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The Savage... Is Never Quite Eradicated

No matter how hard they try they can't quite extinguish your spark. Only you can pull the plug on your dreams. No one else can. Until you decide that the battle is over is the war really over.

You have to be careful in this world. People will try to sap your energy, kill your dreams, tell you what you can't do, tell you to follow an easier path.

"Be patient, why rush, why be so pushy?" Horseshit. When someone is asking for your patiences they are asking you to surrender.

"The savage in man is never quite eradicated." - Henry David Thoreau


We're at the beginning phase of the 99 Days of Summer folks. Some will take advantage, most won't. Some will win, most won't. What is that quote? "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." How true that is. If you walk into my saloon it's because you've tried everyone else - and failed. This is it:

"You don't come to me unless you've exhausted all your other options. I'm your last chance. This is it. This is the last saloon at the edge of the last town at the edge of the world and the world is flat. This is it!" - Dan Peña​

I know a lot of you really wish there was another way, but this is it. The constant results - over and over, speak for themselves.

The key to it all is - you have to use exact along with some variation. You have to go all in, you can't be using some willy-nilly half-ass strategy that you read from some 3rd rate SEO blogger. Brand anchors, naked URLs - that's the equivalent of buying a nuclear missile and shooting it at the sun, waste of time and energy.

If you want results you need to pick a serious target.

I wish there was some other fire links you can buy without the hocus-pocus tiering bla bla bla that can get results. But with my hand on my heart, I can't say I've ever seen anything get results remotely close, or even within 10 standard deviations of what we are producing here. We're not even in the same continuum in terms of results.

"Success leaves clues. Failure also leaves clues, ask the potatoes." - Dan Peña​

Back to the 99 Days of Summer...


Search Volume: 5,800+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Uh oh, what is going on here with these vendors? I'm recall the Missy Elliot lyrics: "Copywritten so don't copy me..." Funny stuff.

Back to the 99 Days of Summer...


A Little Too Much For Even Me

"... And in today's airy-fairy world that's not a popular theme. Again, do you want to be liked or do you want to be effective?
And I could just replace the word instead of effective, do you want to be liked or do you want to be rich? Do you want to be liked or do you want to be wealthy? But that's a little too much for even me, so I'll just leave it at effective. But that's what I'm really saying.
And people that are liked - they use the word pleasers. I was called a lot of things in my life, but that was never one of them." - Dan Peña


Search Volume: 2,100+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.


The Winners Are Always The Most Hungry

"Hunger makes beasts of men, and demons of beasts." - Dan Peña

One day you wake up, look around and get so pissed off enough that you'll demand change. And it always starts with you. You have to be the change that you want to see in the world. That pissed-off-ness, that change - that's hunger. You got to be hungry for whatever you want in this world.

Most people just aren't hungry enough. They aren't willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done and obtain their goal. Some people use logic and intellect as a reason. They research over and over - googlefuck everything, go back and forth, but really what they are looking for is a reason NOT to do. If you search hard enough you can always find an excuse to not do something that will change your path or trajectory in this world.

"The more you question it the less you are going to be inclined to pull the trigger. I'd would rather make a mistake than just think about making a mistake. You're so afraid, you're so used to playing to not lose instead of playing to win." - Dan Peña

Then there are the beasts... They wake up ready to attack, and you can barely put them to sleep cause they've got so much energy left in them. The only way I've seen to become a beast is to absorb down to your soul your mission. Nothing will get in your way - Period.

The reason we stay out of the woods at night is because of those beasts - they're hungry. If a beast was full they wouldn't bother attacking. There is a reason you never run from wolves - the second you run from a beast their predator instincts kick in and run after you just because that's how they are programmed to. They literally can be full and will still attack.


They're always hungry even when they are full...

"They're hungry. You can be a worker bee at 55 if you are hungry. Or you can be a lazy asshole at 25 if you aren't hungry." - Dan Peña

We're hungry over here. All my clients are hungry. They want results, they demand them. That's the difference between us and some of these Mickey Mouse vendors: results.


Search Volume: 20,700+ Monthly Visitors

"If this were easy Tai Lopez would be doing this." - Dan Peña

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

They've Limited Their Thinking


During the 99 Days of Summer I have seen an increase in tire-kickers and time wasters. If you don't fill out the form I'm not exactly sure what you are expecting. Pretty simple stuff. But I know exactly what they are after. It's self-sabotaging.

They know CCarter isn't going to answer them if they don't fill out the form, deep down they know. They aren't looking to win. They are just looking to convince their brain they put in some EFFORT for the appearance of winning. That's it.

It's either a lie for their brain that they tried or it's delusion. Why even go through those many mental hurdles?

They know deep down when they open this door they'll have to walk through it. And that's even too much responsibility for them. Because what if they fail? What if they send some of the most powerful links to their pages and they still fail to win? What does that do to their self-worth?

I'd rather fail and move on versus never knowing what could have been.

I'm a truth merchant. I'm not here to pat you on the back, I'm here to make you a lot of money, whether you like it or not. But you, YOU have to step through that door. We can get you to the top of the SERPs but ask yourself if you really want to be there?

"They've limited their thinking and would feel much more comfortable if you'd limit yours too." - Dan Peña

In 99 Days your whole life can change IF you can step into the breach. If you are willing to man up and jump into the breach and attack everything that stands in your way.


Search Volume: 9,900+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

There Are No Secrets, Just Mysteries

"There are no secrets there are only mysteries.

Nobody knows how to keep their mouth shut. Look at you. 'I took a lot of shit from my family cause I told them what we are doing.' I told you not to talk to the fuckers. But it is so ingrained in you, because you are looking for approval from morons with 40 IQ. You want them to agree. If they agree with you then you're doing the wrong thing.

Like a kid you want someone to pat you on the head. Your whole life you looked for someone else's approval for validation of your own life. How's that system worked out for you so far? The KKR guys knew how to keep their mouth shut.

I sacrificed my country, my family, my friends, my body, and my mind in order to win. I wanted success more than I wanted to breathe.
" - Dan Peña


Search Volume: 1,100+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

A Higher Standard


During the 99 Days of Summer excellence is not only expected but demanded. Results, Rankings, and Revenue - this psychopath's 3 Rs.

The question is, are the competitors willing to go above and beyond to create a higher standard? Which competitors - mine or yours? Does it matter?

"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected." - Steve Jobs


Search Volume: 4,300+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

"A Warrior Battling Insurmountable Evil..."

At times I feel like I'm in a desert with no oasis in sight. I can't travel in any direction because there is nothing of value towards any path. Just to even drink... I have to create the clouds. I have to create the rain. I have to create the waterfalls. I have to create the streams and rivers, the ports, the city, the cups. I have to solve each and every problem myself.


That's how I grew up, that's how I've always lived. I always had faith in myself and my ability to get out of whatever god-forsaken situation I might end up in. AND more importantly win.

"There are only two sides to the coming war - the blessed and the damned."​

I don't plan on being on the damned side. So I work a bit harder, put in hours and days in the weekends, Saturday and Sunday, while others are jet-ski-ing and on their yachts, I'm in the trenches. Why? I see something massively wrong.

Near the end of the 99 Days of Summer there is going to be a global event the likes of which none of us have seen. Chaos will rule and a new reality will rise.


Anyone following the news, you can feel it in your bones there is a massive correction coming, a lot of people are going to get wiped out in the room, almost everyone - except for me, and my clients.

I hope you guys are ready for what's about to come, we are:


Search Volume: 49,500+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Save Your Soul


We just passed the 33 day mark of the 99 Days of Summer. It's time to start getting deeper, only 66 days left till it's all over.

If you want to save your soul, if you want to increase the quality of your life, if you want to obtain the next level of what you deserve - there are hard paths you have to follow.

  • Get off all social media tonight.
  • Change your phone number tonight.
  • Set financial, personal, and health goals tonight.
  • Create goals and affirmations for each goal tonight, read them in the morning and at night starting tonight.
  • Remove all distractions from your environment tonight.
  • Cancel Netflix tonight - all of the streaming services.
  • Delete your porn collection tonight.
  • Block website that make you weak like 4chan, PornHub, etc tonight.
  • Turn off the news tonight.
  • Throw away your video game systems and nonsense that stunt your growth of going from a boy into a man tonight.
  • Turn off the TV tonight.
  • Move out of your parent's home tonight (God forbid if you are still living there).
  • Don't look back starting tonight.

And then tomorrow, become a zealot with your goals. There are 24 hours in a day, and if a single activity you are doing doesn't impact directly or indirectly one of your goals don't do it.

Don't apologize. Don't make excuses. Take full accountability for what you are responsible for.

And when there are moments of doubt and failure, re-read your goals and affirmations to re-align your focus. And when you do fail, get up and move on.

Be comfortable being uncomfortable.

Take more leaps and risk.

Don't listen or get advice from anyone that's not in the position you are looking to get to. Example don't take car advice from your doctor. Don't take financial advice from armchair experts in their mom's basement running around talking about bitcoin. If the person you are getting advice isn't in the position you want to be, regarding that advice, there is no reason to listen to them. An extreme example is taking financial advice from a homeless man - you wouldn't. Because if the advice was THAT good, why haven't they succeeded themselves at it?

Believe in yourself and your brain. Trust your decisions and become a zealot with your actions.

"It's exhausting AND you should do it. Because it's only going to get harder. What's our window of opportunity?" - Thomas Le Maguer​

The last 66 days of summer Mr. Maguer, that's the window of opportunity. After that, it's all over.


Search Volume: 24,400+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

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Flying Carpets

"I don't know what world they are living in. It's another alternative world even beyond your world."​

I don't like my competition. I don't eat lunch with them. I don't have coffee with them. I don't even like that they are breathing. I would prefer if they were no longer on the list of the living. And since when has stating that has that been a problem?


"I didn't invent embarrassing offers, a guy in the middle east on a flying carpet invented embarrassing offers some 7,000 years ago." - Dan Peña

Let's talk about my competitors. Where are the results, except for the occasional screenshot here and there? Where is the consistency with wins? I'm at the plate every single day, swinging.

They're selling flying carpets.

My clients demand results. When they do it my way they see Results, Rankings, and Revenue.

When they do it another way, some 3rd rate blogger told them not to use exact or variations - uhhh, what? I don't understand, do you NOT want to make money?

We're calling you up to the majors, the big leagues, are you going to answer the call? Or are you content with staying in the minors, playing against girls softball teams versus pulling in that Boston Georgia and Diego money? The choice seems simple, to me at least.

"A lot of times the guys buying from me didn't know what they were buying, they just wanted to be on the bus and knew we were going to make them a lot of money." - Dan Peña


Search Volume: 8,000+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Defeat And Losing Is Not An Option

99 Days of a psychopath telling you stories from a stream of consciousness. Back then it was True Stories - The Foundation of Your Future by CCarter, if you kids can even remember that. Do you kids really remember that psychotic storm? Where were you when True Stories dropped?

Just another one lost in the sands of time...


When you get out there it's called a war plan, not an action plan. Defeat and losing is not an option during the 99 Days of Summer. When you go out there and act as if you have no limits to your abilities that's what will happen, you'll succeed. You'll succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

You have to pull the trigger, pull the trigger, and keep pulling the trigger. And after you are spent and exhausted, you just pull the trigger again.

That persistency is what makes winners winners. They never give up.

"I thought the 80s were a license to steal. We are now the 80s on steroids." - Dan Peña


Search Volume: 5,600+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Stare Down The Wolf


I'm hard because it's hard out there. Most of you aren't prepared and that's why you're suffering.

"It shows itself, don't move. Don't blink. Don't show your teeth. You can't retreat. You can't attack. You have to stare down the wolf." - Kublai Khan

There are multiple stories about wolves that hold a lesson in life. One of my favorite is The wolf on the hill:

"The wolf on the hill is never as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill. Always be that wolf climbing the hill, hungry for more."​

That's it.

Then there is the comparison with dogs:

"We are wolves. We are not dogs. Can you keep a wolf inside a fence?"​

You can never tame a wolf, you can't keep it inside a fence. You see bears, elephants, tigers, and even lions entertaining crowds at circuses. You never see a wolf though. You never see a wolf entertaining a goddamn crowd at a circus. There is no such thing as wolf taming, but there is lion taming - poor "king of the jungle".

"Most wolves have a higher quality of life in the wild." Ain't that the truth.

What I love about wolves is once they get a goal they go after it with a predatory killer instinct. You NEVER run from a wolf. Once you run it's predator instincts kick-in and chase you to kill you. They won't stop or give up until they win or are completely defeated. Out of any animal I can think of only the wolf lacks fear.

"Wolves don't kill themselves. They only stop being wolves when they're killed. You chase them, you corner them and face them. You win or you die. But they never jump off of a cliff.""​

So if you had a spirit animal, would it be a timid mouse or a wolf. When the time comes for action, are you going to sit down and spreadsheet your decisions to death OR go for the jugular? Are you the predator or the prey?

"So tired." "It's perfectly natural, you see it all the time in the wild. The smaller animal going limp in the jaws of the larger - genetic instinct. At some level food knows it's food."​

A long time ago I wanted to win, no matter what? No matter the consequences I wanted to win. That hunger is what kept me working 18+ hours a day, 7 days a week, for months on end with my projects. I was a psychopath. Nothing mattered other than my end goal.


And I obtained every single goal I went after without effort. Now it's time to bring back that demon, it's difficult if you are satiated. You have to get hungry if you aren't. Hungry like the wolf climbing the hill. Because you better believe we're all running out of time and there are some younger slicker kids right behind us with their own hunger.

If you want it badly enough, from the depths of your core, you'll win. During the 99 Days of Summer it's almost impossible not to win when you're going up against nothingness and bringing the most powerful links known to man.


Search Volume: 3,700+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

The scene is quite as you'd imagine it to be. I'm here in Big Sur, rented a little cabin. I came up here to have some conversations with you. Big Sur is a fascinating place. It's one of the true power places in America. And it seems like a fit setting to talk about Power.

True Power


When I first came across power I was naturally drawn to it, as we all are. I would get drawn into it and instantly be taken off-world.

I can remember sitting on a mountain top in southern California, and I had been experimenting with power for about 6 months then. I would sit there during twilight and focus. Everything would become still. Rings of light would appear and I'd go through them. And then suddenly I would be beyond time and space, beyond life and death. I would dissolve for what - an hour, a lifetime, for eternity. There are no words. Then I'd come back.

And I was changed by that experience.

That was many many years ago. I've since been casted back and forth through the white light of eternity, dissolve and reformed, again and again. Now there isn't really any difference between Power and myself. I am that stateless state.

They say strike while the iron is hot, otherwise you'll lose the opportunity. That's when you have the most power. We all have regrets, we all have doubts, but it's the action we take in the face of those doubts and regrets that define us. One of my regrets was SGW. I should have bought as many SGW packages as humanly possible after building up a network of sites generating eCommerce sales. I should have. I could have. I thought it was going to be around forever. But then it wasn't.

And then it wasn't - that's why there are 99 Days this Summer.

"They who have no central purpose in their life fall an easy prey to petty worries, fears, troubles, and self-pitying, all of which are indications of weakness, which lead, just as surely as deliberately planned sins (though by a different route), to failure, unhappiness, and loss, for weakness cannot persist in a power evolving universe." - James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

For weakness cannot persist in a Power evolving universe. A lot of what is beamed into our heads (TV, social media, gossip), surround ourselves by, are designed to take away our Power. It's the person that goes against the grain that's truly powerful. But you won't make a lot of friends that way. It's lonely at the top.

As a requisite to run your life by absorbing Power like that you'd better not be worried what your neighbors think.


Search Volume: 20,100+ Monthly Visitors


"Absolute power is an illusion it fades away just when you need it the most - true power hides until it is ready to strike!!" - of Azra​

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Introducing My Son

I can't believe they caught my son in 4K:

This is how hard we work for our clients. We're working on getting you rankings while being chauffeured to our next meeting. Are the other vendors willing to put in that much effort into your success?

How far are you willing to go during the 99 Days of Summer for your goals?

For your clients?

For your dreams?

I'm willing to go all the way, for 3 generations if need be.

If it were left to the engineers no car since the beginning of time would ever leave the assembly-line of any automobile manufacturer. There is always something to tweak or one more thing to fix.

You ask the engineers, "How long do we need?"

They say, "9 months."

You say, "You got 99 days asshole."

... And some how it gets done.


Search Volume: 1,800+ Monthly Visitors


Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

You Have To Make A Decision

If SEP, Search Engine Prayer, worked - you wouldn't be reading this. It doesn't work, the only thing that works is links, powerful backlinks that send you skyrocketing through the SERPs.

The sweetest people I know, I could also say the weakest people I know - the potatoes of the world, are the ones suffering the most. This is survival of the fittest vis-à-vis making money. [..]

You'd rather be liked than effective, if that's not the truth, and you have been so in-effective so far, and you pretend to say you don't care about being liked then you are brain-dead. Cause if you've lived your life saying you don't want to be liked you should have a lot of fucking money right now. [..]

You have to make a decision, would you rather be liked or effective, you can't be both, cause I know how you pea-brains think. [..]

All the big guys did a lot of ugly things, so the real motherfucking question is: "how much ugliness are you willing to do?" If you want to be a big-fucking hitter, big multi-billionaire, how much ugliness are you willing to do?




Search Volume: 2,000+ Monthly Visitors



Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Good morning. Good afternoon, good evening. It depends on what time of day you are reading this. Here it's about 1:30 in the morning.

I'm in Big Sur sitting by the fireplace, burning some monterey pine. It's cloudy tonight, the ocean is overcast. The storm is coming in, it's very warm though, it's the summer, 99 days of it and it's almost all over. It's about 60 degrees outside, beautiful day, sunny, clear this time of year.

The fog doesn't really come until the spring here, and even then it's usually along the coastline. But when the fog is there of course if you happen to be there you don't see too well.

You can drive away from the fog, go back from the coast to half an hour and it's completely sunny. And then you come into the fog you can't see but a few feet ahead of yourself when the fog is thick. Today our subject is winning - the zen of winning.

After Summer Comes Winter


Some will be quick to say, "Well, you know there's no winning and losing; that's just a state of mind in duality." But duality is part of reality, and there is definitely winning and losing. If you don't think so, talk to someone who's gone to the racetrack and lost, and talk to somebody who's gone and won. Talk to someone who's ranking at the top of the SERPs and then talk to someone who's too scared to pull the trigger, of life.

There is definitely winning and losing. It's a state of mind, yes; it's a way of looking at things. And I think it's a very honest and accurate way.

In 10, 20 years from now, none of us are going to be here - if we are than we clearly didn't level up. If you are smart enough you'll absorb the lessons learned here and apply it to your whole life. There is a limited time for everything, especially during the 99 Days of Summer - because after this summer it's winter, and that's THAT.

"We don't have time, my friend, that is the misfortune of human beings. Focus your attention on the link between you & your death without remorse or sadness or worrying. Focus your attention on the fact that you don't have time & let your acts flow accordingly. Let each of your acts be your last battle on earth. Only under those conditions will your acts have their rightful power. Otherwise they will be, for as long as you live, the acts of a timid man." - Carlos Castaneda


Search Volume: 3,900+ Monthly Visitors


Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

"This is dialectics. It's very simple dialectics. One through nine, no maybes, no supposes, no fractions - you can't travel in space, you can’t go out into space, you know, without, like, you know, with fractions - what are you going to land on, one quarter, three-eighths - what are you going to do when you go from here to Venus or something - that's dialectic physics, OK? Dialectic logic is there’s only love and hate, you either love somebody or you hate them."​

Love Or Hate

There is no end, there is no beginning. There is only Power. Power can warm, assuming the shapes we love - the pedals of the beautiful flowers if existence. Power can be cold and ruthless. Solar systems and worlds which begin and end. The Winter of our death, and then the Summer of our rebirth.


Apparently SEO has alway been about the links. SEO is 95% links and on-page, still in 2021.

At the end of the day we have the truth. You can acknowledge it, love it, or hate it, but the truth, the reality of the situation is it comes down to the good old-fashion PageRank.

As human beings we try and understand, in the brief span we are given here in this world, why we are here?

What should we do while we are here?

Where we go when we're done here.

And of course how much time we have. How much time do we have left of the 99 Days of Summer... How much time till it's all over?


Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.


The Pyramid Shall Rise

I want to talk about something different - power through symbolism. One of the wonders of the world are the Great Pyramids in Egypt. I'm going to drop some little known facts:

1. There are no hieroglyphics or writing within the 3 pyramids - none. All graffiti was done hundreds of years after the original creators long left.

2. The pyramids weren't designed to be burial chambers, in fact the Egyptians only started using them for that 1,000 years AFTER they were abandoned from their original purpose.

3. Egyptians didn't create them. Egyptians created several other smaller pyramids to mimic the 3 great, but they all are crumbling and don't like to show the world that their pyramids don't stand up to the 3 greats. They do a lot of pretending they created the 3 greats.

4. The original purpose can be seen from the stars. When in used they had copper tops and the stones were completely white. The KGB investigated the Pyramids and reported "During inspection of the wall segment we noted an odd sensation, a magnetic repulsive force seemed to be emanating from the rock. We were unable to find any scientific explanation."

They align with the 3 stars for a reason. And a lot of these organizations like the KGB and similar from the governments of the world, they haven't stopped looking into the mysteries of the world. In fact I can tell you that in Iraq the US and Britain were hunting for something and they found it. The Nazis were looking for something in Antarctica and they found it, just happens to be a pyramid like structure there too. #MustBeACoincidence

5. They are so old in time that Cleopatra is closer to the US Moon Landing versus the building of the pyramids.​


Why the pyramids? Because the barbarians are at the gates - literally. I warned you guys, at the end of the 99 Days of summer chaos will rule and events the likes of which we've never seen in our lifetimes would unfold. We've been talking about how pyramid shaped aliens have been testing our air force. That's just the tip of the iceberg... I mean pyramid.

Symbolism is important. It showcases power, seen and unseen, in plain sight and hidden. They stuck a pyramid on the back of your $1 bill long ago and that pyramid is rising too.


In these interesting times you have to amass your resources, generate as much results, rankings and revenue as possible while getting ready for the end of the 99 Days of Summer. Because it is only going to get more chaotic.


Search Volume: 6,000+ Monthly Visitors

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

"I took a walk this morning along the coast. The wind was howling earlier before the dawn. What people perceive as wind is actually power. Unseen since they refuse to see. I'm here in Big Sur recalling The Sorcerer's Explanation from Tales of Power. I went through all the teachings, all the way up to the Active Side of Infinity. At a certain point you have to be on mushrooms to figure out what he's talking about.

But there were a lot of important life lessons. When I finally understood what Castaneda was saying I saw the world differently - I had changed and so the old world looked unfamiliar. I saw for the first time, and felt fear for the last.

Today we're going to talk about seeing.

I'm Teaching You To See Instead Of Merely Looking


"Our lot as men is to learn and, as I've said, one goes to knowledge as one goes to war; with fear, with respect, aware that one is going to war, and with absolute confidence in oneself. Put your trust in yourself. There's no emptiness in the life of a man of knowledge, everything is filled to the brim and everything is equal. For me there is no victory, or defeat, or emptiness. Everything is filled to the brim and everything is equal and my struggle is worth my while.

In order to become a man of knowledge one must be a warrior. One must strive without giving up, without a complaint, without flinching, until one sees, only to realize then that nothing matters. You're too concerned with liking people or with being liked yourself. A man of knowledge likes, that's all. He likes whatever or whoever he wants, but he uses his controlled folly to be unconcerned about it.


You fail to understand that I am not joking. When a sorcerer attempts to see, he attempts to gain power. You think everything in the world is simple to understand because everything you do is a routine that is simple to understand.

You have to have an unbending intent in order to become a man of knowledge.

A warrior takes responsibility for his acts; for the most trivial of his acts. He waits patiently, knowing that he is waiting, and knowing what he is waiting for. That is the warrior's way.


It is up to us as single individuals to oppose the forces of our lives. Only a warrior can survive. A warrior knows that he is waiting and what he is waiting for; and while he waits he wants nothing and thus whatever little thing he gets is more than he can take. If he needs to eat he finds a way, because he is not hungry; if something hurts his body he finds a way to stop it, because he is not in pain. To be hungry or to be in pain means that the man has abandoned himself and is no longer a warrior; and the forces of his hunger and pain will destroy him.

The countless paths one traverses in one's life are all equal. Oppressors and oppressed meet at the end, and the only thing that prevails is that life was altogether too short for both.
" - Carlos Castaneda

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

"I'm in Big Sur sitting by the window watching the full moon. The moon has 4 phases, along with the seasons. After winter and then the renewing spring. After the last quarter moon will come a new moon.

Momentum - the energy of the universe that keeps on going, but sometimes that momentum slows down until it stops. That's when change is necessary and like a flywheel it needs that spark to start up.

Today's lesson is about Renewal.

To ReNew


"To renew applies when we are fighting with the enemy, and an entangled spirit arises where there is no possible resolution. We must abandon our efforts, think of the situation in a fresh spirit then win in the new rhythm. To renew, when we are deadlocked with the enemy, means that without changing our circumstance we change our spirit and win through a different technique. It is necessary to consider how to renew also applies in large−scale strategy. Research this diligently." - Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings​

Naively I thought people were being dumb on purpose. I was wrong, they were purposefully misleading potential competitors away from certain niches, sectors, and industries.

My awakening was when I walked into a bank and wanted to open a business account. People always think "getting money from banks is hard". Wrong. I walked in to a bank to open an account and walked out with a 0% interest credit card for 18 months for $35K. I didn't even want the credit card.

Now you'd have to be a moron to not be able to take $35K in free money and not make it back in 18 months, pay off the principle and have a streamline of revenue from your business from that. And they just threw it at me, almost forcing me to get it - the banker wouldn't let me walk out the door unless I applied.

That's when I realized, "okay, I guess the money is free" like Peña has been saying.

Bankers make their bonuses off of loans they give customers. So the more money they give out, the more loans they give the more money THEY make. Logically it's in their best interest to give you money. What you do with the money is on you though. If you can't handle it and fumble that's on you. But everyone that gets money from bankers and investors says the same thing, "Getting the money is the easy part".

So then I was looking at government contracts for a project. Again we've heard that working with the government is difficult, lots of red tape and paperwork - wrong. There are people walking away with millions in profit from 2-3 contracts and keeping their mouths shut.

"Nobody knows how to keep their mouth shut. Look at you. [..] Like a kid you want someone to pat you on the head. Your whole life you looked for someone else's approval for validation of your own life. How's that system worked out for you so far? The KKR guys knew how to keep their mouth shut." - Dan Peña

Same with SEO, a massive amount of blackhat and greyhat techniques are working once again, but the ancient SEOs from the past learned their lessons. They aren't going around blogging about them this time around, they are keeping their mouths shut and making money, as much money as possible while telling you "SEO is dead".

"'To become the enemy' means to think yourself in the enemy's position." - Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings​

They don't want you to know the truth. They are just using SEO and Google as a printing machine and keeping their mouths shut. You see it here and there at threads where people are complaining some blackhat technique that was suppose to be "killed" has taken out the complainer's site. Hmmmm.... "How is that possible?" if the technique was "killed off".

Why are we seeing an increase in complaints that "Google's results are all over the place" - "shitty websites are taking over or just big brands".

"Both in fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm." - Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings​

Step back from a moment and ask yourself - is it possible that the SEO news and industry has little to talk about because the blackhats and greyhats have stopped blogging about exploits? How many articles on Core Web Vitals do we need? I wrote about that 10 months ago and never looked back. Now it's all over the SEO news like that's the only thing anyone cares about. No one gives a shit about that. The problem is there is no meat on the bone.

That's perfect for us, we'll keep our mouths shut.


Search Volume: 2,100+ Monthly Visitors

When the fog clouds your vision try to see things from a different perspective. See it from the old school blackhat and greyhat SEOs that existed. They are still here, still tweeting every now and then, but this time around they are keeping the gems to themselves. Renew your thought process and come at it with a child-like mind, that loves to explore.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

The Internet Is A Series Of Tubes...

"Ten movies streaming across that, that Internet, and what happens to your own personal Internet? I just the other day got... an Internet (email) was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday. I got it yesterday (Tuesday). Why? Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the Internet commercially. [...] They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the Internet. And again, the Internet is not something that you just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes. And if you don't understand, those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and it's going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material."​


We're all going to die at this rate, might as well make hay while the sun shines.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

"There are those that seek to hide the truth of the past. They are great at removing evidences from view. They work diligently to close the doors of truth and cover the world in lies. They control your horizontal and your vertical. They now control your digital. They have mastered, behind closed doors, the arts of deception. They are masters of hiding in plain sight, because I was once among them. I trained them. I taught them everything they know. They may pretend to have forgotten my name, but they are well versed in my teachings."​

Battling Forces Seeking To Hide The Truth


2/3rd of the 99 Days of Summer is gone. A lot of Ws on the board, people are winning while several others stay on the sidelines. September is upon us and right after that the holiday rush.

The events of the last 2-3 weeks have showcased us a small glimpse of the chaos that's to come after the 99 Days of Summer. If you think things have gotten crazy wait till next week after Labor Day.

And yet in the mist of it all, there are untold fortunates being made. Behind closed doors, lurkers, people that know how to keep their mouth shut, people that don't want the spotlight, and similar are making hay while the sunshines. They are putting in re-peat orders over and over and over again, getting ready for the holiday ramp up and generating as much revenue as possible.

And if you choose not to make as much money as possible before the end of the 99 Days of Summer, who's fault is it?


Your competitors are winning, your neighbors are winning, your forum mates are winning. Are you?


Search Volume: 8,800+ Monthly Visitors

The battle is almost over here. We had a good run, but when we are done we are done.

"A Warrior Battling Insurmountable Evil..." sounds better than crazy. Crazy just sounds weak.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.


Come Over To The Darkside

"Do you think Elon gives a fuck about you? Do you think Donald? Or maybe, you really do? Do you really think they do?" - Dan Peña

Come over to the darkside... It's the most fun you'll have.

None of that morality means spit when you're down to your last dollar and need to do whatever it takes to make rent. Nothing means anything when you HAVE to win. At times the darkside is the only path, your competitors are taking it, your enemies are taking it, your neighbors are taking it, are you just going to leave all that money on the table?


Search Volume: 12,400+ Monthly Visitors

That's the question you have to ultimately live with.

"Well if I have to be ruthless I don't want to be rich" - Thank you. Luckily for us there are more of them than of us.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

Win At All Costs


"My mentality was to go out and win at any cost. If you don't want to live that regimented mentality, then you don't need to be alongside of me because I'ma ridicule you until you get on the same level with me. If you don't get on the same level, then it's gonna be hell for you." - Michael Jordan


Search Volume: 4,900+ Monthly Visitors

"If it inspires you - great, if it doesn't then maybe I'm not the person you should be following." - Michael Jordan

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.

"ok. man its hard to buy from you! lol I respect that"​

Yeah we make it difficult to order. The stars have to be aligned, otherwise we don't make each other money and it's lose-lose.


Countdown Begins: 12 Days Left, See You In Hell!

12 Days left of the 99 Days of Summer. We had a good run. But like all good things, they must eventually come to an end.

99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.


11 Days Left: These Links ARE Fire!

It's time for you to reclaim your birthrights.

Be like the gods and reach for Valhalla. We're running out of time and this your last chance to sit at the table of the hooded one. You got 11 days left to play with real fire links. The stuff that legends of the past begged for.

My clients are savages. They are worse than I am. They want it all. When the system falls apart, we'll be riding down the street like the horsemen of the Apocalypse taking all the cash out of our competitors' pockets as we dominate the SERPs. And if you're one of our competitors in the SERPs we're going to fuck you for practice kids, so better man up.


Search Volume: 3,100+ Monthly Visitors

99 Days of Summer ends September 22nd.

Estimated TAT: ~7-14 Days.
