Introductions Thread

I'm curious to know what brought you to this conclusion.

Mostly shared success stories by redditors, plus various gurus on their newsletters/SM channels - seems like success on SM depends on many things such as the right approach (time and effort consuming to trial and error a lot of stuff until you find what's working), initial effort to hit the SM of choice hard, and a budget to then scale it. It seems even more difficult than SEO right now.

I realize my thoughts might be distorted, which is why I'm here - to seek a better connection with reality.

@WhatAboutNow, it’s all about matching your traffic source with the proper monetization method. You mentioned Mediavine and a content site. That could crush it with Pinterest if the niche is right. If the niche isn’t a good match, there’s Facebook that could work okay with CPM ads.

Historically, if you aren’t building a real business, you choose a target traffic source (platform) and then build the site to match it. That’s what Google SEO and content sites were. People create 5 page landing sites to be a funnel for PPC ad traffic. They create one-product Shopify sites for TikTok and Instagram traffic. Etc etc.

You’re in a position where you have the site already. We know the intended monetization method and what traffic sources that matches. It’ll get narrowed down further depending on your niche. For CPM ads you need a lot of targeted traffic for it to be meaningful. Google and Pinterest can drive a lot of traffic and the nice thing is their systems already are driving people down the interest funnel, so you get interested users on your site (who view more ads).

The way I initially created the website was entirely focused on Q&A for SEO traffic, so unfortunately that's not suitable for Pinterest at this time. Luckily, the domain is more broad-sounding, so I'm able to pivot within the larger niche and refocus efforts on something that better matches another traffic channel. I mean to say that I see what you're saying.

Unfortunately, the larger niche and my current sub-niche are trending downwards in interest over the last few years, which makes me slightly reluctant to commit to the long-term development of the project and invest actual money in it. So yeah, a lot of food for thought here.
"Hi everyone!
I am an SEO Link Building,Guest Posting expert with a passion for learning and growing. I’m excited to be part of the BS community.

I’m here to connect with other SEO Link Building Guest Posting experts, exchange knowledge, and learn new strategies
Hello! Crazy mexican lady here.

I bumped into your forum out of chance. it's like one of those things that say when the student is ready the teacher will appear. My amazing, one-of-a-kind boss and friend a few years ago gave me a couple of courses he took himself. I learned a lot, did nothing and the notes all gathered dust.

Im older... wiser? uhhhhh not really, but I am more mature, I think. I have successfully vacated some people off from inside my head and now I can focus a little bit more. My mother passed away from Cancer two years ago, so now, sadly, I have more free time. and I have all my mind to pay attention to what I am doing.

I have been working online since like forever. hehehe I've done a LOT of blogging for many people, I have experience in a lot of niches, from online shopping, affiliate marketing, dropshipping, to reviews and recommendations all across the globe for car rentals, betting websites and even sex sites! Oo

I have ADHD and dislexia, but as any genX, I was never diagnosed properly nor treated. I was just told "you are dumb or lazy" dust yourself off and do it again. so I am seriously &$/"$/%$%$# stubborn hehehe

I think it is time for me to do something for me.
Hey guys,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I’ve been on the internet as far as I can remember.

I got into the startup life young and never really would have been able to do much without digital marketing. This is my main focus moving forward.

Right now, I’ve been developing, optimizing and applying SEO strategies and wanted to join the community after reading more about what goes on. It seems like there are a lot of like minded people here.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Hello everyone!

I recently stumbled upon this forum while browsing Reddit, and from what I've seen so far, it looks like there's a lot of insightful e-commerce discussion here. For context, I'm in the construction industry.

Two years ago, I made the decision to leave my production job, cash out my 401(k), and dive into entrepreneurship. With limited skills and resources at the time, I started my own service-based drywall construction business. Fast forward to this past summer, and I’m proud to say I grossed $250K in revenue—a big achievement, especially considering my background. I never attended college and barely made it through high school, so this feels like a personal victory.

That being said, I can’t help but wonder if my success has been more about short-term luck, thanks to landing a good contract. Honestly, the work has been grueling, and I’m mentally drained. As both the owner and operator, the workload is overwhelming. At this point, I'm seriously considering returning to a 9-to-5 job for financial stability while I reevaluate my business and plan my next steps.

I’m hoping to find some fresh inspiration here to help guide me in my next project. Thank you all in advance!
As both the owner and operator, the workload is overwhelming.
Have you, or can you, bring on laborers or more of them? Seems like then you could be owner and marketer and expand without wearing yourself out.
I certainly have the option to subcontract all of my work, but the current volume isn't enough to generate the income I need to sustain my lifestyle. As a result, I’m at a crossroads—either I need to take on a job with someone else to ensure steady income while jobs are subcontracted out, or I’ll have to work alongside my helpers/subcontractors and manage them while they earn an hourly wage - more profit but less time to work on estimates, job generation, customer relationships etc.

To bridge the gap, I'm considering starting a second service-based business to supplement my income. Right now, if I were to subcontract all of my work, I'd only make around $2,000 to $3,000 per month (depending on market conditions)
I certainly have the option to subcontract all of my work, but the current volume isn't enough to generate the income I need to sustain my lifestyle. As a result, I’m at a crossroads—either I need to take on a job with someone else to ensure steady income while jobs are subcontracted out, or I’ll have to work alongside my helpers/subcontractors and manage them while they earn an hourly wage - more profit but less time to work on estimates, job generation, customer relationships etc.

To bridge the gap, I'm considering starting a second service-based business to supplement my income. Right now, if I were to subcontract all of my work, I'd only make around $2,000 to $3,000 per month (depending on market conditions)
Starting another business doesn’t help you have more time though. If you subcontracted for even 2-3 months (with enough savings to keep you afloat) while you worked on picking up even one more contract a month, you at least have an escape trajectory.

I feel like this is the position every owner and business finds themselves in. You nearly always have to hire before financially ready in order to become financially ready. The other option is to burn the candle at both ends, never scale or hire because you can’t scale that way, and ultimately close up shop or do it forever.

Ive certainly started businesses that became nothing more than my own self-created day job. It’s tough. Ends up being a mind shift battle more than anything else.
I am a Virtual Assistant (VA) Services provider with a passion for helping businesses grow and scale efficiently. I’m excited to be part of the BS community.

I’m here to connect with other VA service experts, exchange knowledge, and explore new strategies to deliver top-notch support to clients.
Hey, my name is Robert and I came across BuSo somehow by accident. I'm a software engineer for the past ~15y, living in Germany with my family.
I was always looking into a side-hustle (which turns out is basically a full-time endeavor).

At some point I came across existing websites for sale and stepped into this journey. I do have very little web development experience and almost zero knowledge on how to monetize websites. So-far BuSu is providing a lot of free information (currently walking my way through the Digital Stategy Course), thank you for this!

Regarding my sites, both seem to work well between 2020 and 2022. As of today, the websites are still making some revenue (affiliate), but very low. The current visibility index according to Sistrix can be seen here:


(with a height of 20, now at < 1)

I hope to learn a lot and have great discussions with you guys :-)
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For several years I was doing Amazon FBA while working a job. I did okay made six figs several years but tbh I wasn't keeping up w learning about digital marketing. I'm in the process of reading the digital strategy crash course. I'm going to spend some time learning about paid ads, copy and email marketing.

I remember @CCarter from affplaybook... and wickedfire and even was chatting him up on those skype groups back in the days. I didn't even know about this forum until @eliquid dropped a link on the fastlane forums.
Hello everyone

UK based and probably older than most people on this forum - I was using the "internet" before most people even knew it existed (at the time it linked university computers together).

Work in media, mainly on the live technical operations side of sport but have always been interested by what computers can do - especially with the recent explosion n generative AI.

Looking to see how realistic it is to:

1. Automate content creation and posting (like lots of people!)
2. Use AI in my area of work both to save money and increase output.
3. Business process automation in general
4. Livestreaming / social shopping.

Feel free to ask questions if you are interested
Hello builders,

I've been fiddling around in the digital marketing space for a while now. However, 90% of that was spent reading and/or watching courses, 7% lying to myself I was applying what I was learning, and 3% actually applying it. I want to change that and I'm working on some pretty exciting stuff right now, which goes like this:

1. Perfecting my English since I'm a non-native speaker
2. Fixing my mentality (changing beliefs around money, work, etc.)
3. Starting a funnel building service - this is where the first point comes into play
4. In my free time and only as a hobby try to launch a YouTube channel

The reason I'm starting a YouTube channel is because I realized I'm wasting a ton of time when I'm not working. It's not even time spent having fun; it's just a constant search for dopamine, jumping from one Reddit thread to another, from one YouTube video to another, and many times doing these things at the same time. Once I realized that, I thought that I might just as well use that time to learn about things that interest me but don't feel like work (for instance, history around the Cold War era), script a video, and mess around with an editing software until I create something.

That's pretty much the gist of it. Looking forward to contributing here as soon as I can.
Howdy folks,

I'm here from the shores of ye olde WickedFire... anyone remember that place? :-) That's where I started with SEO/content and site-building. I remember all those great posters and the bombass 'nawledge they dropped after running crazy SEO experiments all night. Glad to see Mr. CCarter found his way here. My God, that was THE digital school for building/monetizing sites, wasn't it?

I built a shitton of sites and offered services for some of the members there. I did content and copywriting in the past, but I'm also good at graphic design, front-end, setting up websites, cybersecurity (OSINT, hardening, vulnerability testing, etc), cold email marketing (domain setup, warm-up, writing the actual copy), and honestly a ho' lot more to list here.

Basically I'm a jack-of-all-trades who really can do it all, but - as is always with our type - we can't focus on our own projects for long enough to see them to completion.

I also have some sites of my own that I have started and am building slowly - but right now priority #1 is getting some cashflow.

That's about it. Hope to post here a lot more as I get my situation settled.

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