STDDIOT - Stuff That Doesn't Deserve Its Own Thread

Why are website owners so ANTI commercial. Can't even share where you work at in your bio or a post without them trying to ban you.
Too many vague details these days.

up to..
made to be...

People just need to commit to real facts/what they are truly trying to do. Everyone seems to be afraid of a mysterious group of people who aren't even paying attention to the details.
People just need to commit to real facts/what they are truly trying to do.

That would require taking accountability and responsibility and THAT is the last thing these people want to do, hence they are where they are in life.
I don't know what everyone is complaining about with Google and SEO, it's getting 1000x easier to rank in this new environment:

I don't know what everyone is complaining about with Google and SEO, it's getting 1000x easier to rank in this new environment:

An absolute game-changer. All of my SEO clients were blown away that I could rank them #1 for keywords like "cyber security" and "personal injury lawyer" within days of signing. Granted, their leads haven't improved, but at least they're ranking first!!!!!
Did you have to get approved for that option? I can't find it in my Google sidebar. I'd love to use it if I can apply or whatever it takes.
Having spent an entire afternoon trying to make a GIMP plugin using ChatGPT, I think I can safely say that coders don't have to fear for their jobs just yet.
Facebook's Ad Platform is a total nightmare.

Just a god damn mess of a UI/structure. They just keep adding and adding garbage, making it a complex disaster. :/


Amazed at how many "executive ranking" marketers know absolutely nothing. Literally 99% of them are completely full of shit. I can't believe these folks even have jobs. Sigh.
Facebook's Ad Platform is a total nightmare.

Just a god damn mess of a UI/structure. They just keep adding and adding garbage, making it a complex disaster. :/


Amazed at how many "executive ranking" marketers know absolutely nothing. Literally 99% of them are completely full of shit. I can't believe these folks even have jobs. Sigh.
I've been using the Meta Business Suite (or whatever they're calling it now) to schedule posts for Instagram for a while, and it's still surprising to me how much of a pain in the ass it is for what should be something straightforward and simple.
Having spent an entire afternoon trying to make a GIMP plugin using ChatGPT, I think I can safely say that coders don't have to fear for their jobs just yet.

I finally got my image download+resizing program done, using ImageMagick.

ChatGPT was a big help here.

I've found that ChatGPT is very good at producing isolated, smaller functions, but easily loses the plot with larger, more complex/nested scripts and then has no ability to debug, while with each suggested debug, messes the code up more and more.

The solution is to not be lazy and actually read what you get and then suggest how to change if there are errors.
Has anyone been paying attention to the state of public education in the United States recently? I don't mean the content but rather the behavior in the classrooms and the complete inability for teachers to enforce any type of rules to create a reasonable environment due to not being allowed to hold students accountable for their actions.

The teachers subreddit is absolutely wild right now.
It is wild. There’s also less ways to stop bullying and the kids know it. Class rules or enforcements get upended by the school. The kid getting bullied will often face the same consequences as the bully from admin.That’s not to mention the social media bullying going on and rewarding it with likes. And the little ones start learning or mimicking these behaviors from the older ones. The narcissism and violent interactions just grow with no repercussions. It’s contagious too, like how CCarter says people’s negative mental is.

Admin will frequently change first place to the kid of important so and so, failings to B+s behind the backs of teachers to appease reputation, politics, and parental approval. Then the B kid finds out and is in tears for their hard work. The kids all know it’s an automatic C too now. They know they can get away with anything without consequences so they push to see how far they can go.

If they don’t like math class that day they’ll make a claim on TikTok or an AI or photoshopped screenshot to purposefully get the math teacher in trouble. Then get an automatic B. I once sent a kid to counseling for bullying a student and the kid returned to class with a chocolate cake.

Bad behavior is rewarded so they are learning to be maliciously manipulative to get what they want, how to be the bully, how to change face to get their way, instead of learning kindness, persistence, improving their skills, honesty, and compassion. It’s a game where no repercussions is winning. Social media encourages this bully bandwagon culture too. It’s a major issue. Schools gloss over solutions because sports and selling pedagogical practices to other schools is what brings in money. The focus is on bringing and saving money. Everything against that gets cut out.
What's everyone's thoughts on this, "Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war." and the potential risks of AI?

Hysteria, fear mongering, probable, responsible, an attempt to monopolize the market, or?
What's everyone's thoughts on this, "Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war." and the potential risks of AI?

Hysteria, fear mongering, probable, responsible, an attempt to monopolize the market, or?

There's no way that the powers that be will let something as revolutionary as AI run loose without trying to reign it in and control it, which they already have with how ChatGPT has been restricted already.

You have to understand that the so called elites arrived at the conclusion that "misinformation" on SoMe led to Trump being elected, which was by far the biggest shock to the system ever.

Because of that, they're extremely vary of any kind of new technology, because what is new can be unpredictable and they want predictable.

The cat is kind of out of the bag already though.

Can we pause the internet for a second - so I can catch up?

The NPCs watch live streams of this girl pretending to be an NPC...

100 points for genius marketer.

-10000 points for humanity.

God if this is a preview of what's coming in the Metaverse...

Can we pause the internet for a second - so I can catch up?

The NPCs watch live streams of this girl pretending to be an NPC...

100 points for genius marketer.

-10000 points for humanity.

God if this is a preview of what's coming in the Metaverse...

Not bad honestly.

From e-girl fad to groundbreaking art in one day. Online moves fast.
It all makes sense now:

When she says "GangGang" that's 1 coin. The hat and mustache is 99 coins.



So when she is riding the rodeo situation that's $1.30. 10 or 20 people send her that and she only does it once, that's $13 - $20. At the end I estimate from her live streams she is making $100 - $2,000+ per night.

She's making bank.

And here you are trying to get your blog post indexed into Google search...


It's funny and creative too.

Yes, us rank-and-bankers are old hat.
Lol imagine taking a d-tier insult and turning it into a live stream making a few grand a day.

I should get married.