcome to BuSo Jesse! I'm glad to see you're putting your interest in automation to the best use, by building something that will be quickly put to work for you. Here's a "like" to help get you out of the orientation areas :smile:
@potentialeight good to have you here! How far into imacros have you gotten yourself into? I've been working with imacros for about 3 yrs now, exploiting its strengths, etc. I love it - hit me up if you wanna chat about it more. Either way, good to have you here!
Hey all!

I recently found this forum through reddit and I really like that is is quite small yet. It seems to create a fantastic atmosphere without all the spammers or people registering only to sell something in the marketplace. Every opinion and post seems to be valued that unfortunately can`t be the case with bigger forums.

Started getting into internet marketing about half a year ago. I just decided to take control over my own life and actually pursue something that I am passionate about and what will help me to live the life how I want.

Interestingly I have always pursued to make money in internet without never making an attempt to make a buck off the net. In past, 12-13 years old, I remember botting runescape for cash and even going as far as making some fake video in runescape promoting a file with a keylogger under it and then stealing people game accounts empty. Not very proud of that.

Now, when I made a serious commitment half a year ago, I started and I am still running a amazon affiliate sites. I have learned so much about internet marketing and what seemed to be at first easy money doesn´t appear to be so easy after all. Maybe more about my projects in some other thread.

I don`t really have a lot of business oriented friends so I am happy to connect with like-minded individuals through this forum, to gain ideas and help others out in whenever possible.
@potentialeight good to have you here! How far into imacros have you gotten yourself into? I've been working with imacros for about 3 yrs now, exploiting its strengths, etc. I love it - hit me up if you wanna chat about it more. Either way, good to have you here!

Here's a quick rundown of what I'm using to automate Twitter. This is my second or third iteration on this, and it's definitely got a ton of room for improvement. I'll try to give a quick rundown of how I'm approaching it. I have the following database tables:
  1. Host Accounts - Accounts that I'm actually using and running on Twitter. I make these manually but have a simple form to add the username and password to the database.
  2. Harvest Accounts - These are accounts that I harvest victims (followers) from. I have a simple PHP script that runs on a cron job a few times an hour that pulls the latest X victims from a harvest account and adds them to the table of potential victims.
  3. Victims - These are the people I'm following to try to get a followback. When they're followed, they are tagged so that I never follow the same victim twice from two different host accounts.
The process of how it works with these tables is pretty straight-forward I think. I use iMacros on an old compuer I don't use for anything else to do the logging in, following and unfollowing along these lines:
  • If I've had an account followed for a week, then unfollow it.
  • Otherwise, follow 100 people each (in batches of 25 at a time) for each host account each day.
I also have a PHP script that runs once each night that updates the number of followers for each account. Without getting into a ton of detail here, I need to add some sort of functionality to add statuses, do retweeting, favorite tweets, etc. without me having to do it manually. I'm running about 15 accounts that have a few hundred followers each at this point, but I think I'm going to have to find ways to scale up if I want to make this a really viable option.
@potentialeight neat system you have going on here, have you considered followerliker for the portion your looking to scale? I'm in the process of evaluating bots that do what you mentioned (status updates, retweets, etc) and the one i found that has had good reviews is Followliker. Might be worth looking into!
Welcome to BuSo! I remember the days of botting a few games to get a bunch of whatever currency/materials were in use. I like a good game, but I have to admit, I had way more fun coding the bots than actually playing. It was around that time when someone told me "Dude, don't farm those cheap areas, get a group together and go boss hunting". After that, I never looked back and played the game less and made a lot more just focusing on bosses. Kind of like how things work in the "real world", just in a different context.

My first taste of compensation for computer work was more of a barter. People would send me crazy amounts of software I didn't have, and in return I'd crack some of the things they didn't have already cracked (original copy). I was about 13 or so and had plenty of people over twice my age asking a "kid" to do this stuff, lol.

Oddly enough, the primary reason people wanted the software cracked is because they paid for it and were unable to make a backup (not to say it didn't get shared afterwards). Keep in mind, this was back in the days of the "REAL" Floppy Disks (5.25" and we had "notchers" to make them double sided). Random errors and other oddities were commonplace, as is to be expected with magnetic media, and it was never an acceptable thing to prevent anyone from making a backup of software they bought, because of the volatility of the disks.

At any rate, nice to see you and here's a "like" to get you out of the orientation areas.
Grindstone is a brilliant seo.
He's one of the only top caliber SEO's I know of willing to put his massive balls on the lines and only accept payment after you get rankings.

I strongly recommend shooting him a PM. Even if he doesn't agree to take on your projects, he's always generous with his free consultations and you will get a ton of value out of the knowledge bombs he drops.
Finally getting around to introduce us here.

Some may know us already - but for those who don't:

We (Roman and JT) have been active in the SEO community for quite a few years. In the beginning we had our own little projects and sites, but when we met in 2011, we decided to partner up and this partnership subsequently resulted in the founding of our company: SEOlutions GmbH. Aside from our own projects, we have been providing an array of SEO services for a few years now and hope to do so for a long time.

It will be interesting to see what this forum will provide in terms of content, growth and opportunities.

JT / Roman

I'm Rob. I've played around with Wordpress and building sites for several years now and have struggled to make any real money. I had an e-commerce store that did ok, but I had a lot of struggles dealing with my supplier/drop shipper and could not find any others that proved better or that were cost effective. I've probably ready every white paper and seen every free video course out there that has to deal with SEO, social media marketing and traffic generation, but have failed to put any significant amount into action.

This has all stopped.

I am about ready to launch two Amazon affiliate sites in the cooking and kitchen niche with plans for a podcast and Youtube channel to help drive non-Google traffic.

I've been reading lots of these threads over the past week or so and I have to say that it looks like everyone is very helpful and there no spam or self-promotion.

Looking forward to being a part of the group. Rob.
Sounds like you have a plan. Cooking/Kitchen is HUGE. If you can prove your methods are worthwhile in driving traffic and converting users, you can easily dump Amazon and sell higher priced items direct or even produce your own. Good luck, please stick around and let us know how it's going.
Hello all,

I started reading and learning basic concepts of IM about two years ago, working on a web project at my day job. The plug was pulled but a seed was planted. Before then my experience was limited to knocking up angelfire sites in my early teens. I recall styling using HTML, not CSS, so it's fair to say there's been a bit of catching up to do :smile:

At the moment I am scraping together a basic living offering a slightly unconventional service, but this situation is changing and I'm not inclined to go back to working for somebody else if it can be avoided. So it's time to stop with the analysis paralysis and start building as I haven't really done much yet.

I saw @localcasestudy 's WetShaveClub across at reddit, but I hadn't seen his local business model until I found it here yesterday. I am planning to impliment something similar in the local market over the next few weeks. Just this morning I've seen a @builttodominate traffic leak in the wild on a certain front page, so figured it was time to sign up. I really like the positive vibe this community gives off and look forward to sharing in the coming months.
Hi I'm Ed

Started making money online with EPN and ewhoring back in 07 and 08 at uni.
Primarily though my online earnings have come from gold farming and its getting to the point where i need to diversify this income (its getting less profitable and the game developers and getting more apt and more willing to chuck lawyers at you).

I've kept off forums mostly though i still follow wicked fire, (what ever happend to BHW its turned into digital point).

I'm looking to create a few projects i can actually admit to owning and be proud of.
(I've got a few ideas and a case study i want to do).

My day job is nothing to do with computers or the internet, and the consultancy work iv done on the side has taken me all over the world (usually the unpleasant parts of Africa and south America).

Currently reading 'trust me im lying' which is fantastic and has been churning up a lot of ideas.

and that's pretty much me,
Hey guys!

I've been referred here through a good friend of mine and decided to join the forum.

Honestly, I have a beginner level of experience in the field of making online assets.

However, my strong point is that I am pretty good with the use of Photoshop. I've made a few logos and shirt designs that have been used through my small network of friends so far.

I was wondering, is there a way that I could gain a mentor? I'm really interested in knowing how to not just become better at this, but also become a contributor to this community.
Thanks for signing up and joining us. Someone might reach out to you about mentorship but this forum itself gives you access to far more than one brain to pick. I'd say to not be shy about asking the questions you need help with, because we are all eager to hop in and have a solid conversation about the topics we are passionate about. Hope to see you around the forum.

I'm looking to create a few projects i can actually admit to owning and be proud of.

This is important to me the older I get and the longer I do this. Not only do I want something to show others so I look like a professional and not a bottom-barrel scraper, but it's becoming more and more about pride, contribution, integrity, dignity, etc.

I want to read that Trust Me I'm Lying book at some point. I see the title pop up too many times to ignore it.
Thanks guys.

Honestly, it was having a brief chat with somebody from another forum a few weeks ago that got me thinking about things in a totally different way.

My problem has been that I've been having all these grandiose ideas about the next facebook or whatever - without knowing the fundamentals. Until I have experience I'm not in a position to know where to begin delivering something like that technically, or (more importantly) how to deliver the traffic.. So I've been thinking about things entirely upside down.

It doesn't matter WHAT I do, as long as I'm doing something. I've looked at local competition for low barrier to entry service type businesses, and I'm quietly confident I can smash it. Been talking with my developer friend today and already have a good idea about costs and the day-to-day of running a small business.

I have a few thoughts already but over the next couple of days I'm going to dig down into local competition, margins, CPC etc.and decide exactly where to start. I have other commitments to work around but am planning on getting rolling in the next week!

Sorry for the wall of text, haha. Excited.
Welcome to BuSo @j_b Don't worry about building the next FB, just worry about building something to make you more than you started with :smile:
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Absolute spanner. Just went to reply to another thread and realised there is a whole sub-forum for threads like this. Luckily this isn't another forum and as such I haven't been shot yet.. lol. Please feel free to move, mods :smile:
Hey guys,

I'm Island. I run a small marketing agency with my business partner. We mainly do web design jobs, as well as some SEO and graphic design projects on the side.

I have a few side projects brewing on the side, including some local lead generation websites I'm creating. I'm very interested in figuring out the whole Traffic Leaks area of things, both for my own websites, and for my clients(so I can sell it to them as a service).

In terms of expertise, I do know a fair amount about dealing with clients and have pretty solid interpersonal skills. I'm also decent at SEO(nothing compared to some of the guys on here).
Hey welcome to the forum, good to have ya on board! We have an upcoming ABA that will deal with clients, managing teams, etc.. so hopefully you'll pop in and share some of your knowledge.
Hi guys. It feels good to be part of this forum and I look forward to giving as well as getting value.

First up: I have an idea I'm planning in the health and beauty niche. The business model centres around getting customers by offering valuable and engaging information that helps them make better decisions about their skin care needs, AND then providing products that we'll source or create that helps them solve particular problems.

My business partner is a 18 year veteran in this game and has a number shops as well as wholesale and distribution businesses, and brings valuable insights of consumers and retailers.

One issue I'm pondering right now is ecommerce. I've got access to a couple of products I want to sell right now and I'm thinking an amazon store plus our own website - driving traffic mainly via traffic leaking. So I'm looking for a platform that can scale to perhaps thousands of Stock Keeping Units. I'm happy to start off with woo commerce but not sure if it's advisable in view of my future plans.

I'd be grateful for some advice/insights here. Magento is another platform on my radar.

Thank you.
WooCommerce is a nightmare.
you could try opencart it's open source and relatively easy to work with
Thanks guys. Plan is to get going and make some sales - so gonna start with an amazon store and probably woocommerce on brand website (as I'm only selling only a couple of products)